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TNT! As Steve would say... "Boom!"

Arrived in work this morning to find an invoice in the email... so checked the tracker page and presto! It's with TNT and the new estimated delivery date is the 9th! Hey! That's today! Can't see there being too much work done today!
(This post has been brought to you by the punctuation mark "!" :))
Well, sadly, it does not matter that Berlin is very close to Czech. They will deliver via the Netherlands anyway. At least that's what my UPS track shows:

DE 08.05.2008 7:30 UNTERWEGS
08.05.2008 7:00 ZIELSCAN
08.05.2008 6:00 ANKUNFTSSCAN
DE 08.05.2008 1:21 ABFAHRTSSCAN
DE 07.05.2008 4:34 ANKUNFTSSCAN
DE 07.05.2008 1:39 ABFAHRTSSCAN
DE 06.05.2008 22:37 ANKUNFTSSCAN
NL 06.05.2008 20:45 ABFAHRTSSCAN
06.05.2008 17:50 EXPORTSCAN

Desperately awaiting delivery....
(2.8; 500Gig; Nvidia 8800)

Lucky you, it's within city boundaries and your carrier has nice detailed reports. Mines on the way with TNT and the tracking on their site has neither an update nor details. So I just enjoy the nice weather over the long weekend, and try too ignore any reflex to watch the tracker. ;-)

Arrived this morning at 7.50am....

shame I have to go to work........

**Also I forgot to mention I had no batteries for the keyboard and mouse, so couldnt test it.. People make sure you have batteries if you ordered the wireless stuff because it doesnt come with them .. **
Yay it's arrived.
Type: Package
Status: Delivered
Delivered On: 05/09/2008
11:39 A.M.

Shame it was delivered to my folks, I go away tomorrow working away for a week, back Sunday 18th. Then I'm oncall the following week so can't get to parents... soooo the first time I'll see my nice new iMac will be Sunday 1st June :(

Arse !

Arrived this morning at 7.50am....

shame I have to go to work........

**Also I forgot to mention I had no batteries for the keyboard and mouse, so couldnt test it.. People make sure you have batteries if you ordered the wireless stuff because it doesnt come with them .. **

I could swear my wireless keyboard came with batteries :confused:

Apple Website says shipment delayed now, and the tnt website has a (!) by the consignment and the status is please call. However, when I change the tracking to international, it tells me it arrived in the warehouse at around 10, and is in transit. *Boggle*
Ordered my 3.06GHz, nVidia, 500Gb HDD iMac on the 1st May, and it arrived yesterday (London). According to TNT's tracking, it sat in Prague and Germany for what seemed like ages.

First impressions - it's miles ahead from my old 20" white iMac - I'm pleased to report Portal and Half-life 2 episode 2 run *very* well in Windows. Full resolution, settings maxed. There's a teeny bit of tearing unless you turn on vsync, but I can live with that for the increased frame rate.

Playing games make it run HOT though, I could barely touch the top of the case after an hour-long stint on half-life 2. Still, the internal temperature was not too high, so I guess it's fine.

I didn't realise they've moved the function keys around for the volume, expose and dashboard - I've got a bit of learning to do!

All-in-all, I'm very pleased - I was very disappointed with the graphics performance of my old iMac, but this is more than acceptable for my gaming needs. Glad I held out for the updates rather than spending more than I needed on a Mac Pro!
Apple Website says shipment delayed now, and the tnt website has a (!) by the consignment and the status is please call. However, when I change the tracking to international, it tells me it arrived in the warehouse at around 10, and is in transit. *Boggle*

Yes, it did something similar for me. You've got to use the International option. It seems TNT recycle their consignment numbers quite quickly too - tracking my parcel showed results for my iMac and a package for a Herr Bott somewhere in Germany!
Yeah, I had to use the international option too, thanks for the advice. Been following it whilst at work and have just got home now taking time off. I hope it arrives soon as I have to leave at 4:00ish and no one will be here!
Mine messed up yet another time, with a delay. And it also somehow went from london to exeter in 17 mins, then 17 mins later was back in london!!!! Its comical how many times my imac has actually travelled through time with the dates/times I've been given.
Anyway, I expect mine will arrive after I've left at 4:00 as I live over 40miles from the "local" TNT deport, so I'll be one of the last of the day to get it (i'd imagine).
So I may have to wait for monday, as I can't see them delivery on satuday... but who knows... maybe itll be here now... or now... or now... :mad: ;)

I double checked the imac box and there was no batteries...... (cheapskates)
Wow... that is cheap! I got the wireless KB and mouse. Good job my ebay order of a load of hybrio rechargeable batteries arrived yesterday!
I_am_Sampson, have you tried calling them? They have a freephone number and have been very helpful for me. You get straight through, no multiple options nonsense. Make sure you tell them it's an international package though.

Their number is: 0800 100 600
Mohh, just got off the phone from TNT, who weren't much use. They told me that it got into the warehouse "late" (from the details I can see, looks like late is 10:15am...) and so won't be delivered until Monday because they don't deliver international packages on the weekend. I had a bit of dig around on the interwebs, and it turns out I drive past the local depot almost every day. :(
I double checked the imac box and there was no batteries...... (cheapskates)
Are you sure? After your comment I expected mine not too, but it does. There were 5 energizer batteries in a white packet under the cleaning cloth. Not that they'll ever go in my iMac, but are you sure you don't have them too?
Are you sure? After your comment I expected mine not too, but it does. There were 5 energizer batteries in a white packet under the cleaning cloth. Not that they'll ever go in my iMac, but are you sure you don't have them too?

you are right, i found them.... My excuse is I was in a rush this morning, didnt look properly.....:D
It's here...

