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Screen flickering is not a problem. It the way led looks on white backgrounds. My MBP did the same thing. I think people are just being too anal and think they are seeing problems that don't exist.

And I think you just returned the c2d so u could get the i5 ;-)

Sure. And I'm sure the screen blacking out is completely normal too. Have you seen the video of this? Trust me. It's not normal.

Anyway, the computer is awesome otherwise and getting an i5 is a nice bonus. I'm crossing my fingers....
If it is heat, I suggest installing a fan control application I suggest "iMac fan control" (google it) I turn the upper temp threshold to 149° (F) which will cut about 20° (F) off normal use. I also use click to flash to watch youtube videos in H.264 which cuts out another 20° F (they also load faster) So right now while surfing macrumors my CPU temp is at 91° F and while watching youtube is at about 99° F.
Sure. And I'm sure the screen blacking out is completely normal too. Have you seen the video of this? Trust me. It's not normal.

Anyway, the computer is awesome otherwise and getting an i5 is a nice bonus. I'm crossing my fingers....

guess i haven't seen the video of it then. My 21.5 iMac runs perfectly, no problems to report whatsoever. So clearly it's not a problem with all of them. This DO NOT BUY advice is horrible.
guess i haven't seen the video of it then. My 21.5 iMac runs perfectly, no problems to report whatsoever. So clearly it's not a problem with all of them. This DO NOT BUY advice is horrible.

I couldn't agree more! 99% or posts or reviews are negative. Most people who are happy with there product never mention anything about it. It's only when people are mad that they voice their discontent. Which is unfortunate. I feel for the people who have been affected by what are apparently some manufacturing issues in a very small percentage of the units shipped, but i do not believe in anyway that it is cause enough to say " woah, hold the horses don't buy one of those, they are all broken" In 2006 when I bought my first iMac and brought it home and plugged it in, I had non stop kernal panics. I returned it got a new one which worked fine. I certainly believe that the people who are having problems aren't making these things up, but I think that it isn't really that big of a deal, if you are are unhappy ( as i was in 2006) just return it and get a new one, that's what return policies are for. I just hope these people are able to find solutions for there problems or get new machine and in the meantime I hope people aren't dissuaded from picking up one of these great new imacs...

oh and I'm typing this on the new 27inch imac which is working great and I love.
Operational wise they do just work - better than PCs

That doesn't mean they aren't subject to manufacturing defects
now and then.
Well, there have been things I've bought first rev of that worked and some didn't. Some things I've bought 2nd or 3rd rev of worked and some didn't.

Bought 1st rev of MBA a year and a half ago - never a single problem - my issue is that it's just too underpowered for what I want to do --- not an issue with it at all it works as it should, I just didn't think my purchase through before I did it :) - bought a 2nd rev of Airport Express, thing was junk - threw it out and got a second one of the same rev and it worked fine. Manufacturing defects can happen any time, but I would agree they tend to happen more in a first rev than future revs.

After taking delivery of the 497th of a particular car that came off the assembly line and had $60K worth of warranty work in 2 years, I swore I would never buy a 1st model year car. My wife promptly went out and bought a 1st model year of a car and 2 years later hasn't been in the shop except to change her oil - so maybe it's buying German vs. Japanese 1st model year...

I guess my point is, I understand the hesitancy with purchasing a rev 1 product that people are complaining about (although, I think 15 or 20 people out of the thousands that have them probably isn't a statistically relevant sample) - heck I like my new iMac so much, I just ordered another and when they finally decide to give me a ship date and I can set it up, I'll let you all know if that performs as well as the one I'm on now.

Best of luck to all - hope you get a good one for those of you taking the plunge.
I uploaded a clip I shot with my iPhone of the computer acting up. The clip is of my 27" iMac trying to run a simple 30 second 720p mp4 file and nothing else. This is just a example of how slow the computer gets after a short time.

Based on that video I think it is either a CPU or GPU problem. You should go to the genius bar ASAP to have them give you a logic board checkup.
I thought people bought macs to avoid all the headaches of PCs and because they just work?

The other thing to consider is that many (but not all) people buy Apple products for the complete "experience" - the design, operation, etc - the whole package. For these people (and I count myself as one of them), I think that any imperfection stands out more than it would on a non-Apple product. I remember back when I had a Sony Vaio putting up with the silver rubbing off of the track pad and being ok with it (well... not freaking out over it). My Toshiba tablet PC required constant re-calibration and I thought nothing of it. But my Mac? I've come to expect near perfection from it. They've raised the bar and any flaws really jump out at you.
This is just a warning to anyone out there thinking about buying a new iMac released last week. DO NOT BUY ONE YET. I received my base model 27" iMac last friday and since day one have had issues with severe slowdown in the system to the point where a 5 year old G5 iMac is faster than this new one.

