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Does a stand alone FLV player experience the same issues as the Adobe plug in?

And... anyone boot to the Windows side to see if the problem is there as well?
This may be a little off-topic but has anyone noticed that whites seem to look yellow-ish on the bottom of the screen? I'm on a 27-inch C2D.
I wonder what the reaction would be back in '85 when Apple came out with the 6220CD, the CD meant a TV board was installed, cost $2500 with no monitor and was had problems right out of the box. Something they did not have time to fix, you could not load updates, I think that was the problem it was a long time ago, they just you a letter telling you to take it to an Apple repair depot and they would fix it. And no one made a fuss.
But, there was to internet as we know it today and no forums for people to complain on. What would the reaction today if that happened, oh I know, there would be a thread like this.

What’s your point?

You are just stating the obvious.

The Internet and forums like this have
become a place to share information.

Just because people didn't have a place
to complain about problems with their
electronics back in '85 doesn't hold a
candle to your argument.

What's so great about 2009 is that when
something doesn't work, you can share
that information with other owners and
when there seems to be a consensus
among all of them that there IS something
wrong that information it can be better
collected by a company like Apple.

Here's something very realistic....

A week ago people started complaining
on this and Apple discussions forum about
the 27" iMac, its display and slowdown

It wasn't one complaint -- it was many.

And while the normal trolls had their
field day making fun of those that were
complaining it seemed that those
complaints gained enough traction that
ENGADGET picked up on it. And, by
reading that ENGADGET article we find
there were a lot more new iMac owners
experiencing the same problems.

So none of it was imagined.

And the end result? Apple is now aware
of the problem and probably working on
a fix. Had this been 1985, I think the
collection of data among problem owners
would have been slower and there would
not have been such widespread awareness
of the problem.

The Internet is a wonderful thing and
companies like Apple take full advantage
of its feedback potential.
ehh.. im starting to second guess my decision on getting a mac... hopefully in about a month they will resolve all these issues and figure out a way to plug in a PS3.
After reading the OP's post I went and watched some videos on Hulu on my 27" iMac and found the video very choppy. It was like I was drunk or something, very laggy.

Now, how should this computer work? Should it run as good as any television [LCD, DLP, Plasma] playing the same material? I don't know, that's why I'm asking because this is a computer and not a television but I would think that it should run very good watching any kind of material.

I didn't notice any choppy audio but the video being that choppy was hard to watch. I did call Apple tech support earlier today after I made a support call late last night because my wife had mentioned how the computer felt slow and wondered why she was seeing these rainbow spinning disks. She's only been using a Mac for a week since we bought this thing and if she noticed something then there's something wrong.

choppy internet streaming video doesn't mean it's a computer issue. could be lag on your internet connection.
my guess is that it's a driver issue with the Magic Mouse drivers since that is the biggest thing that changed from the last imacs. could be the ATI drivers but there was an ATI option in the last iMac model and the drivers are virtually the same.
my guess is that it's a driver issue with the Magic Mouse drivers since that is the biggest thing that changed from the last imacs. could be the ATI drivers but there was an ATI option in the last iMac model and the drivers are virtually the same.

Well brand new panels and brand new ATI cards. The ATi 4670 is your basic card now. ATI 4850 is a custom option. The power-supplies are also new.
my guess is that it's a driver issue with the Magic Mouse drivers since that is the biggest thing that changed from the last imacs. could be the ATI drivers but there was an ATI option in the last iMac model and the drivers are virtually the same.

Well brand new panels and brand new ATI cards. The ATi 4670 is your basic card now. ATI 4850 is a custom option. The power-supplies are also new.

Also, desk top CPUs, motherboard, etc. Almost everything is different from the previous generation.

Posts on help forums imply this is GPU software related issue that Apple is aware of and they are working on a remedy.
Also, desk top CPUs, motherboard, etc. Almost everything is different from the previous generation.

Posts on help forums imply this is GPU software related issue that Apple is aware of and they are working on a remedy.

