I think it's pretty awesome, but for the time that you spent on it you could of added a lot more cool stuff, drink ditch, apple remote holder, tv remote dock.
although i must say it does look beeeeautiful
Drink Ditch?
The remote holder idea I like... I may implement this somehow in the middle drawer (by my belly) with a piece of leather or something... Shouldn't be hard to rig up... and it would be great to always have somewhere to look for that dang tiny remote!
I-owa you another compliment!
How much and do you ship to Maine?!?!
I-owa. Very nice!
Like I said to someone earlier... I don't think you'd like the price I'd have to ask from you. Especially if you wanted this one. I have a pretty strong attachment to it right now, as you can imagine.
i have to say you have quite a stimulating project on your hands, makes me want to get back to the basics instead of paying out the butt for furniture that was made is a sweatshop.
To tell you the truth, outside of the finishing snafu, it was an incredible experience! I've never done anything quite like it. It was good to build something with my bare hands and be able to stand back and say "I build that." Very cool.
Did you embed any USB ports inside the hidden drawer (excuse me if you have already mentioned it)? I was thinking about modifying my desk to do just that. Additional USB ports would serve as an excellent iPhone/iPod docking station.
I guess I don't really understand the value in this. I will probably at some point have a USB splitter in the drawer, but since the drawer is already hidden, what would be the motivation behind "embedded" ones?
I have to say congrats on the progress you've made so far and major credit for making it a DIY project (the room too). They are always more fun and feel more rewarding in the long run. One question though, looking back at this, is there any major thing that you would have done different (design, ect.), besides the problem that through you off big time?
You know, I haven't used it really yet, but at this point, I don't think there is a single thing that I would change about the design. It's perfectly minimalistic yet classy/homey. I think it is very rich, without being frilly. I think if I could have found a way to make the hidden drawer a bit deeper I would have. I don't think my camera dock and camera are doing to be able to stand straight up in it. But other than that, as of now I am 100% happy with it.
And yes, I wouldn't have tried to clear-coat it myself. I should have left that up to a professional. Big mistake.
WOW. Great job.
think you will build something else for your house?
I'd really like to, and my wife would like that even more. I think she likes this 'rugged man furniture building' side of me.

I don't know what would be next... maybe some night-stands for my bedroom or an entryway bench or something like that. I have access to the facilities, so I might as well give it a try!
Pop-outs are neat, but really, they should be counter-sunk.
Sorry, just me.
Some pics make the desk top look like leather.
Good job.
I see what you're saying about counter-sinking the grommet, but it was so large, I don't know if I would have dared going any larger without chipping the wood, etc. I think it looks really quite nice above the surface, and I would be concerned about going to deep on one side and not deep on another if I did counter-sink it. This way just removed any chance for inconsistencies. But, yes, I could definitely see doing it that way as well!
As for the finish... I think you're right about the 'leather' look. I was trying to explain it to someone a few minutes ago and it was hard... all I can say is that is is glossy, but not. Matte, but not. Soft, but very hard. I am very impressed with it to say the least. I am glad it's not a mirror finish because finger prints, small imperfections, etc. show up so easily and I'm glad it's not dull, because the wood is so beautiful that it deserves a nice finish. Overall, I am VERY happy with the result. I wish you could all touch it!
*Hold on while I pick my jaw up from the floor*
*Okay, that's better*
Holy crap!! That looks freaking amazing. That better be staying in the family for a long, long time!!
Hahaha! Thanks so much for your kind words! It has been so great to get the motivation and support from you guys during this process. It lifted my spirits a little. Thank you.
I sincerely hope it does stay in the family for a long time. Luckily, I think the minimalistic design helps make it a bit more timeless. No patterns or frilly edges to date it. Thanks for your comments.