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I wouldn't buy the first version of any apple computer. Time after time, apple releases a new model before the holidays, and then releases newer models the next month with better specifications at the same price. That is when to buy.

Nonsense. Apple never releases a new model one month and then another new replacement model the next month. Updates are at least around six months apart.

UNLESS you mean that they release "fixed" models a month later, in which case that happens with anything new. The first version ALWAYS has a few bugs - be it computers, software, cars, TVs, etc., etc.
By the same token, just because you haven't experienced any problems, it doesn't mean that they don't exist.

The Op and a few others that have posted on this thread have, myself included, so it is an issue for those effected, although it is not a whole Apple quality gone to hell in a hand basket issue either.

I should make myself clear.

It's perfectly FINE to report problems. However to make problems sound larger than they sound such as making a thread title as "DO NOT BUY" is a little overboard.

Let's be fair...with the amount of issue vs the amount of goodies that Mac delivers, it's still not a bad deal. They've brought alot to the plate with this iMac, give them some time to iron it out. There's no need to escalate this to Steve Jobs or any non sense like that - regardless whether they'll end up reading it or not.

Hope that clears my point of view! At the same time, if there's something that other iMac users experiences and I can help out by trying to replicate it...let me know. I am more than happy to help the community (and the apple users).
Of course the DO NOT BUY was reactionary and a bit juvenile, but these forums are a good place for people to get advice on the problems they are experiencing.

There is another thread on the Apple Forum so some people are experiencing problems which is very frustrating. There are also some helpful suggestions for fixes whcih I will try when I get home.
Nonsense. Apple never releases a new model one month and then another new replacement model the next month. Updates are at least around six months apart.

UNLESS you mean that they release "fixed" models a month later, in which case that happens with anything new. The first version ALWAYS has a few bugs - be it computers, software, cars, TVs, etc., etc.

Apple releases products every 6-8 months for there computers. It's always during the Spring season or Fall season. They won't release any new product within the first couple months. They do offer updates through Software Updates.
I asked employees at the apple retail store about the flickering and they told me that there has not been any complaints.
This topic is so full of fail.

O.P. If your iMac is faulty, as it appears it may be take it to your nearest Apple store and get it fixed or exchanged. Don't whine and make ridiculous thread topics like .... 'DO NOT BUY'.... :rolleyes:

I've talked to a local reseller and out of all the 27" iMac's they've sold. 0 have been returned with faults!
This topic is so full of fail.

O.P. If your iMac is faulty, as it appears it may be take it to your nearest Apple store and get it fixed or exchanged. Don't whine and make ridiculous thread topics like .... 'DO NOT BUY'....:rolleyes:

I've talked to a local reseller and out of all the 27" iMac's they've sold. 0 have been returned with faults!

That would be interesting if that person also told you how many were sold, how many were faulty and you knew whether the person you talked to was honest. Oh wait, no it wouldn't because one reseller sells a very tiny percentage of all.
The thread is a useful warning to be taken in consideration, no one actually obeys the title of this thread just because it's the title of this thread, and no one thinks the thread is meant as a mandate. (Except some people with Asperger's perhaps, but they'd deal with it.)
It's not whining, it's warning and retrieving and sharing information. It's not ridiculous it's kind. If any one here whines we know who it is.

By the by, don't use the word 'fail' it makes it very hard to take you seriously.
From what I have read on these and other forums, rebooting seems to temporarily fix this issue.

I believe Apple Stores use Faronics Deep Freeze software to essentially "reset" every computer to a default configuration when the screen saver is activated.

Because of this, the iMacs at the Apple Stores may not exhibit these issues unless they were used for a longer period of time.

Computers running deep freeze have to be restarted to restore the HD to the frozen state. The screen saver just quits/force quits all open apps.
This topic is so full of fail.

O.P. If your iMac is faulty, as it appears it may be take it to your nearest Apple store and get it fixed or exchanged. Don't whine and make ridiculous thread topics like .... 'DO NOT BUY'.... :rolleyes:

I've talked to a local reseller and out of all the 27" iMac's they've sold. 0 have been returned with faults!

You know what is full of fail? Your post. The OP said that

"Taken the computer to the Apple store and gotten a replacement computer with no luck and issue still existing on the new one. It should be noted my first was shipped to me from Apple and the second was picked up in a store several days later."
Maybe it is Safari + Flash related. I did play some last night which is a flash based browser game and it did really 'lag' quite badly. I rebooted to windows and used Firefox and it seemed fine. Obviously it might have been anything and I have an April 2008 24" iMac.
Yeah. Because Apple intentionally put out a faulty piece of hardware. I'm sure that's it. Let's arrest them! Get real.

Every new product is subject to initial bugs. What matters is how the company responds to the problem and fixes it.


