Man, just give it a rest - you don't even own a Mac anymore as you sold all your Apple products in the space of a week in a little hissy fit over your iMac. I'm no apologist for Apple, more a realist to the corporate World. By all means people should take their iMac's back if they're not happy as that's their right and prerogative, I totally appreciate the frustration people feel, I would as well, but experience suggests a little patience may be the better path to take. Snow Leopard is in it's infancy as a new major version update of OSX and the iMac is a new refresh of their desktop line - I suspect that these two facts may be the clue to the issues being experienced - basically teething problems an update will resolve.
This thread is useful for those experiencing issues but one has to recognise that a by product of all the postings is speculation that three pages further on suddenly becomes gospel as everyone chases their tail trying to find explanations.
Apple refreshed their line up, as predicted by many months ago, in preparation for the holiday season - I didn't really see the fairly quiet launch (no event, no press conference) as much of a threat to Windows 7 launch.
archipellago, why not pop off and play with your Windows PC like a good little drone, oh no, you're too busy finding as many threads as possible to slag off Apple in a really "constructive way".
I never make these things that personal but Jeeez, this guy is like a scratched record, relentless and irritating