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I posted this in another thread, but its worth mentioning in case it has any coorelation... I recently installed Rosetta (Visualhub needed it for avi conversion for some reason) on my 24in iMac and started having major slowdowns and choppy video playback.

I haven't reformatted yet, but when I do I'm NOT going to install Rosetta as I think that was the problem with my particular situation. What i'm curious about is if apple installs Rosetta on a new system out of the box OR if other people that are experiencing problems have installed it as well.

Not sure if this helps any diagnosis, but I felt it was worth throwing out.

Good luck guys!!!
I posted this in another thread, but its worth mentioning in case it has any coorelation... I recently installed Rosetta

I'm actually also suspecting Rosetta. I had to install it together with Zend Studio.

I read a post where someone mentioned Airport as the cause of this issue.

So.. when my Firefox was supers-sluggish ... i turned Airport off... and on again.. and BOOM.. everything speedy again.

Please let me know if anyone else can reproduce this.

Several people have claimed that the Airport drivers may be the problem. Another post said resetting the PRAM fixed the problem, which may also reset some Airport stuff and effectively accomplish the same thing. Perhaps it is nothing more than new iMacs going out the door with messed up PRAMs that didnt get reset at the factory. There is a start-up procedure for resetting the PRAM you can do to clear it out.
Another confirmed user here, 27" 3.06 model bought from the Apple store first batch release.

A restart will fix it, but after about an hour of use the symptoms come back.

I will try to reformat the computer using a retail Snow Leopard disc, but hopes aren't high at this point.

Try re-setting the PRAM. A post on the Apple site said it fixes the problem. Please post if this fixes it permantently or not.
Ugh stupid people posting stupid panic threads.

I'd LOVE to see if every single computer that had every single hiccup blow up like what happens when a few macs have a problem. People would never buy electronics again since EVERY single product out there has some sort of issue.
ugh stupid people trying to be trolls and post
in an effort to entice others negatively.

Happy you got a response?
Ugh stupid people posting stupid panic threads.

I'd LOVE to see if every single computer that had every single hiccup blow up like what happens when a few macs have a problem. People would never buy electronics again since EVERY single product out there has some sort of issue.

but, but....but..... macs 'just work'
This is so typical of any new models coming out. There are always a few in the crowd who got unlucky, but want to cause a pandemic because they happened to get the lemon of the run. Those in this thread who have had no problems prove that point.

Yes, it sucks when you are the one that gets the lemon car, computer, LCD television, or dishwasher. If you went to the and looked at the LCD television forums, you'd never buy anything. That's just the way things work. Someone else in this thread said that the important thing is how the manufacturer reacts to solve your issue, and that is very true.

Then of course, you have the PC morons creating accounts just because they got their feelings hurt on the last run of Mac vs. PC commercials. The "I promise there won't be any issues this time" commercial probably really chaps, so this is the close as they can get to retribution. I've seen more 'newbie' accounts in this thread than I've seen in years. Guess the PC forums are a bit boring as Vista has been beaten to death, and Windows 7 hasn't had time enough to be attacked by the latest round of hackers.

To the OP, I do sincerely hope that you get your issue worked out, but surely you've had issues with other unrelated purchases where you were just part of the 'unlucky' group. Hopefully you didn't go to those product forums and place the same "DON'T BUY" thread, as its wildly overboard.
Most new releases have issues that take a while to iron out. I mean, look at Snow Leopard...

The unibody MBPs didn't though, which is good:D

Agreed, unless I HAVE to, I never buy the first day, there are usually problems. That being said, you would thing plunking down this kind of cash, those little things would have been ironed out prior to shipping since Apple is on their own schedule now, no CES, no MWSF, etc.
This is so typical of any new models coming out. There are always a few in the crowd who got unlucky, but want to cause a pandemic because they happened to get the lemon of the run. Those in this thread who have had no problems prove that point.

You're correct of course, but I would say the full one third of MacRumors members reporting difficulties with their new iMac's makes this problem a little broader than a rare "lemon".

That being said, I'm sure Apple will have it all rectified with a software fix within a week (or at least before they deliver my new quad. ;) )

Agreed, unless I HAVE to, I never buy the first day, there are usually problems. That being said, you would thing plunking down this kind of cash, those little things would have been ironed out prior to shipping since Apple is on their own schedule now, no CES, no MWSF, etc.

Good point (though perhaps Windoze 7 rushed them along a bit).
You're correct of course, but I would say the full one third of MacRumors members reporting difficulties with their new iMac's makes this problem a little broader than a rare "lemon".
You can't really trust these statistics. People who have problems visit forums, people who don't, usually don't visit forums. And what if out of every new iMac sold worldwide, the ones with issues are all from the same area or even the same city? This we don't know, which makes it impossible to say whether it's a widespread issue or not.
This is so typical of any new models coming out. There are always a few in the crowd who got unlucky, but want to cause a pandemic because they happened to get the lemon of the run.