But if it was a GPU issue, wouldn't the 21.5" units with the 4670 exhibit the same behavior? Are they? The reports of yellow and flickering screens are also a bit scary... perhaps they wanted to get this out so badly that they ramped up production before the line was ready.

Lord, the idea of my new $4k computer having similar quality problems to my iPhone 3G sends shivers down my spine...
perhaps they wanted to get this out so badly that they ramped up production before the line was ready.

Jim, that is the exact accusation I made and
was quickly scolded for making it.

I think Apple rushed these iMacs out in order
to counteract Microsoft and their release of
Windows 7.

The iPhone had a lot of initial problems and
there was a lot of finger pointing that Apple
rushed these off the assembly line to beat
out the other phone innovators.

I think these iMacs could have have spent
a little more time being tested before release.
Well brand new panels and brand new ATI cards. The ATi 4670 is your basic card now. ATI 4850 is a custom option. The power-supplies are also new.

ATI's new design is the 5000 series. 4000's series have been around for a long time. PCs have had them for a long time. they're not exactly bleeding edge tech and drivers from ATI should be mature by now
Jim, that is the exact accusation I made and
was quickly scolded for making it.

I think Apple rushed these iMacs out in order
to counteract Microsoft and their release of
Windows 7.

The iPhone had a lot of initial problems and
there was a lot of finger pointing that Apple
rushed these off the assembly line to beat
out the other phone innovators.

I think these iMacs could have have spent
a little more time being tested before release.

I'm no Mac fan boy but this idea that this was a rushed out update is just idle speculation - one imagines Apple didn't knock this update together a a month before and then put it out and keep their fingers crossed. To completely rush a product launch and then recall a complete line would be commercial suicide both for reputation and economically. I also don't think this race to upstage Windows 7 release ever really existed - Apple would never be able to compete with such a huge launch to such a massive user base by releasing a refresh of their iMac range. Again I think this is all in the minds of this forum - did the release of the iMac have any impact on the column inches given to the Windows 7 launch?

I can understand the frustration of those experiencing issues but this thread is full of people putting 2+2 together and coming to 5. No one knows why some iMacs are experiencing problems. The heat accusation doesn't cut it with me as this is an obvious technical point Apple would have researched thoroughly - Be happy the ALUMINUM back (an efficient heat conductor) is getting hot - it's probably doing it's job.

My view - it's a combination of Snow Leopard still being a little young in it's current version combined with some firmware/driver issues that will inevitable be addressed in an OSX update (10.6.2). We've all been here before (the last iMac and GPU issue anyone) and that got sorted out by an update.

ATI's new design is the 5000 series. 4000's series have been around for a long time. PCs have had them for a long time. they're not exactly bleeding edge tech and drivers from ATI should be mature by now

Not necessarily the Apple Mac specific drivers.

I know it's really hard and frustrating but unfortunately a little patience is probably all that is called for.
I'm no Mac fan boy but this idea that this was a rushed out update is just idle speculation - one imagines Apple didn't knock this update together a a month before and then put it out and keep their fingers crossed. To completely rush a product launch and then recall a complete line would be commercial suicide both for reputation and economically. I also don't think this race to upstage Windows 7 release ever really existed - Apple would never be able to compete with such a huge launch to such a massive user base by releasing a refresh of their iMac range. Again I think this is all in the minds of this forum - did the release of the iMac have any impact on the column inches given to the Windows 7 launch?

I can understand the frustration of those experiencing issues but this thread is full of people putting 2+2 together and coming to 5. No one knows why some iMacs are experiencing problems. The heat accusation doesn't cut it with me as this is an obvious technical point Apple would have researched thoroughly - Be happy the ALUMINUM back (an efficient heat conductor) is getting hot - it's probably doing it's job.

My view - it's a combination of Snow Leopard still being a little young in it's current version combined with some firmware/driver issues that will inevitable be addressed in an OSX update (10.6.2). We've all been here before (the last iMac and GPU issue anyone) and that got sorted out by an update.

