Hey guys! I'm back...
Sorry it has been so long, but It has been a very crazy week with the desk. I started adding layers of finish-coat lacquer and it didn't turn out quite as planned.
Lacquer is the clear coat that goes over the stain which protects the wood and really makes the wood "pop!" Problem is... when I applied the lacquer in my garage we had a cold front move in and the temperature of the garage went down way to fast. Because of this, I didn't get a good coating. It didn't spread well, it kind of just clumped to itself leaving thick spots and thin spots. Unfortunately, since I had never applied a clear coat before and because my 'teacher' wan't working with me further since I had the desk at home, I didn't realize that this would cause the rest of the coats to be bad as well regardless of temperature, I ended up putting about 5 coats on before I realized I couldn't fix the problem.
Needless to say... It is a bit frustrating when you're expecting to start using the desk one day, and a 2 weeks later you're no closer to being done! But, it gets worse. I tried to think of a way to get the lacquer off of the desk, and settled on using a lacquer thinner chemical, which worked brilliantly. It all came off perfectly, but I had some stain spots to patch before I added lacquer again. I stained the spots, wiped them clean, let it dry over night, and then started applying the second attempt at lacquer.
Unfortunately though, this time I must not have gotten all of the stain wiped off or the thinner had loosened it up a bit, because when I started applying the lacquer, the stain from below started to mix with the lacquer (an effect kind of like oil/water mixed... and obviously the second attempt was equally as doomed as the first.
So, here I sit now in the exact same spot I was almost 2 weeks ago. A stained table with no clear-coat. I am convinced that 'finishing' is the hardest part of woodworking now. It is so finicky!
Anyway, I am considering moving forward with a few different options. First, is a polyurethane aerosol spray. This will hopefully be easier to get even than the brush on lacquer, but it also won't be nearly as thick and nearly as protective. I am also not sure I can get a consistent coating with the little can.
The second option is something that I found on the internet called
'Mirror Coat' which is used as the surface for lots of different bars. Its a very durable material, and you use a torch to smooth the surface, so that is cool! Check out the link and tell me what you think... I am at my whit's end!