You know honestly someone can be wrong as to the speculated meaning of some information and not be lying. I think it's perfectly reasonable that somebody was told to expect some items to be shipped in a few weeks ago. Combine that with the other bits of information floating around and you get 'speculation'. There was that bit about four 'devices' being tested as I recall. That was really the most persuasive hint that I remember. We know what one of those devices was - that new/old ipad that's been released. Where are the other 3 now? To be announced whenever. We can all agree that something might be coming. Sometime. In the future. Possibly tomorrow, possibly next week. Probably eventually.
Yup. And as was mentioned earlier in this thread, the product red iPhones and 2017 iPad are launching on April 14th in some countries. So it very likely could have been that to which the OP was referring.
As to the model numbers from the Mar 13 article - iPads 7,1 7,2 7,3 and 7.4 - I thought it was assumed that they were for 2 models of the 10.5" Pro (wifi and cellular) and 2 for the 12.9" Pro (wifi and cellular)?