Alright guys... I've been debating whether or not to post these here or not...
Currently, the project is at about the same spot it was 3 weeks ago. The desk still isn't completely stripped... and frankly, I don't know how long it is going to take for me to finish. Now that Summer has begun, I and the guy helping me are very busy. I have faith that it will be done within a month at most, but I don't want you guys to have to wait that long to see the final result.
Luckily, or unluckily I guess... depending on how much it ruins my sanity, I took a few photos of the desk in it's 'new home' before I stripped it down for the 2nd time. I just had to... I had to see what it would look like with the computer on it, in the room, and just see what I had to look forward to when I was done. So, I had my wife help me carry the desk in from the garage and we set it all up together. It was great, I used it for one night, took a few photos just in case, and then took it to get stripped the next day.
Anyway, since I am sure many of you (22,000 and some odd views later) are sick of clicking and checking clicking and checking to see if I had made any progress... I thought I would at least post these photos for you so you could see what it WILL look like when I finish and start to use it.
Looking over the computer, into the Dining Room.
Enjoying my first brew in my Den while streaming iTunes music to the stereo behind me on the bookshelves. Nice. (It can also stream to the living room to the AppleTV. Double nice.)
From the front, showing the hidden drawer and poor clear-coat quality. Sorry about the hanging cord and mess in the room... I didn't get it all looking nice since it would be a limited engagement.

By the way, the cord will be run along the desk and down the leg. I will make it very inconspicuous, eventually.
Hope you enjoyed these... and sorry for not posting them earlier! I thought I could get it all completed, everything 100% done in much less time... but when I have to drive so far to work on it, it just doesn't happen as much as it should. I'd love to answer any questions or hear any comments! Thanks for all the support guys... It's really been great.
Things left to do:
- Finish Stripping
- Sand
- Stain
- Reapply Clear Coat
- Transport Home
- Fill Hidden Drawer
- Run Cords
- Install Leather Insert for Hidden Drawer
- Find Protective (Leather?) Top for Wrist Area
- Install Drawer Pulls
- Find Matching Chair