Unless you have statistics to back up your claim that the fail rate on these computers is substantially out of the norm, you don't have much of a leg to stand on here. And forum surveys don't count. Or quizzing store employees for that matter.
Do I wish Apple was perfect? Of course -- but I'm not holding my breath. In the real world, mistakes happen. What I do expect, though, is to have a responsive and honest company that fixes the problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Clearly some machines are flawed. Mine was one of them. I'm giving Apple the chance to rectify the problem. The machine is new and it takes awhile for official fixes to filter down. Let's see what their response is before lynching them.
Read much..??
I never quoted figures or stats and I don't think it's relevant. If a problem happens to you THEN it's relevant, never mind whether you make up 0.1% or 25% of the user base.That applies to everything not just Apple stuff.
There is a world of difference between glitches and bugs and somethign that makes a computer unuseable.
There is also no other company who make such a song and dance over the fact that other computers 'don't just work'. It is a fundamental part of the strategy that Apple employ..and it's flawed.
People in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.
If I'm dropping $1500+ for a machine then it should 'just work' and if it doesn't then I expect Apple to fix it and compensate me for my trouble. Why shouldn't I? Apple isn't a charity, I'm not doing them a favour buying a machine from them. This is business.
Most people accept that paying more gives them a better experience, part of the Apple 'vision'. Plenty on this board would disagree with that.
Remember Jobs saying that he couldn't make a $500 machine that wasn't a heap of junk?
maybe he meant that his junk just cost a lot more?
You say you want a responsive, honest company?How do you know that these machines weren't released like this knowingly (Win 7 release date deadline match?) that would be fixed later?
What stops them?
I'd just prefer them to release a product when its' ready
and that 'just works'
I'd just prefer them to release a product when its' ready
and that 'just works'
Ok. I get it. You expect 0% fail rate or otherwise it's a conspiracy to intentionally release flawed hardware
Good luck with that.
EDIT: Don't bother responding, I'm done with this terrible thread.
Mine 'just works.' That's why I'm not spending all day freaking out on a forum. Rather, I'm migrating my iTunes library and getting things done.
27-inch iMac: 12:43 up 17:51, 2 users, load averages: 0.84 0.68 0.70
Experiencing the same issue. Just got my iMac 27".
After a few hours of work... everything starts to lag.
I've shut down every application and just left Activity Monitor up to watch all processes to try to find the caus.. but no signs of anything unusual. But even Dashboard or Expose is lagging.
A reboot and its all fast again.
http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2207829&tstart=0Just spoke with apple support. The word is that it is an issue with the graphics card. They've escalated the issue and hopefully a software update is forthcoming.
My friend got his iMac 27" this monday and he has Not experienced the issue... and guess what: He choosed another graphic card, ATI 4850 instead of the entry-level.
The issue seems to be hardwarebased in the graphic card/drivers.
I found this in the Apple Support thread
My friend got his iMac 27" this monday and he has Not experienced the issue... and guess what: He choosed another graphic card, ATI 4850 instead of the entry-level.
I got the 27", running all day, crunching numbers, doing graphic design, running FCP encoding video, transcoding audio, surfing the net. Everything is perfect, blazing fast, apps open without even one bounce in the dock. I barely press the Safari icon, and BOOM, it's right there, all my bookmarks open in less than a second, applications launch and run in the background and I don't feel one bit of slowdown - it's so fast, I just cannot keep up myself!
Then I woke up. I remembered that I don't have a 27" iMac yet, because they are lagging behind with the quads, and I want to buy the i5. Anyhow, I just wanted to report that in my dream, the 27" iMac ran perfectly! No lag at all.
Anybody else? What were your experiences, real or imagined?
Ok. I get it. You expect 0% fail rate or otherwise it's a conspiracy to intentionally release flawed hardware
Good luck with that.
EDIT: Don't bother responding, I'm done with this terrible thread.
Yes, this post is totally nonsense. Obviously now and then there is always a defective unit, nothing new...
Just to let you know, I was very unlucky with my MBP 15 inch with nvidia 8600.
I had it fixed like 7 times, I had problems with the battery, the DVD unit and three times blank screen for which they had to replace the logic board.
Guess what, two years of trouble Apple granted me a full unit change and they game the a brand new Unibody 15 inch MBP with 9400 + 9600. So, if you are one of the lucky ones to have a defective unit, don´t worry, as soon as problems arrise Apple will fix it, and they will fix it appropiately.
My only recommendation is to purchase apple care, it is totally worth it![]()