First of all, thanks for the support everyone! You are all very kind!
Wow, the stain is gorgeous! Looks fabulous. Fascinating how all the latecomers to this thread keep reminding you that you won't be able to put this desk against a wall.
It would take a strange sort of person to be capable of building this desk and not realize that it wouldn't work to place it against a wall
Hahaha, yeah, I was wondering if someone else was noticing that!
The secret drawer is actually looking a little small, but I trust you measured to ensure that everything will fit....
Well, yes and no... I did measure, and I do still think it is going to work perfectly but two things... First, the surge protector is about twice as deep as I thought it was. I don't know if I read wrong or what, but that was a bit of a surprise. The other thing is that There was only so much room. If you commit to making the hidden drawer the same width as the front/center drawer (24") as I did want to keep it symmetrical. So, the only way you can make it larger is by depth. I thought I found a pretty good happy/medium by making the front/center drawer 10" deep, and the back drawer 22" deep. This left about 2" in the middle of the two... and I didn't want to cut it any closer than that.
36" is actually quite deep for a desk, and I think really that I made the drawer about a perfect size. If I position everything correctly, I think it will fit just fine. The only thing that I underestimated was the length and amount of cords that each item has. It doesn't seem so long when its stretched across your desk and behind to an outlet, but when its wrapped up in a drawer, it looks way bigger. Look at my initial drawing and you'll see that I did not plan for this at all.
It will still work fine, just won't look quite as clean as before... no big deal though. The TOP of the desk is what I REALLY want to keep uncluttered!
Uhh, hope im not asking of much, good you send one of those in L desk form?
jk, looks great, make a 360º of it with the imac on it
Ha! No problem man, send me your address and I'll send you a bill.

I'll try and get some good pics of it when its all setup and everything. The only thing that bites is that I don't have the den 100% complete either. Still needs some crown molding and some lighting improvements... but its getting there. You'll get the idea.