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Do you carry cash? It's your responsibility to physically secure your phone.
I don't follow. I will however add that I do carry cash, not often, more often I pay with ApplePay which requires a passcode on the phone.
I don't use Touch ID or a passcode either. I am the only one who ever uses my phone. My question is how easy is it to unlock while your phone is in your pocket. With slide to unlock it was never an issue. My issue with having to only press the home button to unlock it, how many things will get deleted or how many phone calls will be made. The slide to unlock feature needs to be an option for the people that don't use passcodes.
Still not sure how it takes 2 presses to unlock it. When you pick the phone up, it turns on and you press the home button once and you're in since you dont use a passcode.
*IF you have a 6S/6S Plus*

If you have a 6/Plus there have been times where I have to press the home button twice to unlock. Personally not sure i like the raise to wake feature, hope I can turn it off in settings at some point. Will wait till my 7 Plus gets here though, my watch raise to wake feature doesn't always work correctly. Driving sometimes I have to take my wrist down the the seat and then bring it back up to get it to wake... yet other times I can just barely move my wrist and it wakes up.

So far i do like the lock screen. but I have one issue.
Before I could see the subject and 1-2 lines on the lock screen before opening the mail. Now anyone can read pretty much all the mail on screen without any security... I found in settings to stop the preview (on each mail account) which does restrict view of the email, but also restricts pretty much all of the email.
Now it just shows:
Mail Message
Slide for more

Would like to at least see the title like before, but still be required to authenticate to see the entire message.
I don't use Touch ID or a passcode either. I am the only one who ever uses my phone. My question is how easy is it to unlock while your phone is in your pocket. With slide to unlock it was never an issue. My issue with having to only press the home button to unlock it, how many things will get deleted or how many phone calls will be made. The slide to unlock feature needs to be an option for the people that don't use passcodes.
I'd agree with that, my mom has a passcode instead of using touch id *just* because she has a tendency to pocket dial.
*IF you have a 6S/6S Plus*

If you have a 6/Plus there have been times where I have to press the home button twice to unlock. Personally not sure i like the raise to wake feature, hope I can turn it off in settings at some point. Will wait till my 7 Plus gets here though, my watch raise to wake feature doesn't always work correctly. Driving sometimes I have to take my wrist down the the seat and then bring it back up to get it to wake... yet other times I can just barely move my wrist and it wakes up.

lol dude.
iPhone 6 Series doesnt get raise to dont sometimes have to press twice on the home ALWAYS have to hahaha got myself a good laugh here xD :D:p
you dont have the option to turn off Raise To Wake cause it doesn't exist on your device :p
lol dude.
iPhone 6 Series doesnt get raise to dont sometimes have to press twice on the home ALWAYS have to hahaha got myself a good laugh here xD :D:p
you dont have the option to turn off Raise To Wake cause it doesn't exist on your device :p
May want to REREAD my post......

Personally not sure i like the raise to wake feature, hope I can turn it off in settings at some point. Will wait till my 7 Plus gets here though

You skipped right over my very first line.....


and NO I DO NOT need to press the home button twice, only have to press twice IF you have used Touch ID to open a secured notification and VIEW it on the lock screen.

There IS a detailed guide posted on the Mac Rumors explaining why SOMETIMES you have to press twice, but not all the time. (on a non 6S/6S Plus)
Still not sure how it takes 2 presses to unlock it. When you pick the phone up, it turns on and you press the home button once and you're in since you dont use a passcode.

yea now that i have raise to speak enabled

Raise To Wake is only a feature for the iPhone 6s ,6s Plus , iPhone SE and Above...He does need to press twice if he doesn't have any of these iPhones.

[doublepost=1473866593][/doublepost]raise to wake is an ios10 feature
May want to REREAD my post......

You skipped right over my very first line.....


and NO I DO NOT need to press the home button twice, only have to press twice IF you have used Touch ID to open a secured notification and VIEW it on the lock screen.

There IS a detailed guide posted on the Mac Rumors explaining why SOMETIMES you have to press twice, but not all the time. (on a non 6S/6S Plus)
Ah...Well Clumsy what can i say :rolleyes::p
Anyway i think i can help you with your problems ....
1.You will be able to turn off Raise to Wake in : Settings>Display & Brightness>Raise to Wake = Off.
2.If you dont want People accessing your device stuff Try playing with these Settings: Settings>Touch ID & Passcode>Allow Access When Locked Section, There is a bunch of options there that might help :)
Ah...Well Clumsy what can i say :rolleyes::p
Anyway i think i can help you with your problems ....
1.You will be able to turn off Raise to Wake in : Settings>Display & Brightness>Raise to Wake = Off.
2.If you dont want People accessing your device stuff Try playing with these Settings: Settings>Touch ID & Passcode>Allow Access When Locked Section, There is a bunch of options there that might help :)
Yeah i've been through the settings, and maybe i skipped over something but didn't see anything. It's early.. will probably find that eventually.

Yep the raise to wake can be turned off, was just reading that and was about to come back here and post that link and saw your comment.
Yeah i've been through the settings, and maybe i skipped over something but didn't see anything. It's early.. will probably find that eventually.

Yep the raise to wake can be turned off, was just reading that and was about to come back here and post that link and saw your comment.
Nice :)
Congrats on your iPhone 7 Plus Though , Wish i Could have one as well :D
it's been enabled since I made this thread. I just want to slide to unlock that's all since I don't use touchid but now I have to to keep me from using the home button more than I should

ios10 jailbreak soon i hope
it's been enabled since I made this thread. I just want to slide to unlock that's all since I don't use touchid but now I have to to keep me from using the home button more than I should

Welp, might as well get used to it cause Slide to Unlock is forever dead! ... or could always downgrade
you can change the unlocking a little bit.
Settings>General> Accessibility>Home Button.
Rest finger to open stops the requirement to press home twice, unless you unlock a secure notification on the lock screen to view it there instead. Then you will have "unlocked" the iPhone.. but will have to press home to "open" to the home screen. (lock screen tells you when it's "unlocked" but requires a home button press again, like you would if this is turned off)

Again.. the is *IF* you use Touch ID to unlock your iPhone.
Welp, might as well get used to it cause Slide to Unlock is forever dead! ... or could always downgrade

nah there'll be a tweak for it when/if a jailbreak does come out
you can change the unlocking a little bit.
Settings>General> Accessibility>Home Button.
Rest finger to open stops the requirement to press home twice, unless you unlock a secure notification on the lock screen to view it there instead. Then you will have "unlocked" the iPhone.. but will have to press home to "open" to the home screen. (lock screen tells you when it's "unlocked" but requires a home button press again, like you would if this is turned off)

Again.. the is *IF* you use Touch ID to unlock your iPhone.

that's already been discussed
knew i saw that somewhere.. read a bunch of threads, you get lost.

tell me about it. didn't think this thread would have gotten so involved like it did lol was just venting my frustration

when I had my 5s jailbreaked, literally the only time i used the home button was to get to the lockscreen. i set up activator to use the screen gestures to close apps & move from app to app.
May want to REREAD my post......

You skipped right over my very first line.....


and NO I DO NOT need to press the home button twice, only have to press twice IF you have used Touch ID to open a secured notification and VIEW it on the lock screen.

There IS a detailed guide posted on the Mac Rumors explaining why SOMETIMES you have to press twice, but not all the time. (on a non 6S/6S Plus)

Hey! would you mind pointing me to the guide you mention? Thx!
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