Stop being a troll.

It's more than just a few. You know
it. That's why Engadget and CNET are
running articles on defective 27" iMacs.

Stop trying to derail the thread and insult
those who are having problems.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, no problems here.

When I got my iMac, I did restore from a Time Capsule backup, in order to transfer the configuration from my 24". That configuration had a recently installed flash update, since flash was crashing my Safari browser.

This morning I'm been on Second Life, which would have baked the top of my 24 incher --- but this new 27" model has much better thermal management: Only a slightly warm spot instead of a fiery hot spot.

I'm optimistic Apple will have an update to fix whatever the cause is. IMO it has likely something to do with software. This type of thing has happened before with new models (with video card issues, memory recalls). May be wise to just exercise a little patience while Apple figures out what's going on.

Some on this thread think Apple rushed the product out to steal Windows 7 launch thunder. Since it can take half-year or longer to plan a hardware release, it's probably more likely that Apple *planned* this revision to launch before Windows. There are just too many moving pieces in the supply chain and distribution for Apple to manage a "rush" to a worldwide product launch of something like an iMac. IMO.
You can't really trust these statistics. People who have problems visit forums, people who don't, usually don't visit forums. And what if out of every new iMac sold worldwide, the ones with issues are all from the same area or even the same city? This we don't know, which makes it impossible to say whether it's a widespread issue or not.

"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." -- Mark Twain

1) I believe you. My 1st gen Air had heat issues.

2) My 27" I believe does not have this problem.
Bought last monday, (26th Oct) and has been on moister of the time. It was 35 degrees today in South Australia, that's 95 F. Pretty much all day the iMac has been in WinXP in bootcamp, playing Colin McRae DiRT in 1920x1080 (it's a 27" model, but 2560x1440 produces a low frame rate in this game) and i've been playing this game for a good 7 hours solid today. The back of the iMac has got VERY hot. I've also done much number crunching/ batch converting video files in OS X. Playing a 1080P video file full screen in Quicktime Player X uses 75% cpu (remember as it's dual core, percentages can go over 100)

3) In your activity monitor shot, you show Adobe Flash player using 108% cpu. When you movie file is open, playing jumpily, out of interest is Safari closed (not the window, is the blue dot under it?) The Mac version of flash player is total pus, and i've often seen it hog ~200% cpu or try to.

4) Pop iStat Pro in dashboard, and grab SMC Fan Control too. You can see the temps for all 8 temp sensors in iStat Pro, and the fan speeds for the three fans, and with SMC fan control you can jump the minimum fan speed manually. You shouldn't have to do this, and don't want to have to do this, but this might help narrow the problem/provide a work around for you. My iMac the hottest thing is the north bridge, getting to 65 degrees at times. The fans are designed to spin up to higher RPM's if needed, and at this level, they don't, they're mostly sitting around 1000 rpm. If i manually ramp the base fan speed for all fans to 1500 rpm using SMC fan control, the iMac runs very noticeably cooler to the touch, and is still quite quiet. For fun, i created a profile maxing out the fan speeds. WOW this thing is loud set like that :) But my point is, you could try ramping it up to the mac fan speed to see if your slow down is heat related or not.

5) Play your movie file after a restart, check activity monitor, how much CPU does it use to play it? When the slow down is occurring, how much CPU is it using then to play your movie?? If there anything else showing high CPU usage at this time?

I'm really most interested to know, and good luck.
"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." -- Mark Twain


Frosse is absolutely right, though. The trick is in knowing when to quote and when not to quote. In this instance, one might prudently restrain from quoting. : )
You're correct of course, but I would say the full one third of MacRumors members reporting difficulties with their new iMac's makes this problem a little broader than a rare "lemon".

That being said, I'm sure Apple will have it all rectified with a software fix within a week (or at least before they deliver my new quad. ;) )

Good point (though perhaps Windoze 7 rushed them along a bit).

1/3rd ???? What the hell are you smoking, there are only 59 votes. Ridiculous inflammatory statements.

At our store, we've had 6 issues with almost 300 new iMacs sold. Please people...stop being alarmists. Do not believe everything you read/hear on the internet.
there are only 59 votes

Start counting the complaints on the Apple
Discussion boards as well. There's a bigger
world out there outside of Mac Rumors.
Zero problems with my 27" iMac. There are issues with Flash and Show Leopard. My 13" Macbook Pro started to cook after I upgraded it to Snow Leopard and Flash was the culprit.

I saw a bug report on the Adobe support site for the Flash problem, so they know about it, who knows when it will be fixed.

All that said, love the 27" iMac, no issues at all so far.
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