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At the risk of hijacking the thread, I'll answer... Normal use: 1500-1800-1800; Intensive graphics card use: 2500-3000-3000. It might seem excessive, but this is what I need to do to keep all temps around 50 C or less. Without control, I sometimes had temps as high as 83 C on the GPU and the power supply, at which point I started getting strange artifacts on screen. I just can't afford to fry the machine and be down for a week while they fix or replace.

Thanks for the info. Has anyone tried messing with the fan speeds to drop the temp and if that helps things out?

The mere act of posting is enough to make it so.

Hahahaha :)

I'm just gonna say that I'm fairly new to Mac, I do a little support for them where I work but mainly PCs and IT in general...At my work the video editing classes all have iMacs and they get pretty hot... My iMac runs pretty great, hardly ever hesitates ... It's gets pretty warm on the back-top but my HP laptop gets just as hot... The magic mouse skips a little bit but mainly when I have another monitor hooked up, like others have noted... I run Photoshop CS4, Parallels, Simplified Media, Open Office, etc... Temps are Fahrenheit .. HDD 121, CPU 97, GPU 110, PS 122

....I did wait till they were out for 5 days before buying one.... I waited till they got all the kinks out of the machine and landed a perfect specimen. There was no reason to jump into it too early and get one on "opening day". By being patient like me, I got a good one with all the bugs and kinks worked out of it.

5 days to "get the kinks" out of part of a product line?... Not trying to poo-poo, but wouldn't the iMacs have to be produced/planned over a series of months to line up the supply?

All I'm saying is that any defect that's there we could see for a bit longer then five days, and there will still be some unlucky people who will get problems even still. Due to various people coming in for AppleCare/repair Apple probably would find the particular variable causing the symptoms just because of number correlation, but other then that...

However the Gulftown machines had better not have this problem :p
5 days to "get the kinks" out of part of a product line?... Not trying to poo-poo, but wouldn't the iMacs have to be produced/planned over a series of months to line up the supply?

All I'm saying is that any defect that's there we could see for a bit longer then five days, and there will still be some unlucky people who will get problems even still. Due to various people coming in for AppleCare/repair Apple probably would find the particular variable causing the symptoms just because of number correlation, but other then that...

However the Gulftown machines had better not have this problem :p

I think he was kidding...
Hi everyone,

I found this forum very informative and joined up to give my 2 cents...

I just purchased the 27" imac and was quite impressed, however, I noticed some problems with some projects I had in garageband (constant freezing and "part of the project could not be played" error) that I never had when using my old G5. I kept thinking, "with quadruple the RAM and double the processor, I should NOT be having these problems". I zapped the PRAM and it solved all the issues I was having, and made all the apps open much snappier.

I realize that this is an obvious thing to try when having issues such as these, but I didn't think I would have to resort to something like that with a brand new comp.

Since then the mac is running great, and I don't notice any issues with flash or slowdown of any kind.

Loving my new imac!
I zapped the PRAM and it solved all the issues I was having, and made all the apps open much snappier.

Could you explain that process? Never heard
that before.
I wouldn't buy the first version of any apple computer. Time after time, apple releases a new model before the holidays, and then releases newer models the next month with better specifications at the same price. That is when to buy.
This may well be the same things I'm having with my 27" iMac. I started a thread that lead me to this one. I've noticed the constant spinning disks and freezing and the whole machine just feels laggy. I am new to Mac's [since June] and my wife has only been using them for a week when this 27" iMac showed up at the house and she has mentioned why the computer feels slow. I told her I don't know why, because I don't.

What to do? I may take it into a Apple store tomorrow because I also have a one dead pixel at the top. The pixel doesn't really bother me too much but I figured I'd mention it if I had it there.

Any other ideas?
I had the same problem with my new iMac last night, I thought it was related to running Windoze in Virtual Box.

I will try the zapping of PRAM and repairing permissions when I get home.
Ignorant ranting?

Do you think that's a fair thing to say to those
people who have documented problems here?

Go troll somewhere else, please.

My God, this happens every time a new product is released. A few people have a problem or two, and everyone instantly thinks the sky is falling. What most people don't see, is the hundreds of thousands of people that are happily using their perfectly good computers.

NJRondo, give up your troll speech. If you want to know what a troll is, just take a look at the title of this thread and that will help you understand what trolling is.

Next off, a couple of posts in this thread do not make a documented problem. A documented problem is something that's proven and affects all (or most) users. Are a few folks having some issues? You betcha. But it's not the end-all "Apple's quality has gone to hell" mentality that a few immature people are displaying here.

Grow up.

So? The aluminium iMacs have always been hot to touch. It's a non-issue, like complaining that a car engine becomes a tad toasty!

27" iMac issue seems odd. Surely every Apple store around the world would be full of sluggish machines all day?

Yes, I have tried one out in astore where I thought it was sluggish (loading programs, even changing between programs, basic stuff). I know many of the imacs in stores are just 'demo' machines (they didn't even ship with new mouse, etc.) So, at the time, I thought it was just that. But now I know it was probably 'defective'.
Absolutely right.

In my experience, hanging out on the Internet is a good way to find out about every single problem that anyone has with a product.

When I was in corporate IT, it was common to see recurring problems in any particular batch of a product. We might buy a few hundred desktop PCs, and a year later you could look back and notice that particular order had a high rate of hard disk problems. The same model ordered at a different time might have a different issue.

On a forum like this, it's too easy for ten people to have the same problem, and turn it into an epidemic. Even if a hundred people have the same problem it can still be a low defect rate if you're talking about 100,000 computers.

