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I think the imacs need the the nvidia chip and a new fresh look

The iMac would be just fine with better ATI Radeon cards. The iMac doesn't need Nvidia cards.

As for for a fresh new look, I guess if they use Quad Cores they might need to make the cases thicker. So, a slight fresh new look is possible.
I think the imacs need the the nvidia chip and a new fresh look

Well, be prepared to be "let down".

The iMac does not need, nor in my opinion will it receive a cosmetic overhaul. As I said previously, Apple like a uniform look across their entire range and the new Unibody Macbook and Macbook Pro range are designed in the same appearance as the Aluminum & Glass iMac.

Don't also forget that the G5 iMac kept it's look as it moved to Intel processors during the transition from PowerPC to Intel.

I know this is Macrumors, but people would be wise to let common sense and previous Apple experiences speak for themselves. Of course it could be who is wrong but using previous experience and the aforementioned common sense, I think it's fairly obvious that the iMac update will be a non-event ... literally.

Personally, I'm holding off although I almost bought a 20" entry level iMac for £645 from the Refurb Store two days ago. For me, currently using the original Intel iMac 17" Core Duo model, the step up in spec would have been noticeable, but I am prepared to pay the £800 for a new model should the prices stay the same as they currently are (that's another topic altogether right there), but I was almost tempted.

I use my Mac mainly for Adobe CS3 programs, mainly Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop as well as watching video files and listening to music via iTunes. Gaming means nothing to me these days since I stepped away from the (now boring in my opinion) gaming scene after owning all three of the current generation systems and selling them on.

My current iMac isn't a slouch when it comes to CS3 but I could use the greater screen real estate and I wouldn't mind if CS3 ran a little quicker and was a little "snappier", so perhaps a Refurb would be a good option. I've set my own deadline for purchasing my new system; March 23rd.

If there's no new systems by then I'll go ahead and buy regardless. If there's new systems available and the speed bump isn't as great as many here have hyped it up to themselves as being, then I'll look at getting an "old" iMac on the Refurb Store.
The iMac would be just fine with better ATI Radeon cards. The iMac doesn't need Nvidia cards.

As for for a fresh new look, I guess if they use Quad Cores they might need to make the cases thicker. So, a slight fresh new look is possible.

Thicker doesn't constitute a new look ... it simply means a change in existing system dimensions.
Thicker doesn't constitute a new look ... it simply means a change in existing system dimensions.
That's what I mean with slight. Means very minimal physical appearance difference. ;)
I also guess the iMac could also get the stand that the 24" LED Cinema Display is using though if anything.
I don't guess a new look... Maybe, a black&alu keyboard... (In that case, I would kill to find an old one :p)

What about the 9600 GT compared to the 2400 XT?
Of course it would be a power boost... But comparing 9600 GT with 2600XT (which is the high-20"), won't be much better than now, isn't it? So.. Should I wait?
That's what I mean with slight. Means very minimal physical appearance difference. ;)
I also guess the iMac could also get the stand that the 24" LED Cinema Display is using though if anything.

Yeah, the stand used on the 24" LED Cinema Display could be brought into the iMac range, which would give a slight change in look.

I honestly don't expect some massive overhaul on the iMac ... but for some reason I think the Mac Pro could come out with a new SKU that will blow the professional users away.

Quad Core in the iMac would be "nice" but is it necessary, and would Apple want to bridge the gap between "Consumer" and "Professional" users so closely, especially given the cost difference? The only price increase I see happening with the iMac is the Sterling to US Dollar rate decrease, but again that's just my little warped angle on events.

Regarding the iMac, I think quicker Core 2 Duo's, bigger HDD, nVidia GPU's, and LED displays will be the basis for the 20" models when the upgrade happens.

Regarding the iMac, I think quicker Core 2 Duo's, bigger HDD, nVidia GPU's, and LED displays will be the basis for the 20" models when the upgrade happens.

I mean why wouldnt they update them? Its no secret that apple is doing extremely well in sells accept there Imac area whose sells arent as good as macbooks. Anyway, I think the things you listed are truly needed, i couldnt imagine a laptop or desk top without LCD display thats just a fundamental energy saver and they last longer.
That would be nice. I wouldn't mind that at all.

Agreed. The new Aluminum keyboard goes great with my white 17" Core Duo, but when I see it next to the Aluminum & Glass iMac it looks ... a wee bit strange. I wouldn't go as far as to say it looks grossly out of place, but there's just something not quite right with it. Again, it's down to perception and opinion.

And, just to be fussy, I'd like to see the adaptor on the power chord that attaches to the back of the machine made black so the entire back is the same colour .... but that's just being really pedantic!
uhhmm... I don't like too much the idea of a black Keyboard... Imagine what will be the next... a black Mig.Mouse :p? It's less elegant lol
I mean why wouldnt they update them?

I assume you're asking why wouldn't they update the cosmetics? For the very reasons I took the time to list in previous posts. ;)

1. Apple have always liked to have a uniform "look" throughout their entire range of computers.

2. The latest Macbook and Macbook Pro range were brought into line with the Aluminum and Glass iMacs in terms of appearance.

3. The Aluminum and Glass iMac was launched at a relatively low key "event" by Steve Jobs in August 2007 ... if I remember correctly? That means it's less than 2 years old in terms of design. The white iMac, which the Alu & Glass is identical too in design, seems to be the design Apple has settled on for the iMac.

4. The G5 iMac kept it's look for numerous years, went through various transitions (iSight, FrontRow) and the look lasted well into the Intel transition in early 2006.

