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Mine came out of the box with 99% charged showing. After about one hour of messing around with it it dropped down to 72%. I am leaving it alone to charge on the dock until it reaches 100%. Out of the box the battery % indicator must be off.

Wi-Fi and location services on by the way. Oh, and mine came default with % meter on.
Out of the box mine was full charged and I used it for about 4.5 hours and had 68% remaining. I did turn the brightness down to about 33% instead of the 50% default. This was more than bright enough for average room light.
Watched a movie, browsing non stop, fooling around, Mail push is on. Been using the device for a god 4 hours straight and only down to 73%, VERY impressed!
Mine only came with 92% battery out of the box, which worried me a bit since others at the store were coming out with 98-99%. I charged it back up to around 99% and since have used it for around 2 1/2 to 3 hours and it is now at 70%. I'm going to wait to see how the battery does after using it for a few days, since sometimes it takes a bit for it to adjust and level off.
My son and i have been using his since it landed. About 6 hours. He has played games, i have surfed, and he has watched the Chipmunks movie. He is playing some more games now. This thing is only at 49%. Amazing considering he has not put it down.
I'm at 32% now, I think it's the games that are draining it so fast lol was surfing for awhile and it wasn't so bad but played a game for 30 minutes or so and wow big hit on the battery. Looks like I'll get about 6 hours use out of it with daily gaming and surfing. Will update after a full charge again just to be sure.
yea, if Apple didn't pull off amazing battery life, the iPad could have been a miss... good thing battery reports have overall been pretty positive!
Ipad Chip Info

Yeah but didn't engadget post that the A4 was a variant of a brand new Samsung that nobody even has yet? This thing isn't running the same thing as the 3GS right?

The IPAD chip the A4 is designed by Apples PA semi team with some help from another company Apple bought recently called Intrinsity.

Samsung only manufactures it in its FABs based on this design, samsung did not design the chip

Apples website stated below:


The A4 chip inside iPad was custom-designed by Apple engineers to be extremely powerful yet extremely power efficient. The performance is unlike anything you’ve ever seen on a touch-based device. Which makes iPad fantastic for everything from productivity apps to games. At the same time, the A4 chip is so power efficient that it helps iPad get up to 10 hours of battery life on a single charge. And iPad is available with a choice of 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of flash storage,4 giving you lots of room for your photos, movies, music, apps and more.
Blown away by the battery life already

Anyone else impressed by the battery life?

I've been using my iPad constantly since mid-afternoon browsing, playing some games, watching video, and reading some iBooks, and I'm still over 60%. I haven't changed any settings. Really impressive so far.
Both the battery life and the total lack of heating up are very, very nice.
Battery life is astounding, I have not put it down since 2pm. I am still at 40% after nearly 8 hours if continuous use.
Anyone else impressed by the battery life?

I've been using my iPad constantly since mid-afternoon browsing, playing some games, watching video, and reading some iBooks, and I'm still over 60%. I haven't changed any settings. Really impressive so far.

Yep, I'm impressed too . . . very impressed :D
Most of the time . . . Apple does it right :cool:
Been playing around with this since about 2pm (minus a trip out for dinner), and I'm only down to 70%.

Wow, Bob, wow.
Apple must have stuffed an Energizer bunny in these things because it just keeps going and going and going....
I've been using mine since 10am this morning and it still at 35% and it was at around 90% when it came out of the box.
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