Have similar problems with my macbook air. In my case, if I open up the Activity Monitor to see what processes are running, a random background process is consuming 130-160% of the ram on two processors and the whole things slows down.

Even with patches/updates this has never really gone away for me....

I am having problems with my new 27inch iMac to. After leaving it on for about 10hrs it starts slowing down so much I am unable to use it! :mad: Restarting seems to fix it and then it is ok for another 10 or so hours. I am thinking of trying to get a refund but im not dont know if they will refund me or just offer me a replacement? I would like a refund because I think this will only happen again to the new one. Have any of you guys had any experience with returning goods to a apple store in the UK ?

I am having problems with my new 27inch iMac to. After leaving it on for about 10hrs it starts slowing down so much I am unable to use it! :mad: Restarting seems to fix it and then it is ok for another 10 or so hours. I am thinking of trying to get a refund but im not dont know if they will refund me or just offer me a replacement? I would like a refund because I think this will only happen again to the new one. Have any of you guys had any experience with returning goods to a apple store in the UK ?

Possibly a memory leak? This seems to be down to software or the OS rather than hardware, but I am not sure.
I am more happy now with my 3.06 24" iMac.

Sorry guys, but Apple always screws the first patch for some reason.

In few months, they will bring these machines with blu-ray to screw you even more!!! Just how they screwed the people who bought the 15" UB MBP 3 times in one year :eek:
I just typed a two page letter to Steve Jobs
and sent it out today.

This, to me, is a pretty weird step to take. On an extreme level, its like writing to Colonel Sanders because you dont think your KFC will taste nice.
To be honest OP I am surprised you did not return the second unit. before you sold your 24". Honestly I thought this thread was going to be someone doing something stupid, and then not doing a good job troubleshooting. After reading, I do know the OP did a rather thorough job. problems are expected on new products, but for what you said and for the videos posted I must say I am surprised that you kept the computer, and are planning on using it AS IS until a fix. Personally I would have been all to happy to return the unit and go back to business with the older one.
This, to me, is a pretty weird step to take. On an extreme level, its like writing to Kernel Sanders because you dont think your KFC will taste nice.

Again, read my entire post on page one
before taking things out of context.

My letter was not mainly about my computer
that I did not receive yet.

Of course, I understand that the notiion of
writing a letter to the CEO is perfect fodder
for this forum. So be it. Trying to help all of
us in the long run.
I can't help but to think that screen flickering problems are caused by the new firmware for the 46xx ATI cards, It sounds to me as if the problems are primarily concerning the 27" iMac which just happen to use the ATI 4670
Do anybody with a 21,5" experience any screen flickering ?
If not, then I think this is down to software issues, as far as I remember, the 24" iMacs with the ATI 4850 also had problems with the screen flickering, but it was corrected with firmware updates. Remember it is new firmware, and it is almost always bugged.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I would like to know as I've ordered an 27" i7 iMac.
Since I recently ordered an i5, I went to the Apple Support Page to find out more about this. A person there posted, "Just spoke with apple support. The word is that it is an issue with the graphics card. They've escalated the issue and hopefully a software update is forthcoming." I feel a little more hopeful that this issue will be resolved before the November shipping of the quad cores.
Since I recently ordered an i5, I went to the Apple Support Page to find out more about this. A person there posted, "Just spoke with apple support. The word is that it is an issue with the graphics card. They've escalated the issue and hopefully a software update is forthcoming." I feel a little more hopeful that this issue will be resolved before the November shipping of the quad cores.

They've escalated the issue? I would almost be prepared to believe that. 'Evaluated' maybe.
Since I recently ordered an i5, I went to the Apple Support Page to find out more about this. A person there posted, "Just spoke with apple support. The word is that it is an issue with the graphics card. They've escalated the issue and hopefully a software update is forthcoming." I feel a little more hopeful that this issue will be resolved before the November shipping of the quad cores.

That is good news, at least it is something that can be fixed and hopefully not related to hardware being faulty, I expect both the slow downs and the display problems will be fixed at the same time... I pray before my i7 arrives though :)
Since I recently ordered an i5, I went to the Apple Support Page to find out more about this. A person there posted, "Just spoke with apple support. The word is that it is an issue with the graphics card. They've escalated the issue and hopefully a software update is forthcoming." I feel a little more hopeful that this issue will be resolved before the November shipping of the quad cores.

Excellent news! Once Apple acknowledges the problem, they are pretty good about fixing it.
Playing around with the new 27" iMac with Radeon 4670 at the local Best Buy.

I tried watching a Hulu episode.. horrible stuttering and skipping. Decided to try a apple trailer, The Wolfman at 1080p. Was okay at first, but half way through the trailer it started having horrible stuttering and skipping too.

Looking around online I have been hearing that its a really bad memory leak with the Radeon 4670 drivers. Hopefully it will be with the 10.6.2 update, but if not a week or two later.
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