awesome! what does the temperature feel like in the drawer?
more pics!
Good question. The temp in the drawer has actually stayed remarkably low! I intend to get a thermometer on it eventually, do some handbrake work and see how high it will get with both HDs going at full-bore, but as of now... from what I've sen so far, the space between the drawer sides and the (bottom of the top) of the desk seems to be more than sufficient to keep adequate airflow in the drawer. This is good news, and quite a relief! I am very impressed with the drawer so far. The other cool thing is that since I used heavy-duty full-extension drawer slides, I could put over 100lbs of stuff in that drawer without worrying about the thing failing.
The desk looks brilliant! I've followed since Week Two.
Re: Cords - Power and one USB to a concealed hub.
I see what you mean about the cords, but something you're not considering is the fact that the keboard has its own cord, and that I have my HDs running via Firewire 800.
The miminum I could do is 1 for the keyboard (not going to the drawer obviously), the power cord, a USB 2 cord going to a USB splitter in the drawer, and 1 FW800 cord going to 1HD and daisychaining the second drive off of that one via FW 400.
The minimum I could have is 4 cords. But, I may consider wrapping them in one of those coiled cord cover-up things... but I would just need to find a white one! If anybody knows where I could find one, please send the link in a PM to me.
Looks good so far! Is that just a apple sticker on something? or what is that apple thing in there?
It's just an Apple sticker. That's an old 160GB FW400 and USB 2.0 G Drive by G-Tech.
I think his lips are permanently planted on the desk, 24/7.
After all the heart-ache.
No time for pictures, fully loaded.
I know many of you are waiting for picture of the complete setup! iJohn, you are partially right... I have been pretty busying just enjoying the new desk, but that is no excuse. I will try and get photos posted ASAP. I wanted to make it PERFECT by having the cords all joined together, and the room finished, etc. but I'll take the best photo I can right now. Some of the room things like the tiled fireplace and crown molding aren't going to happen right away anyway.
I am very glad you guys like how it has turned out! What a rewarding experience. I think the only person that likes it more than I do, is my wife! She was VERY impressed.