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That is the best looking desk I've ever laid eyes upon. I remember I first discovered this thread when I was on vacation in Sarasota surfing MR on my PowerBook by the pool and I knew I had to follow it. A lot has changed since then, and this has come full circle. It looks absolutely fantastic. Everything from the drawer pulls (which yes, I do love), to the hidden drawers, to the beautiful color of the stain. It's just perfection.

Absolutely fantastic work and I hope you get years of enjoyment out of your hard work and dedication.


It seems as if you build it with custom space specifically for THAT amount of tapes.... What if you need to add more video tapes to the drawer?
I would guess some/all of these tapes represent a work-in-progress.

When done, they are archived somewhere else to make room for the next project.
I think you have a drinking problem...j/k.

Desk came out great. I enjoyed following the thread. Thanks for sharing.
It's been amazing following the progress on this desk, and I have to say, it looks superb. Congrats! :)

Are you serious? Woodworking forums? Could I ask which one? Could you post a link? Wow. I feel embarrassed a little...
More soon.

Hello again fivepoint. Thanks for posting the final pictures for all of us to enjoy. It turned out great. I like your hidden drawer idea. I also liked the staging of the corona with lime in one of the pictures. There is no need to be embarrassed. This was a very agressive first woodworking project and you did a fine job.

Here is just one link I found with a quick search from another forum discussing your desk.

Also, If you are interested there is a guy with a video blog making a gadget station. His woodworking videos are very interesting, funny and informative to watch. Check it out. As a note this is not my website and I have no affiliation with it other than I visit there to watch the videos etc.

And Finally, to all of you imac posters that kept saying "I want one". There are plenty of local craftsmen that could easily make one of these for you. Find one and go for it. It won't be as cheap as ikea but it will be a whole lot nicer looking and certainly last a lot longer.
Never posted in this thread before, I preferred to just let it develop without me. I have to say that looks amazing; I wish I had enough room for a nice spacious desk like that in my room. Unfortunately, my bedroom is under the eves of my house and has some very odd angles.
fivepoint, why did you decide to put the computer at an angle instead of aligned directly infront of you?

i konw i like to use mine directly in front and to me is more "classy" and "minimalistic"

but either way, the desk is so awesome. You could sell it for killer money :cool:
I've been following this thread since the beginning, and have to say, you've done a bloody fantastic job!

Next year I was going to make a Bass Guitar for my Product Design course, but now I think that might have to change, I need one of these!

And, well done. It takes real dedication to persevere and complete this project, and perhaps a lesser man would have given up at the first sign of trouble.

That is the best looking desk I've ever laid eyes upon. I remember I first discovered this thread when I was on vacation in Sarasota surfing MR on my PowerBook by the pool and I knew I had to follow it. A lot has changed since then, and this has come full circle. It looks absolutely fantastic. Everything from the drawer pulls (which yes, I do love), to the hidden drawers, to the beautiful color of the stain. It's just perfection.

Absolutely fantastic work and I hope you get years of enjoyment out of your hard work and dedication.


Thank you! It is really enjoyable for me to go back an look at the original pictures and posts from the first 1 or 2 pages as well. Makes we wonder how I ever did it all! But now that I have, I am very happy. What a great experience.

It seems as if you build it with custom space specifically for THAT amount of tapes.... What if you need to add more video tapes to the drawer?

I would guess some/all of these tapes represent a work-in-progress.

When done, they are archived somewhere else to make room for the next project.

Forgive a goofy question, but are those Audio Cassette tapes, or tape backup drive tapes? I didn't know anyone used Backup drive tape anymore.

iJohnHenry, you are 100% correct. These are video tapes from different camcorders. They represent a large collection of home movies which I am trying to import into digital files. I'd like to permanently store them in digital form, organized in iMovie '08, if possible. Those tapes will stay in the drawer, organized, until I can go through all of them... at which point they will be put into a closet somewhere.

Hello again fivepoint. Thanks for posting the final pictures for all of us to enjoy. It turned out great. I like your hidden drawer idea. I also liked the staging of the corona with lime in one of the pictures. There is no need to be embarrassed. This was a very agressive first woodworking project and you did a fine job.

Here is just one link I found with a quick search from another forum discussing your desk.

Wow, that is so cool. Neat to know that the project has found it's way into other parts of the web. I appreciate you taking the time to create a profile, make a post, and congratulate me. Thanks for the support!

fivepoint, why did you decide to put the computer at an angle instead of aligned directly infront of you?

i konw i like to use mine directly in front and to me is more "classy" and "minimalistic"

but either way, the desk is so awesome. You could sell it for killer money :cool:

I tend to agree... It was my wife's idea, and it is ok for now. I can see into the other room easier this way, but I think it might end up back in the middle. I was also not a proponent of moving the desk up against one of the walls, but for now, with the furniture we have, it made a lot of sense. The room seems much bigger with it set up this way.

I've been following this thread since the beginning, and have to say, you've done a bloody fantastic job!

