I just typed a two page letter to Steve Jobs
and sent it out today.
Now, I am not naive enought to think that he
will receive or read it personally but I think the
letter will garner some attention and make a point.
I have a 27" i7 iMac on preorder and for the past
few days have been very concerned with the
issues being reported with these new computers.
Meanwhile, one of my best friends awoke to find
his TimeCapsule fried after 18 months use. Further
investigation on this forum and across the net shows
there are a pandemic of people experiencing bricked
TimeCapsules at about the same time. There is
even an entire website dedicated to the mourning
of users of TimeCapsule with links to contact Apple.
In my letter I pointed out my concerns of slipping
quality control within the company over the past
year or so. It isn't right that people are plopping
down good money and getting defective equipment.
For the longest period of time, Apple had a reputation
about putting out reliable electronics. Essentially,
you paid more for an Apple but you got quality goods.
I am hoping that my letter reaches Steve's inner
circle -- but even if that is hoping too much, it
should garner the attention of someone there to
start looking into these problems and taking care
of those of you who have faulty equipment and
now need to know what the next step is towards
getting it repaired or fixed.
Frankly, this is just disturbing to read these
complaints. Not something any of us who have
these computers on order need to hear.
Will keep you posted if I get a response -- probably
not before November 3rd at the earliest.