Any news/updates on the progress fivepoint? I know that you gave us the teaser photos a few weeks back, but I can't wait until the truly finished photos with it being set up. This has been a great thread with and looks to be a truly fun and amazing project, I give you major props for doing it yourself.
No, no updates yet. However, I do share your enthusiasm for finishing the project. For all this time I've had a half-empty 'den' with a card table for a desk. Believe me, I am as anxious as you are to finish.

Unfortunately, with the flooding and storms in Iowa, and other family things, I (and the guy who's shop I'm using) have been VERY busy. Sandbagging, by the way, if you've never done it, isn't the most fun thing in the world.
Next week, I plan on going out to the shop atleast 2 nights and putting some hours in. I've got to put one more coat of stripper on, then do some sanding, and then its back to the stain and clear-coat! Exciting! I will post pictures as soon as I have them, assuming I remember to take them.
In the mean time, since I brought up the Iowa storms earlier, I thought I would post this picture for you. It is an absolutely beautiful photo of a funnel cloud near Orchard, IA. You may have seen it in any number of national news sources (it was picked up by the AP) but the interesting part (at least from my perspective) is that the photo was actually taken about 1 mile from my parent's house in Northern Iowa... by our neighbor Lori Mehmen. My parents got many of their own photos, and some video, but none that matched the beauty of hers. I think a bolt of lightning must have hit just as the photo was taken, or there was some sun streaming through the clouds or something... because the rest of the pictures (even Lori's) were very dark. Perfect timing, apparently.