Next year I was going to make a Bass Guitar for my Product Design course, but now I think that might have to change, I need one of these!

And, well done. It takes real dedication to persevere and complete this project, and perhaps a lesser man would have given up at the first sign of trouble.


I am glad that this project has motivated you! I must say, it is definitely worth the time/effort. If you have the opportunity to use nice facilities, definitely do it. I am very happy that I did.
It turned out very nicely. I hope you're sincerely proud of yourself for this accomplishment. I'd pay between 1 and 2k for a custom built computer desk, and since I live fairly nearby, would pick up rather than worry about shipping.

The innovation you used to make your desk suit your needs is brilliant, and I wish there were manufacturers who took such details (or at least options) into consideration. I've been in pursuit of the ultimate desk for years now, so if you're ever interested in building for a client, let me know.
This is VERY inspirational to me, as I have been planning on making one for a long while now. I guess I just had to see that it's possible for an average Joe to actually do it and do it well.

I was wondering (and you can private message me) how much materials cost. I'm sorry if I have missed that post in the thread if it has been posted already, but I'm just curious.

Anyway, congrats on finishing it! It looks better than the junk I'm finding at Staples :p
Amazing job, man. That's a true Mac desk if I ever saw one. Elegant, sleek, and minimalist, but with all the features that you need to do your work with. I just bought myself a new desk for grad school, but once I finish, I'm going to make a point to build my own desk. Thanks for the inspiration, man!
Quality product! I'd buy one if I could. Heck, I'd buy something close but I've yet to find one. :(
That is one beautiful piece of furniture, well done man! :)

I too would like to offer my congratulations :) Good job! Well persevered!

Nice........ congratulations on excellent work! :D

Thanks, guys!

It turned out very nicely. I hope you're sincerely proud of yourself for this accomplishment. I'd pay between 1 and 2k for a custom built computer desk, and since I live fairly nearby, would pick up rather than worry about shipping.

The innovation you used to make your desk suit your needs is brilliant, and I wish there were manufacturers who took such details (or at least options) into consideration. I've been in pursuit of the ultimate desk for years now, so if you're ever interested in building for a client, let me know.

I'll PM you sometime soon.

This is VERY inspirational to me, as I have been planning on making one for a long while now. I guess I just had to see that it's possible for an average Joe to actually do it and do it well.

I was wondering (and you can private message me) how much materials cost. I'm sorry if I have missed that post in the thread if it has been posted already, but I'm just curious.

Anyway, congrats on finishing it! It looks better than the junk I'm finding at Staples :p

You wouldn't believe how heavy the thing is. You can pick it up however you want to, there is no bowing, no movement whatsoever. Solid as a rock! I think I stated earlier that the materials were probably around $200. Maybe $250 or as high as $300. It all depends on how you build it. If you used cheaper stock and hardware (drawer slides) you could easily spend 30-40% less. The real "expense" is in the time it takes to build.

Amazing job, man. That's a true Mac desk if I ever saw one. Elegant, sleek, and minimalist, but with all the features that you need to do your work with. I just bought myself a new desk for grad school, but once I finish, I'm going to make a point to build my own desk. Thanks for the inspiration, man!

Thanks! I thought so too when I was designing it. I didn't want huge drawers on each side and a big gawdy fancy looking thing. I wanted the desk deign to compliment the computer, and I think it accomplished just that! I am very glad I motivated you to do something similar. If I can give any advice its to listen to those experienced people around you, take your time, plan it all out ahead of time (but be flexible to change) and to just have fun with it! If you think of it as wasting/spending time instead of having fun, and doing it because you want to, then it won't work out.

Quality product! I'd buy one if I could. Heck, I'd buy something close but I've yet to find one. :(

The problem would be cost. You can't find stuff like this at your Ikea, or even your local furniture store for that matter, because it can't be built cheap enough for the masses to afford. You have to either build it yourself or be prepared to pay for the quality at a place that makes handmade furniture. It is going to probably cost you upwards of $1500 - $2000 if you were buying something like this (or so I've been told by several individuals). You can't compare this to something cheap out of a magazine or retail store. Personally, I can't afford to spend that much on furniture, so my options were limited. Take poor quality, or build myself. I thought it would be fun, so gave it a shot. But many people can afford it, and want to pay for quality product.

Thanks to everyone for following the thread! It really made the whole process a lot more fun to have people right along with me, cheering me on!
So 4 months on and look what you've achieved, I bet your bloody pleased!

I've had this idea in my head for a few months and Ive decided I'm going to design a similar product to this (as in the concept of it) for my A2 level product design.

I'm going to make a white, ultra modern look with items like a keyboard built in so when not in use it will look very clean and simple.

Sadly I don't have a mac as funds wont allow, the only apple product i have is a new iPod. But hopefully when the desk is complete I will be able to buy a brand new Mac for myself as a gift before i go uni.

Anyway just like to say well done on a very strong desk, in terms of design.
Your the ONLY person on the internet that seems to have done this well.
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