Sure, that’s why I said it is stil few years from happening. But wireless charge technology is changing rapidly at the moment.
I am really glad it is, IMO I don't believe AC has really been used to it's full potential. I think too much of the AC v DC stuff has still been raging. It's hard to do AC for smaller devices, which is why they use DC. AC can attain a huge amount of energy and deliver it from very far away, but to take advantage of that it needs special transformers/coils to step down the voltage so a device or machine can charge the device, that's where DC comes in, but again each device would have to have a specialty coil to receive and downgrade the energy so it is actually safely usable. But having it right next to the motherboard and such is risky as the energy gets hot even with just DC chargers, so we need properly designed coils to really downgrade AC, for it to do it's thing without burning up the device it is meant to be charging. lol
I think this is part of why Apple's Air-power mat is having issues, I think the coils are most likely too close and not properly designed so the voltage from AC is not downgraded appropriately and safely to the phones from the mat; causing the over-heating issues.
I am a fan of AC, but I admit AC scares me with smaller commercial devices. It's why super picky and careful on what company I buy a wireless charger from, they have to know how to construct it, and use the proper materials so it doesn't burn out, explode, or just not disperse the energy going to or from it.
*Sorry know-it-all geek moment over, (even though I actually am not one who knows much at all.)

**Again just talking some nonsense, feel free to tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about (as I most likely am still off. I'm just learning about this particular part of science and tech. I have always just been a bloke who knows tech and some of the basics for safety and efficiency, but I wanted to learn more so I could possibly design my own devices someday.