Hey all,

Mine finally turned up today. Yesterday, the status changed to UK Distribution, then quickly changed to TNT. It wasn't expected until next Thursday so it was a nice surprise.

Anyway, I'm still wondering whether or not to leave it unopened and send it back. I'm thinking of ordering a Mac Pro instead...

Hey all,

Mine finally turned up today. Yesterday, the status changed to UK Distribution, then quickly changed to TNT. It wasn't expected until next Thursday so it was a nice surprise.

Anyway, I'm still wondering whether or not to leave it unopened and send it back. I'm thinking of ordering a Mac Pro instead...


keep it, its a beautiful machine... I still cant get over how quiet it is....
Mohh, just got off the phone from TNT, who weren't much use. They told me that it got into the warehouse "late" (from the details I can see, looks like late is 10:15am...) and so won't be delivered until Monday because they don't deliver international packages on the weekend. I had a bit of dig around on the interwebs, and it turns out I drive past the local depot almost every day. :(

Oh well, guess I don't have to sit around today waiting then! Mine must be snuggled up in the TNT warehouse next to yours.
How long now?

My tracking info originally had a May 14 arrival date for my new iMac, then it changed to May 10. I didn't think May 10 (yesterday) was even possible for a package leaving CA on May 7 via FedEx ground, and of course it didn't turn up yesterday. Now there is no estimated arrival, but the latest tracking had the package in OH 5:30 this morning. So, how long until I should see it in CT??

Ship date
May 7, 2008

Shipment ID
Guilford, CT
Service type
Home Delivery-Indirect Signature Required
37.0 lbs.

In transit





May 10, 2008 5:33 AM

In transit


May 8, 2008 9:28 AM

Departed FedEx location


4:37 AM

Arrived at FedEx location


12:26 AM

Left origin


May 7, 2008 9:54 PM

Arrived at FedEx location


4:45 PM

Picked up


4:16 PM

Package data transmitted to FedEx

Fremont, CA
I ordered mine here in Sydney last Monday through my local Apple Store. 4 to 8 days was the timeframe. Well, I'm at 6 days so far, and no machine. :-(

Maybe tomorrow. Please......
Just spoke to FedEx. I wanted to get a delivery estimate, since there is no longer a date for estimated delivery on my tracking info. Since my package was in Ohio at 5:330 am yesterday I though it might be here in CT today. The FedEx rep said that these packages move more based on the date they were promised. Since mine wasn't originally promised for delivery before May 14, it gets a pretty low priority at this point. He said I should get it on the 14th.

UPS just arrived with the FireWire 800 cable I ordered for use with Migration Assistant, so now I'm really chomping at the bit. I have almost 300GB to transfer over, and I'd love to know if anybody has used FireWire 800 and if it was noticeably faster than firewire 400?

Do you think constantly checking the order tracking site speeds up delivery time?
Now this is excellent. I'd been told on Friday that my iMac had arrived at a warehouse too late to be sent out to me, and would be sent out today. So I waited until midday and it hadn't come. I checked the TNT tracking page again, this time the non-international page which had said "out for delivery" earlier in the day, now showed "please call" again. The international tracking page couldn't find the consignment.

So then I had to go out to uni, and left someone else to deal with it. The first call confirmed that it was in the warehouse on Friday, but was still in the warehouse. They promised to phone back, but they didn't and when we phoned back spun some rubbish about not realising they had to. They then said that it hadn't arrived in the warehouse until Saturday.

A subsequent broken promise to call back with more information, and it turns out that it's not in the local depot after all, but in Southampton, which is about 2 hours and a stretch of water away. Supposedly it will go on the van tomorrow around 8, which means that I can't expect it much before lunchtime. We never really got an explaination for it not being delivered today, but we were given an excuse that it had to be in the warehouse 24 hours (wtf?), and that it was Apple's fault because they had an agreement about delivering things more securely...

Now this is excellent. I'd been told on Friday that my iMac had arrived at a warehouse too late to be sent out to me, and would be sent out today. So I waited until midday and it hadn't come. I checked the TNT tracking page again, this time the non-international page which had said "out for delivery" earlier in the day, now showed "please call" again. The international tracking page couldn't find the consignment.

So then I had to go out to uni, and left someone else to deal with it. The first call confirmed that it was in the warehouse on Friday, but was still in the warehouse. They promised to phone back, but they didn't and when we phoned back spun some rubbish about not realising they had to. They then said that it hadn't arrived in the warehouse until Saturday.

A subsequent broken promise to call back with more information, and it turns out that it's not in the local depot after all, but in Southampton, which is about 2 hours and a stretch of water away. Supposedly it will go on the van tomorrow around 8, which means that I can't expect it much before lunchtime. We never really got an explaination for it not being delivered today, but we were given an excuse that it had to be in the warehouse 24 hours (wtf?), and that it was Apple's fault because they had an agreement about delivering things more securely...


That's extremely bad luck... mine went to "out for delivery" this morning too, and finally at 14:58, it arrived! It's unusual that anything manages to make it across that rather larger stretch of water known as the Irish Sea in any sensible time, but TNT managed to haul it over in quick order.

Hope yours arrives tomorrow - it's well worth the wait, but then, you knew that already! :D
imac was ordered through university and so I don't have any means to track it down! It will be a surprise when we get it!
I cannot wait until I get mine. I ordered my first mac (iMac 24", 2.8GHz, nVidia 8800, 320GB HD) on the 11th and it says "ships by 14/05/08 - 15/05/08. ETA delivery by the 20/05/08 - 22/05/08. I really hope it doesnt get delayed. Right now it says "Prepared For Shipment", Where do they actually ship from?
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