This is a multi billion dollar company, charging premium prices for premium products and use a Marketing technique that belittles competitors failings.

They use and advertise their products as 'just works' .

If this hasn't been done intentionally then it is just incompetence.

There are lots of people spending lots of their hard earned on these products, who are then been forced to either spend time re-installing stuff and messing about or returning the product at their own cost.

In Apple's world this thing only happens to PC's. Their advertising is disengenious at best.

Apple should be compensating their customers who are being forced to take their own time, trouble and money to sort out an expensive computer that..

'just works..'

or often doesn't.
Your never going to get a simple honest answer from any retailer that is selling a product you might be interested in. (even Apple) If they sold 100, 27" iMacs and 30 were returned for a screen flicker, they will still tell you everything is fine.
ok i`m a bit conservative when purchasing something, because over the last two decades the quality of finished products is dropping , products are getting thrown on the market to feed the consumers believe "i desperatly need a new blabla" so instead of having years to test out a product, manufacturers test things for a couple weeks ,10 or so of a batch of 10000 and then give it to customers to do the extensive testing
so the things i buy are usually at least 3 years on the marked ,as then all known flaws and bugs have been found / solved , my imac is from 2001 and its working great no problems whatsoever ,it does what it was build for and can (apart from the missing usb 2.0) keep up with my more then double mhz speed emac :)
if apple would build a imac in the same design as the imac g3 , when i say same design i mean just that , (like austi mini and new mini from bmw), updated with usb 2.0,usb 3.0 ? a superdrive
maybe a platin edition imac g3 if it has to be a intel inside then ok ,but not a c2d , instead with a itanium 2 ,Hondo 1.4GHz, 4MB cache, dual core MCM,
to celebrate the computer that rescued apple
... i would give steve jobs a blank cheque :)


This is a multi billion dollar company, charging premium prices for premium products and use a Marketing technique that belittles competitors failings.

They use and advertise their products as 'just works' .

If this hasn't been done intentionally then it is just incompetence.

There are lots of people spending lots of their hard earned on these products, who are then been forced to either spend time re-installing stuff and messing about or returning the product at their own cost.

In Apple's world this thing only happens to PC's. Their advertising is disengenious at best.

Apple should be compensating their customers who are being forced to take their own time, trouble and money to sort out an expensive computer that..

'just works..'

or often doesn't.

i like the way you think
I've talked to a local reseller and out of all the 27" iMac's they've sold. 0 have been returned with faults!
You don't seriously believe that, do you?

This topic actually reminds me of what happened last week when I was at the store. I was playing around with the 27" model when all of sudden it started to act up. Screen froze for a few seconds and the whole system was laggy as hell.
So, I called the vendor, showed him what's wrong and made a light joke how 'it works' doesn't apply here.
He told me then that this is a custom built machine and I shouldn't be worried at all.

Anyway, they called me up today, my 27" has arrived. :D
This news story and subsequent thread is more than likely relevant:

I can totally empathise with those experiencing issues, believe me when I get delivery of my Quad Core if I have the same problems I'm going to be mighty p1$$ed. HOWEVER I do suspect these issues will more than likely be sorted with an OS update - 10.6.2. This thread is leaping from conclusion to conclusion, heat seems to be a prevalent theme, but all these conclusions are ultimately pure speculation - basically everyone is, understandably, whipping themselves up into a frenzy.

Just as a footnote - it does seem a bit rich for Apple to continually mock the competition with their strap line "It justs works" - a statement that over the last few years has lost a little of it's shine.

This is a multi billion dollar company, charging premium prices for premium products and use a Marketing technique that belittles competitors failings.

They use and advertise their products as 'just works' .

If this hasn't been done intentionally then it is just incompetence.

There are lots of people spending lots of their hard earned on these products, who are then been forced to either spend time re-installing stuff and messing about or returning the product at their own cost.

In Apple's world this thing only happens to PC's. Their advertising is disengenious at best.

Apple should be compensating their customers who are being forced to take their own time, trouble and money to sort out an expensive computer that..

'just works..'

or often doesn't.

Unless you have statistics to back up your claim that the fail rate on these computers is substantially out of the norm, you don't have much of a leg to stand on here. And forum surveys don't count. Or quizzing store employees for that matter.

Do I wish Apple was perfect? Of course -- but I'm not holding my breath. In the real world, mistakes happen. What I do expect, though, is to have a responsive and honest company that fixes the problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Clearly some machines are flawed. Mine was one of them. I'm giving Apple the chance to rectify the problem. The machine is new and it takes awhile for official fixes to filter down. Let's see what their response is before lynching them.
Yes, this post is totally nonsense. Obviously now and then there is always a defective unit, nothing new...