Telling people DO NOT BUY in all caps, or writing a letter about problems in a computer you don't have, is taking things a little too far in my opinion. These claims deserve a little more investigation.
That has been my experience even at a medium organization (10,000 users) Apple will sell what, 500,000 or 1 million of these things this quarter? It is most likely a faulty batch of something. A wide scale problem of every machine would have them pulling them off the shelves. Same thing with the "dying" Time Capsules, I would like to know what the failure rate is of other external drives, probably exactly the same. I feel for any user that is having issues like this and their situation should be made right, but it shouldn't tarnish everything else. When posting this the user has no evidence that it is beyond a few machines. Remember that everyone who has a problem will look for an outlet and post it, but all the people who are having no problems are doing other things with their new machines. Let's use common sense.
I just got my 27 inches iMac tonight. The first 2 hours or so of very light browsing and a lot of idle time the computer seemed snappy and working according to the specs (I was starting to think I had gotten lucky).

Soon after, it got progressively slower and the mentioned overall lag took over (Safari and Firefox scrolling sucked, Flash plugin killed every other task and even crashed once, resizing windows or opening pictures on iphoto felt super slow, even terminal scrolling has lag WTF) :confused:

This seems like a memory leak or a temperature issue (although I'm in a relatively cold living room 68F) but I feel very disappointed on Apple for releasing a machine of this price point with such a critical flaw all over.

SL is not doing any favor since I'm sure the drivers are still pretty betaish for the chipsets and graphic adaptor of these new iMacs. Apple needs to release a software update for iMacs ASAP, this would have been a serious problem 5 years ago, but nowadays this is unacceptable.

I think there should be a post for this issue that gets a sticky, if it has to be this post, let it be, but we have to let Apple know what's going on. This is almost reaching recall volume of complaints.

Just my 2 cents.
The attitude of

OMGZ lik my new maczor is messed up and i red on a messigbrd dat some1 else is havin da same probz....OMGZ LIK DO NOT BUY DIS COMPUTA ALL OF THEM ARE MESSED UP

really needs to stop.

although, it does suck to get a crappy one. just trade it in for a new one. if that one is messed up, well, you should get something for your trouble. free ipod?
Hm.. this is actually kinda odd.
I'm new here, so I don't know about other hardware problems that people have had back in the day, but I've been seeing a lot of people with problems with their new iMacs.. and it's really unfortunate because I'm getting mine this holiday season (I pretty much have no choice but to get a new iMac, right now I'm using a very temporary computer, because my other one is completely broken.. in pieces.)

But I REALLY hope that by this xmas season, the iMacs will improve.
Because I definitely don't want to have to deal with another broken computer since my last one.
My last one was broken since day one, and no matter what I did, they would not replace it.
If there is a problem it will get fixed, there will be an update,
it's just a shame when your shiny new thing plays up.

There are a few that have reported problems in this thread, from around the world, so we will see if the problem grows.
I am sorry, but I don't believe what OP said.

Here's my 27" iMac renders 1080p contents:

Stop trying to pick on the tiniest problem that you get, afterall, it's just the first release of Snow Leopard on new hardware. If you are complaining so much, just refund it and buy a HP with Windows 7. The nVidia 8600GT is what I call "problem", this is not.

If you think I got "lucky" and got one of the "better" ones because I got it "few days after", you are wrong. I was the first one to get it in our local Apple Store (Yorkdale Mall). The shipment came, and I picked one up right away....even the staff paused for a moment when I asked for 27" iMac. So people, don't let posts like this discourage you from buying it, if there's really any real software issue, Apple will fix it during software updates. Everytime new product comes out, there will be someone that decide to bash it, and it's sad.

I haven't restarted my computer since around 2 days that I got it (after installing all the updates and software) and it's still as quick as i first got it:
CY$ uptime
 1:54  up 4 days,  5:32, 2 users, load averages: 0.11 0.15 0.15

I do quite a bit of photo post processing, c and java development...especially in java, it use up quite a bit of memory and releases it, I haven't experienced a single bit of laggyness.
I am sorry, but I don't believe what OP said.

Here's my 27" iMac renders 1080p contents:

Stop trying to pick on the tiniest problem that you get, afterall, it's just the first release of Snow Leopard on new hardware. If you are complaining so much, just refund it and buy a HP with Windows 7. The nVidia 8600GT is what I call "problem", this is not.

If you think I got "lucky" and got one of the "better" ones because I got it "few days after", you are wrong. I was the first one to get it in our local Apple Store (Yorkdale Mall). The shipment came, and I picked one up right away....even the staff paused for a moment when I asked for 27" iMac. So people, don't let posts like this discourage you from buying it, if there's really any real software issue, Apple will fix it during software updates. Everytime new product comes out, there will be someone that decide to bash it, and it's sad.

I'm speaking for myself when I say I have no problems with HD playback BUT every app or task that has lots of page outs/in and constant new processes seems to be causing a slowdown within the hour of use. The problem is random and I agree with you that it cannot detract people from buying the new iMacs because they're AWESOME machines.

That said, people with problems should be able to report and complain about it regardless of the stage of the product cycle; it's normal to have issues with rev1 hardware but also normal is to complain about them (specially those related with the usability of the system)

By the same token, just because you haven't experienced any problems, it doesn't mean that they don't exist.

The Op and a few others that have posted on this thread have, myself included, so it is an issue for those effected, although it is not a whole Apple quality gone to hell in a hand basket issue either.
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