After much thinking and reading here, I had an epiphany.
If you've followed this thread, I heartily advanced that adding a mouse would necessitate a UI redesign, because a mouse is a much more accurate pointer than a rounded, dull finger.
But, I had a conversation with a friend the other night and he is a mouse guy.
In all this talk of tablets and touchscreens, it seems I forgot a VERY old argument that only techies over 35 will even remember.
I grew up on IBM and Microsoft DOS. DOS is all command line, all keyboard.
So, for me, when they introduced the mouse, it was new. It wasn't a default Interface Device.
In 1984, when Mac OS first hit the shelves, the mouse was actually considered by some as:
- A gimmick to drive sales
- A toy for hobbyists
- Only useful for graphics (vector and static) design
- A frustrating implement that was ignored except only in those rare instances where it is actually needed.
So, I will honor the argument that the iPad needs a mouse and do a 180 for these reasons:
- I do not actually use a mouse on my Mac or the trackpad. It is used to select things sparingly.
- I am a keyboard guy. I could zip around my Mac all day long without touching the trackpad or mouse once.
- I know all the keyboard shortcuts.
- I use Page Up and Page Down
- Command Key on every Mac I have ever used wears out after about a year.
- I used to do publishing on Corel and Word. Any accents or special characters I need, I can either recall from memory or Alt-Tab to the browser, tab to the search bar, and then type out the query in Google.
- I have started paying attention to how much people use a mouse. I had no idea that those who used PCs when Mice were new are keyboard enthusiasts, and those who came to computers after the explosion in the late 90s, early 2000s are mouse users.
I find the mouse clunky and inefficient to get done what I want to get done because in my eyes it's a toy, a gimmick that will never stand up to the ultimate power of the keyboard.
And for many of us who rely on keyboard shortcuts to zip around OSes, we feel this way. The keyboard has complete mastery of the machine. A Mouse has to be found, directed, and pointed. It is inefficient to me.
To others it isn't.
They use right click (what is right click, ha?). They use Left press and drag to highlight text (Shift+Arrow Keys on keyboard). They double click (Command+O or double tap Enter). They click and drag (cut and paste for keyboard users). They click Bold, Italic, etc (Command/CTRL+B/I on keyboard).
So from my perspective, the mouse is actually useless.
I am sorry that my derision of the secondary input device known as the mouse came off as dripping with condescension. It is. Always will be. But I am a tiny minority these days and people have feelings and the age old argument between mouse and keyboard users died 15 years ago.