5. The Mac Mini remains the only system now "outside" the uniform look Apple has brought to it's range, which is why I suspect the most exciting announcement will be regarding that system IF anything happens with it at all.
"Consumer" and "Professional"

Consumer: MacBook and 20" iMac
Professional: MacBook Pro and Mac Pro
Prosumer: (in between Consumer and Professional): 24" iMac (though could be argued)
Special case: MacBook Air
Switcher, Budget: Mac Mini
Alu Macbooks...

Why update a portable device that repels or prevents a clear wireless connection? i understand NEW REVOLUTIONARY DESIGNS but im a bit confused about that.
1. Apple have always liked to have a uniform "look" throughout their entire range of computers.
Look at the PowerPC era (G3s, G4s, G5s). ;)
2. The latest Macbook and Macbook Pro range were brought into line with the Aluminum and Glass iMacs in terms of appearance.
They should have done this earlier in my opinion.
3. The Aluminum and Glass iMac was launched at a relatively low key "event" by Steve Jobs in August 2007 ... if I remember correctly? That means it's less than 2 years old in terms of design. The white iMac, which the Alu & Glass is identical too in design, seems to be the design Apple has settled on for the iMac.
Every couple years the design will change.

4. The G5 iMac kept it's look for numerous years, went through various transitions (iSight, FrontRow) and the look lasted well into the Intel transition in early 2006.
Apple probably did not have any new ideas back then on how to re-design the iMac, so they kept the same design for the Intel switch.

5. The Mac Mini remains the only system now "outside" the uniform look Apple has brought to it's range, which is why I suspect the most exciting announcement will be regarding that system IF anything happens with it at all.
They should add some glossy black to the appearance of the Mac Mini

Aluminum as it is, but with black keys ... possibly backlit?
Wouldn't touching Aluminium a lot be bad for you?
A Stephen Lynch song came to mind when I read that "SKU" ... :D
I don't know who Stephen Lynch is. :confused:
lol im sorry

Sorry, not following that question at all ... :confused:

I was referring to the aluminum macbooks, alot of ppl have been complaining that they dont pick up wireless signals very well do to there alum shells. I was wondering why apple made them out of a material that would repel or prevent clear wireless signals. it was a side rant
Various Comments

Firstly, can you please not do that God awful quoting separate comments? It's a massive inconvenience on a number of forums I use and it's always asked to be stopped. If you're quoting multiple users then fine, but when it's comments from the same person just quote the post and reply below ... addressing each point separately doesn't get a point across any better or worse but does make quoting back an absolute chore.

Basically, everything is open to perception but as I said it's down to common sense. I simply do not see the need for an iMac redesign and believe it is not going to happen. If the speed bump is less than considerable and the design does change, then I'd be likely to go for the existing Aluminum & Glass design because I think it's stunning. My Uncle has one, after I got him into Apple, and it's a gorgeous piece of kit. I don't often think my white iMac is ugly, but after seeing his new iMac I can come home feeling a little ... green. :D

Stephen Lynch is an American stand up comedian who sings "rude and controversial" songs. I first seen him on the Paramount Comedy channels' "Comedy Club" before looking up more of him on YouTube. He came to the Edinburgh Festival last year and I took my wife to see him and had a superb time ... my jaw and sides were sore for days. :D
Iit was a side rant

Ah, ok. :D

I thought it was because the Macbook Air was mentioned in passing.

I've not had the pleasure of using the new Macbook's outside of the Glasgow Apple Store ... I considered one in place of a new iMac, especially since they pop up on the Refurb Store for £799 sometimes.

However, with a 13.5 display I want to utilise that power in my design work and simply cannot afford to buy a 24" LED Cinema Display to go with it. Therefore, it's a no go.

Ah, ok. :D

I thought it was because the Macbook Air was mentioned in passing.

I've not had the pleasure of using the new Macbook's outside of the Glasgow Apple Store ... I considered one in place of a new iMac, especially since they pop up on the Refurb Store for £799 sometimes.

However, with a 13.5 display I want to utilise that power in my design work and simply cannot afford to buy a 24" LED Cinema Display to go with it. Therefore, it's a no go.

So are you going to purchase a imac soon? or wait to the supposed updates? also if you were going to purchase now which would you purchase and why?:)
So are you going to purchase a imac soon? or wait to the supposed updates? also if you were going to purchase now which would you purchase and why?:)

Given the current financial climate and the fact my wife is only just back in employment after being made redundant, my budget is £800 which is sitting in my Bank Account waiting to be spent ... or should I say burning a hole in my pocket! :D

I am most likely going for the entry level 20" iMac, and was almost tempted by the Refurb Store's offer of that very model for £645 but decided against it for two reasons:

1. The pending update and the possibility that the price could come down ... as unlikely as that seems with the GBP to USD rate.

2. I had no experience of the Refurb Store and decided to source out opinions on it and how good products bought from it are, both in terms of cosmetics and reliability. I have been impressed with the feedback on the Refurb Store and will seriously consider any future offers that come on there.
I use a laptop for CAD drawing at college (and sometimes, soft 3D designs). It has a 8400M GT, which I thought was "middle", but watching this list ( ) it's clearly a low-model.

I'll wait a few days more before buying a new iMac, but I would like to know some quiestions:

If I buy an iMac with ATI 2600XT, which shold I pick (20" or 24")?
I think 24" is better to show all expandable menu's of my CAD software, but bigger screen will slow 3D mode?

PS: I can't afford a high-end 24"
PS2: If the next iMac upgrade comes with 9600GT, will be much different?
My wet dream for the iMac:
Matte screen option
30" 2560x1600 resolution iMac
Blu-ray drive
HDMI and component connection (connect PS2, PS3 and XBox 360, use the iMac as a display)
Dual hard drives
Properly calibrated out of the box (2.2 gamma 6500K)
CrossFire and/or SLI (for some games)

Would never happen though. :(
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