What is the significance behind a tuesday announcement ? Other than statistically previous updates have fallen on tuesdays ? Is there another business or logistical reason for announcing new products on a tuesday ?
Ive spoken to a few apple resellers and not one of them beleives anything new is on its way,
Why would a reseller have any more information than anyone else? Fact of the matter is they want to sell what they have in stock, because when a new iMac comes out the old ones they have in stock drop dramatically in price. Seems like a pretty simple concept.
uhh, no. Tuesday is the mode day of the week, but not even the majority day. Check the buyer's guide/release schedule. The last iMac was released on a Monday. Before that was a Tuesday. Before that was a Wednesday. I remember some products coming out on Thursdays and Fridays.They always have.
The last iMac was released April 28, 2008. A Tuesday. Everything Apple does is on a Tuesday. Just Google "Apple Tuesdays" You'll find article(s) on why Apple releases on a Tuesday, and a whole host of things that happened on a Tuesday. Never in my memory has anything been released by Apple any other day. They even update iTunes every Tuesday.
I do not suspect a major overhaul. No need for one. Update the processors, ram, video card and maybe screen to led and keep on rolling I think.
A 28" isn't going to roll out without a event debut and a 28" is kind of a bad idea in this economy. If you want it just get a Mac Pro and a 30" Apple monitor will probaly be Apple's stance.
Not sure how a 28" iMac is a bad idea in this economy but suggesting an uber-expensive Mac Pro AND a 30" Apple monitor is a good idea in this economy![]()
The... last iMac update was not on a Tuesday. April 28, 2008 was a Monday.
The iPhone came out on a Friday.
It's pretty disgusting to be waiting and waiting for nothing. I don't need an iMac right now, but I just want it...
Same here, kind of. My current computer has gotten a bit slow and can't run OS X properly. But, since I don't really need a computer right this second, I think it's best to be a bit more patient. Looking at past release dates, Apple tends to refresh between January and the end of April.
I do have a feeling they're trying to release the refresh with Snow Leopard. It would make a larger impact for both than releasing them separately, and they won't have to deal with angry customers who will be upset if they have to buy Snow Leopard a month later. Also, OS X Leopard currently has a 4GB RAM limitation. I imagine if they want to keep up with PC manufacturers, they'll want to give someone buying a custom order iMac the option of 6GB or 8GB, which would be possible with Snow Leopard. ALSO, it's been nearly a year since they've done a major refresh. So, I'm guessing a mid-March release.
I'll be waiting a bit longer since I want to get the new 24" refurbished to save $300.
You are going to kick yourself if the new units are announced or released in a fews days/weeks or even a month or so. What is a month in hind sight???
There, I feel better now.
At least I keep telling myself that.
Norman Ross Jr.
Because the people who need Mac Pros will be able to afford them.
This thread isn't about people who need Mac Pros but about people interested in an iMac...and the comment I responded to was talking about the viability of a 28" iMac.
I'm looking forward to tne new iMacs any day now but one thing people keep mentioning is this 28" screen. Is it really a major want? 24" is big enough I can't imagaine sitting in front of a 28" screen for any long period of time, that's like sitting 2' from your TV.
Really I just want a bump in processor, maybe ram and some extra space. New graphics cards would be a must.
Basically many hints, some rumors (from fairly reliable sources), and some sense.Do we have any proper evidence AT ALL that a new imac update is on its way...i mean from a reliable source as im starting to wander if were all waiting for something that isn't going to happen any time soon....
You are going to kick yourself if the new units are announced or released in a fews days/weeks or even a month or so. What is a month in hind sight???
There, I feel better now.
At least I keep telling myself that.
Norman Ross Jr.