This may be a little off-topic but has anyone noticed that whites seem to look yellow-ish on the bottom of the screen? I'm on a 27-inch C2D.
After reading the OP's post I went and watched some videos on Hulu on my 27" iMac and found the video very choppy. It was like I was drunk or something, very laggy.
Now, how should this computer work? Should it run as good as any television [LCD, DLP, Plasma] playing the same material? I don't know, that's why I'm asking because this is a computer and not a television but I would think that it should run very good watching any kind of material.
I didn't notice any choppy audio but the video being that choppy was hard to watch. I did call Apple tech support earlier today after I made a support call late last night because my wife had mentioned how the computer felt slow and wondered why she was seeing these rainbow spinning disks. She's only been using a Mac for a week since we bought this thing and if she noticed something then there's something wrong.
my guess is that it's a driver issue with the Magic Mouse drivers since that is the biggest thing that changed from the last imacs. could be the ATI drivers but there was an ATI option in the last iMac model and the drivers are virtually the same.
my guess is that it's a driver issue with the Magic Mouse drivers since that is the biggest thing that changed from the last imacs. could be the ATI drivers but there was an ATI option in the last iMac model and the drivers are virtually the same.
Well brand new panels and brand new ATI cards. The ATi 4670 is your basic card now. ATI 4850 is a custom option. The power-supplies are also new.
Also, desk top CPUs, motherboard, etc. Almost everything is different from the previous generation.
Posts on help forums imply this is GPU software related issue that Apple is aware of and they are working on a remedy.
perhaps they wanted to get this out so badly that they ramped up production before the line was ready.
Well brand new panels and brand new ATI cards. The ATi 4670 is your basic card now. ATI 4850 is a custom option. The power-supplies are also new.
Jim, that is the exact accusation I made and
was quickly scolded for making it.
I think Apple rushed these iMacs out in order
to counteract Microsoft and their release of
Windows 7.
The iPhone had a lot of initial problems and
there was a lot of finger pointing that Apple
rushed these off the assembly line to beat
out the other phone innovators.
I think these iMacs could have have spent
a little more time being tested before release.
ATI's new design is the 5000 series. 4000's series have been around for a long time. PCs have had them for a long time. they're not exactly bleeding edge tech and drivers from ATI should be mature by now
I'm no Mac fan boy but this idea that this was a rushed out update is just idle speculation - one imagines Apple didn't knock this update together a a month before and then put it out and keep their fingers crossed. To completely rush a product launch and then recall a complete line would be commercial suicide both for reputation and economically. I also don't think this race to upstage Windows 7 release ever really existed - Apple would never be able to compete with such a huge launch to such a massive user base by releasing a refresh of their iMac range. Again I think this is all in the minds of this forum - did the release of the iMac have any impact on the column inches given to the Windows 7 launch?
I can understand the frustration of those experiencing issues but this thread is full of people putting 2+2 together and coming to 5. No one knows why some iMacs are experiencing problems. The heat accusation doesn't cut it with me as this is an obvious technical point Apple would have researched thoroughly - Be happy the ALUMINUM back (an efficient heat conductor) is getting hot - it's probably doing it's job.
My view - it's a combination of Snow Leopard still being a little young in it's current version combined with some firmware/driver issues that will inevitable be addressed in an OSX update (10.6.2). We've all been here before (the last iMac and GPU issue anyone) and that got sorted out by an update.
if you look at the last year or so there have been a lot unfinished products Apple released that they had to know about the bugs in QA
Another confirmed user here, 27" 3.06 model bought from the Apple store first batch release.I've tried to disable all plugins in the browser, but a few hours later... the issue reappears.
And its not about lagging flash video... that is just a symtom. Everything lags and you could feel laggy dashboard and expose.
I don't think thats an explanation, because SL + Flash works fine on all of my other 10.6.1 machines.there is a possible solution from someone at AI. try to make sure to run Safari in 32 bit mode. there is no 64bit flash
I don't think thats an explanation, because SL + Flash works fine on all of my other 10.6.1 machines.
Has anyone seen this problem when not using Flash?