All Good Reasons
Very good post, may I also ask why do you prefer the imac to the new Alu macbooks? thanks
Given the current financial climate and the fact my wife is only just back in employment after being made redundant, my budget is £800 which is sitting in my Bank Account waiting to be spent ... or should I say burning a hole in my pocket!
I am most likely going for the entry level 20" iMac, and was almost tempted by the Refurb Store's offer of that very model for £645 but decided against it for two reasons:
1. The pending update and the possibility that the price could come down ... as unlikely as that seems with the GBP to USD rate.
2. I had no experience of the Refurb Store and decided to source out opinions on it and how good products bought from it are, both in terms of cosmetics and reliability. I have been impressed with the feedback on the Refurb Store and will seriously consider any future offers that come on there.
Very good post, may I also ask why do you prefer the imac to the new Alu macbooks? thanks