I've still got a whole load of albums that aren't showing artwork that was (and still is) embedded in the files. My computer crashed while it was initially importing the library. Does anyone have any suggestions? Can you rebuild the artwork database, or force Music to reload from individual files?
Did you ever get this sorted? See my post directly above.
I know that I can option click upon opening and point Music to an old iTunes library instead of the Music library. This works pretty well and brings in the artwork, but there are two reasons I can't use this:
1) I made extensive library updates (song tags/album art/etc) AFTER updating my old machine to Catalina in an effort to get everythig updated to Catalina and then cleaned up before what should've been a flawless transfer to the new machine.
2) I shouldn't have to point Music to an iTunes library when the whole point of the Music library is to get away from iTunes.
Because of these reasons, I MUST get the Catalina Music library to work as the iTunes one is horribly outdated and regressive now.
Also, my machine never processes artwork but for 30-60 seconds, then stops, and no artwork appears. Not like others here who have artwork process slowly but eventually show up.