The whole "we will safeguard all your data" movement is a red herring as usually the HD dies and you'll need the external backup anyway. Compound all that and the new OS actually slows you down as general known usability (Mac hallmarks since 1984) makes way for the new but they forgot to connect it somehow. So it is disjointed. Not buggy, not Anti-Pro, just tries to be so helpful it is a nag.
...I'm willing to bet 5:1 odds that virtually EVERYBODY who has been working with computers more than a couple of years has lost more than a few hours of work due to forgetting to save, or saving over the top of something they wanted.
People have better things to do than version management by hand. The computer can do it - you really don't need to be involved.
Versions are are not intended to be a backup replacement. If they were, apple would have deprecated Time Machine, and they clearly have not.
They're to cater for the "oh **** actually i want to go back to 2 hours ago" instances, or the "oh crap, my app crashed and i haven't saved all day" problems.
They also help with the OS being able to terminate apps as needed without you losing work.
"Save as a version" is no big deal?
I've been more productive with versions already, as i can go through and edit a document without needing to worry about getting back or doing version management - and mix the results of multiple different versions (cut/paste between them) to get what I want.
Version management is something that people are bad at, and computers are good at.
Some people just think they can do a better job of it, but I'm willing to bet 5:1 odds that virtually EVERYBODY who has been working with computers more than a couple of years has lost more than a few hours of work due to forgetting to save, or saving over the top of something they wanted.
Need to re-start? No need to go through and manually decide whether or not to save every document you have open.
People have better things to do than version management by hand. The computer can do it - you really don't need to be involved.
as long as is still there, it's a professional machine for my purposes.
OMG Apple is making their OS user friendly!! OH NOOOOOZZZZ The h4ck3r5 don't know what to do with themselves!!! If there isn't anything to fix on a computer its just no fun!!! How dare they!!!!
Sorry, real "professionals" use their macs for their PROFESSION...and don't want to have to fix their computer ever day!
I can't speak for everyone, but the majority of the time that I lose work it is because the program I was working with crashed.
So auto-versioning is asking me to trust the application (that crashed and lost my work) to save regular copies of my work.
I still don't trust it. If I think something is important, it is MY job to save it, not the computer's.
If I really want versioning of my work, I can use SVN and a cron job to do automated commits for me. That's a pro feature that won't be going away with Mountain Lion.
OMG Apple is making their OS user friendly!! OH NOOOOOZZZZ The h4ck3r5 don't know what to do with themselves!!! If there isn't anything to fix on a computer its just no fun!!! How dare they!!!!
Sorry, real "professionals" use their macs for their PROFESSION...and don't want to have to fix their computer ever day!
what dude? User friendly is the problem. As we progress it is getting less user friendly (of course imo). Or at least for users who have been using apple stuff for years not just because they got an iphone a few years back. It has nothing to do with fixing anything. The more you obfuscate the internals the more fixing you need anyway. It's like global warming as an analogy, it will most likely freeze the planet again, not warm it up. It results in the opposite.
What dude? User friendly is the problem. As we progress it is getting LESS user friendly (of course IMO). Or at least for users who have been using Apple stuff for years not just because they got an iPhone a few years back. It has nothing to do with fixing anything. The more you obfuscate the internals the more fixing you need anyway. It's like global warming as an analogy, it will most likely freeze the planet again, not warm it up. It results in the opposite.
I've been using Mac, Windows, Linux, and Unix for many many years...and they more friendly they get the more I like them.
I'm also 33...and have had my share of fixing buggy maybe its just that the desire to trouble shoot is gone and I just want to use the damn thing without pulling out my hair!
Mac OSX has gotten SO much better lately...And I've been using Macs for about 20 years!
I'd most likely set up a completely new HDD or SSD for Mountain Lion and reinstall my work apps on it, in an attempt to keep things as clean and separate as possible. I'm fine with holding the Option key during boot when booting the the 'work' drive. It's the "crud sprinkle" that I'm wondering about. Two physical disks should prevent that, right? If so, I can safely give 10.8 a try as my 'play' system, and if it turns out to be safe, move back to a single boot.
I am using Macs for work since 1995 and unfortunately do not share your opinion...
so besides lack of rosetta what do you dislike about lion?
In your opinion, if I could only afford one, (1) which is better at animation, (2) why is it better, (3) which runs most stably and (4) which runs well/better on Linux?
I am afraid that Apple with their Lion left us more than enough to fix...
Exactly. And that is just a small part of the problem. We have to save any changed document as a revision in our organization. Before it was easy - Save as.. Now we have to first Unlock, then Duplicate and then Save. Really "user friendly"...
Even Micro$oft did a better job with shadow copies than Apple with Versions.
I've been using Mac, Windows, Linux, and Unix for many many years...and they more friendly they get the more I like them.
I'm also 33...and have had my share of fixing buggy maybe its just that the desire to trouble shoot is gone and I just want to use the damn thing without pulling out my hair!
Mac OSX has gotten SO much better lately...And I've been using Macs for about 20 years!
If I could only pick one I'd pick Maya.
Things that worry me are Gatekeeper (future iteration of OSX will do away with certificates for non-app store products, you bet) and System update through the app store.
I am not optimistic about the MacPro's future, but I don 't see how ML screws them?
Things that worry me are Gatekeeper (future iteration of OSX will do away with certificates for non-app store products, you bet) and System update through the app store.
It is clear where Apple is headed and I'm not sure I like it.