Just to let you know, I was very unlucky with my MBP 15 inch with nvidia 8600.
I had it fixed like 7 times, I had problems with the battery, the DVD unit and three times blank screen for which they had to replace the logic board.
Guess what, two years of trouble Apple granted me a full unit change and they game the a brand new Unibody 15 inch MBP with 9400 + 9600. So, if you are one of the lucky ones to have a defective unit, don´t worry, as soon as problems arrise Apple will fix it, and they will fix it appropiately.

My only recommendation is to purchase apple care, it is totally worth it :)
I do not mean to take over this thread, but this is giving me some concerns.

So I made another thread a week or two ago asking if I should get the new iMac or a Mac Pro. Everybody there posted that I should get the iMac. Since everybody is having problems, do you think I should just get the Mac Pro? I really need the built in monitor though, and I do not care about expanding the machine.

I will be ordering my iMac or Mac Pro by the second week of December or sometime around there. Do you think these issues will be fixed, or should I just get the MP instead?
I do not mean to take over this thread, but this is giving me some concerns.

So I made another thread a week or two ago asking if I should get the new iMac or a Mac Pro. Everybody there posted that I should get the iMac. Since everybody is having problems, do you think I should just get the Mac Pro? I really need the built in monitor though, and I do not care about expanding the machine.

I will be ordering my iMac or Mac Pro by the second week of December or sometime around there. Do you think these issues will be fixed, or should I just get the MP instead?

Based on my past experience? Probably.
Have you checked if the new iMacs are running a 64bit kernel? If so, have you tried to switch to a 32bit kernel to see if it makes any difference?
this is all speculative. there's no doubt people on this board have had issues with choppy performance or some dead pixels / dirt behind screen, but again - is there anything other than "well-it's-a-new-tech-DUH" you can use to back up your "guarantee"?

Because all new tech will have issues, and you just pointed some out that are totally the fault of assembly and not hardware failure, so I would bet the chances of such happening with hardware to be greater. Then again, I'm not saying I think this will happen to every new iMac, but issues like that would certainly be out there, and typically after the first run of a product they iron out the bugs. I guess we'll just have to see here in a few weeks huh?
So I made another thread a week or two ago asking if I should get the new iMac or a Mac Pro. Everybody there posted that I should get the iMac. Since everybody is having problems, do you think I should just get the Mac Pro? I really need the built in monitor though, and I do not care about expanding the machine.

Same Problem Here

First of all let me say I love Apple products and have only bought Apple for the past 10 years so don't think I'm this first time buyer and you feel you have to defend Apple saying there are no problems blah blah blah.For those that say you don't have a problem maybe you just haven't seen it yet. When my computer is freshly booted or restarted the computer runs great, no problems at all. I too can open like 10 safari windows and 10 firefox windows all running flash and have no problem. Even have a VM running as well as iTunes, Mail, and iChat. No issues. Chances are if you never visit a flash intensive site or anything requiring lots of strain on a video card you may never see it at all. It's when the computer stays on for a long period of time that the problems occur. I've tested it. My temps on the CPU and GPU are the same from boot up till the problems occur so it's not that. It's likely an issue with the firmware on the video card along with snow leopard or a memory leak. Opening safari in 32bit mode doesn't solve anything either. Those that think repairing permissions and resetting PRAM solved your problem are probably wrong too. It was just the RESTART that temporarily fixed your problem. Give it some time and the problem will re-appear. I'm sure this issue is just a software update away from being repaired but I do understand the frustrations of some because I too am frustrated. I sold my perfectly good 24" 2.93Ghz imac and now I'm stuck with this faulty system. I think I'm going to exchange the unit for another just for reassurance that its the model and not just my personal machine. If I still have problems then we know a firmware update will surely fix the problems.

Someone mentioned the booting in 64Bit Kernal.. Mine is booting in 32bit mode.
Im not saying "don't buy," but I would maybe hold off if you can wait. My G5 imac had some problems, but were always fixed because of apple care. Now it won't stay on for more than 20 minutes. But hey, it lasted 5 years and was WAY faster than my parents dell with better specs from 3 years ago.

However, I convinced them to get the new imac and its having the same exact memory lag, except maybe more harsh. It seems half mouse, half memory leak. That mouse just doesn't seem as crisp, but the scrolling is terrible on safari. I turned it off and came back this morning and it worked fine for a bit, but its back to the lag.

I really need a new computer, but I just made investments into my house in the 12k range and that was alarming, but will be worth it down the road. I'd love the 27" imac, but I don't think I can do it. Apple will fix this problem, but the computer seems like a bad investment until it works right. I dont want windows in my house, and I feel that OSX is worth around a $300 premium after using it for 5 years.

I think I'll ebay a MBP and hope in June they have i7's on base models.
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