Data doesn't lie: 3-m&q=ipad
From announcement of this ipad to anyone (at least in Hong Kong) can easily walk in Apple Store just pick any model without any queue, the number of people search for "ipad" doesn't raise at all comparing to what it used to be.
This is an example of how a "exciting" product comes out look like in Google trend: 3-m&q=/m/0hnbsn3
How rapidly? How many units have sold so far? Ohhhhhhh right you're clueless about actual facts and just spewing nonsense.
My google trend links have clearly show that this new ipad hasn't brought up any spark at all. Basically only the announcement day has little bit search number more than normal daily search, then even the second day is already within the normal search number. Look at the "Samsung Galaxy" search, recent search number is around 300% of normal daily number.
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