Well said. Apple put out the new iMacs as part of its line-up for the holidays -- the timing had nothing to do with the release of Windows 7. If Apple's intent was to "rush" the new line out in advance of the release of Windows 7, don't you think they would have held a "town hall" event to ratchet up the media attention? Instead, it was a rather *quiet* release.

Let's just hope, pray and keep our fingers crossed that the issues get resolved quickly!
it's not an arcane issue like the guest account delete bug. Apple probably has a lot of these in their QA lab and this had to come up. Not like drivers are written and shipped. ATI and Apple has engineers working together and they probably have daily builds they ship to QA.

if you look at the last year or so there have been a lot unfinished products Apple released that they had to know about the bugs in QA
if you look at the last year or so there have been a lot unfinished products Apple released that they had to know about the bugs in QA

It's a fact of life, all electronics and software manufacturers release products which include bugs as these can subsequently be addressed in software updates. If we waited for the product to be perfect and bug free we'd be waiting forever.
So do we buy the 27" iMac and hope Apple resolves the issues quickly or wait till this issue is resolved?

I had plans to buy 2, one for work (core2duo this weekend) one for home (i5 or i7 when they come out). Now I am not so sure. Something tells me we will see lots of refurbished 27" iMacs in the Apple store soon.

Has anyone tired installing Leopard 10.5.8 on the 27" and seeing if that made a difference? I think that would be interesting to test.
there is a possible solution from someone at AI. try to make sure to run Safari in 32 bit mode. there is no 64bit flash
I've tried to disable all plugins in the browser, but a few hours later... the issue reappears.

And its not about lagging flash video... that is just a symtom. Everything lags and you could feel laggy dashboard and expose.
Another confirmed user here, 27" 3.06 model bought from the Apple store first batch release.

I already performed a clean re-install of Snow Leopard due to the long boot up time. Computer was fine for the past week, but now Pandora or any flash-content will peg one CPU core to 100%-130%. General system is also laggy (stuttering scrolling of web-pages), Expose, etc. A restart will fix it, but after about an hour of use the symptoms come back.

I will try to reformat the computer using a retail Snow Leopard disc, but hopes aren't high at this point.
I don't think thats an explanation, because SL + Flash works fine on all of my other 10.6.1 machines.

are you running the 32 bit version?

there is no 64 bit flash on windows either and it won't even run in 64 bit IE
Reproduced sans Flash?

Has anyone seen this problem when not using Flash?

Also, does the problem continue when you close Safari? (Flash should not be able to corrupt the OS - if it is, that would likely be both an Apple bug and an Adobe bug, not just an Adobe problem - otherwise, assuming it were just Flash, you should be able to just kill the process and go back to normal.)

Also, with respect to the rushed QA question, the idea that they should not have picked up profound slowdowns that would occur after a short period browsing half the sites on the web seems quite a stretch to me. This is not an obscure problem affecting a tiny number of people that takes an unusual combination of factors to reproduce. And I know I'll be labeled a heretic (why should today be any different), but the fact that they released two days before the Windows 7 launch also strikes me as hardly a coincidence. :p
Has anyone seen this problem when not using Flash?

Yes. When everything starts to lag, after a few hours, nothing helps except reboot. All this with Flash plugin disabled in the browser.

I think i mentioned it earlier in this thread but... i've tried to close down every application except Activity monitor... but everything I do causes that app to gain 100% cpu.. Like typing in Textedit or show/hide dashboard.
It seems the problem is widespread to the entire OS ecosystem. There must be some memory corruption/leak at some point when one of the cores just goes nuts with every event registered (even a right click on desktop burns one of the cores well above 80%)

I'm starting to think it might be SL not ready to handle new iMac's chipset? Video intensive apps run fine until the CPU freakout occurs, so I wouldn't put my money on the Ati video drivers being the problem.
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