I myself have been using PC for about the same time as you. I have never gotten a virus because I know what to do to avoid them. Most of the viruses are made for Pc's. Why? Because 90% of the market uses PC.
I wish apple would stop playing the "virus card", and the "BSOD card", because if they had equal market share they would have the same problems as PC. As you can clearly see...=
Apples marketshare can approach 100% and they will never have the issues that Windows has at its core. Shoddy drivers that fight with each other because vendors are too lazy to write decent drivers and are more concerned about outdating their hardware forcing you to buy the latest version. Most WHQL certified drivers blow chunks too. Apple will still sport the same line up, and these same computers will show up under the identifier as "Macbook/Macbook Pro/Mac Pro 4.x" or whatever, instead of "Apple Presario 892738xxv90283x hyper dv super awsome bitchin edition."
Besides that box in your screen shot could have froze for a myriad of reasons. Embarrassing, I agree, but in my various years of OS X'ing i've only had a few GSoD, but when they do happen man I get ANGRY .
Oh, by the way. That RSPlug Trojan you are talking about requires authentication and a fair degree of user interaction. Just like every other trojan out there.