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While I agree, that it would be nice to see Apple make the computer you describe (or even the often dreamt of mini-tower) they have chosen not to. Given that Psystar didn't even sell 1,000 computers why would another company choose to test this out?

Apple is going to simply send their lawyers after this company and rightly so.

And since Apple has chosen not to, other companies are doing it and others are simply making their own Hackintoshes. Seems that Apple is missing out on a market here. I know I would buy said computer. I will NOT give Apple $3,000 for a tower though. I simply refuse. I will use my dual core G5 until it is no longer useful, and after that either build a Hackintosh, buy one of these clones or (gasp) go PC.
And since Apple has chosen not to, other companies are doing it and others are simply making their own Hackintoshes. Seems that Apple is missing out on a market here. I know I would buy said computer. I will NOT give Apple $3,000 for a tower though. I simply refuse. I will use my dual core G5 until it is no longer useful, and after that either build a Hackintosh, buy one of these clones or (gasp) go PC.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that there is a market for this. However, Apple is choosing not to enter it. And these other companies, in my opinion, are wrongfully using Apple's intellectual property. I would expect Apple to move swiftly to have this company shut down.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that there is a market for this. However, Apple is choosing not to enter it. And these other companies, in my opinion, are wrongfully using Apple's intellectual property. I would expect Apple to move swiftly to have this company shut down.

I expect apple to loose a lot of customers over the hole in their product line up that you can drive a 18-Wheeler threw.

Apple has almost complete abandon any real desktop/laptop development in the past few years and gone mobile.

The macbook pros are over priced big time compared to dell studio line. Desktop well those are massively over priced and very limited.
I expect apple to loose a lot of customers over the hole in their product line up that you can drive a 18-Wheeler threw.

Apple has almost complete abandon any real desktop/laptop development in the past few years and gone mobile.

The macbook pros are over priced big time compared to dell studio line. Desktop well those are massively over priced and very limited.

Yet, in their last quarterly earnings they posted record Mac sales. Clearly, they are doing something right. Even if it is not what we want. said:
Apple sold 3.47 million Macs during the three-month period ended June 26, 2010—another quarterly record for the company that topped the previous high sales mark by 100,000 units. Mac sales increased 33 percent over the 2.6 million units Apple sold in the third quarter of 2009. Oppenheimer noted that Apple’s 33-percent sales growth topped the 22-percent growth rate market research firm IDC projects for the overall computer market.

As would be expected in a quarter that saw Apple update both its MacBook Pro and MacBook product lines, portables drove Mac sales for the three months ending in June. Of the 3.47 million Macs sold, 71 percent were laptops.
Yet, in their last quarterly earnings they posted record Mac sales. Clearly, they are doing something right. Even if it is not what we want.

does not change the fact that they are going to loss a lot of customers. They might get new ones but they have given up a lot of potential customers and profit as well.

I fully expect Lee to go over to windows 7. I have some other die hard mac friends who are considering leaving and going over to PC with windows due to the cost to get the power they need is 1/2 or more on a PC compared to Apple.

$1500-2000 is a lot of money to throw away for OSX. To me it is already pretty clear apple is giving a middle finger to the people that kept the company going during the bad times in the art world.

Apple is not updated pro level apps. Their pro level computers are lagging in terms of power and cost and so on. The risk Apple runs doing this is those are your bread and butter customers who tend to keep coming back even when the consumer changes. MS is not going to turn its back on enterprise world. Those people will always go back to MS and MS is willing to do a lot to help that group.

Apple has made it pretty clear that they are going all consumer mind site so apple will get screwed when the consumer gets bored and goes to the next thing and since they are doing a great job at pissing off their core group it will really hurt the company.
Remember consumer mind changes. That much we know for a fact. What is hot one day can and will be cold the next. It is just a question of win it will turning cold. At some point Apple will be cold and with no market to fall back on well you get the point.
does not change the fact that they are going to loss a lot of customers. They might get new ones but they have given up a lot of potential customers and profit as well.

I fully expect Lee to go over to windows 7. I have some other die hard mac friends who are considering leaving and going over to PC with windows due to the cost to get the power they need is 1/2 or more on a PC compared to Apple.

$1500-2000 is a lot of money to throw away for OSX. To me it is already pretty clear apple is giving a middle finger to the people that kept the company going during the bad times in the art world.

Apple is not updated pro level apps. Their pro level computers are lagging in terms of power and cost and so on.

All that may be well and good, but as long as Apple keeps selling computers like they have been doing, there really isn't much incentive for them to change what they are offering.
All that may be well and good, but as long as Apple keeps selling computers like they have been doing, there really isn't much incentive for them to change what they are offering.

I worry when the consumer get bored and move onto something else. Apple will have nothing to fall back on.

It is not a question if the consumers will get bored with apple but a question of win. Remember consumers are very weird and what is hot today is cold tomorrow. I can site plenty of examples that proves that.
All that may be well and good, but as long as Apple keeps selling computers like they have been doing, there really isn't much incentive for them to change what they are offering.

other than making more money. haha, sorry didn't mean to be rude, but had to say it :p
other than making more money. haha, sorry didn't mean to be rude, but had to say it :p

There is no guarantee that making the computers that we would like would be profitable for Apple. Just because the geeks here at MacRumors would like these systems doesn't mean that the rest of the public would or it wouldn't cannibalize more profitable systems.

Rodimus Prime said:
I worry when the consumer get bored and move onto something else. Apple will have nothing to fall back on.

It is not a question if the consumers will get bored with apple but a question of win. Remember consumers are very weird and what is hot today is cold tomorrow. I can site plenty of examples that proves that.

It certainly is a risk. But given the enthusiasm that is generated with each new iPhone, iPod, etc. announcement, I don't think it is a large one.
Funny thing is I remember 10 years ago I purchased a used mac clone at a mac store. Power Computing made a decent clone at the time--even the pre genius era retailers conceded that.
does not change the fact that they are going to loss a lot of customers. They might get new ones but they have given up a lot of potential customers and profit as well.

I fully expect Lee to go over to windows 7. I have some other die hard mac friends who are considering leaving and going over to PC with windows due to the cost to get the power they need is 1/2 or more on a PC compared to Apple.

$1500-2000 is a lot of money to throw away for OSX. To me it is already pretty clear apple is giving a middle finger to the people that kept the company going during the bad times in the art world.

Apple is not updated pro level apps. Their pro level computers are lagging in terms of power and cost and so on. The risk Apple runs doing this is those are your bread and butter customers who tend to keep coming back even when the consumer changes. MS is not going to turn its back on enterprise world. Those people will always go back to MS and MS is willing to do a lot to help that group.

Apple has made it pretty clear that they are going all consumer mind site so apple will get screwed when the consumer gets bored and goes to the next thing and since they are doing a great job at pissing off their core group it will really hurt the company.
Remember consumer mind changes. That much we know for a fact. What is hot one day can and will be cold the next. It is just a question of win it will turning cold. At some point Apple will be cold and with no market to fall back on well you get the point.

does not change the fact that they are going to loss a lot of customers. They might get new ones but they have given up a lot of potential customers and profit as well.

I fully expect Lee to go over to windows 7. I have some other die hard mac friends who are considering leaving and going over to PC with windows due to the cost to get the power they need is 1/2 or more on a PC compared to Apple.

$1500-2000 is a lot of money to throw away for OSX. To me it is already pretty clear apple is giving a middle finger to the people that kept the company going during the bad times in the art world.

Apple is not updated pro level apps. Their pro level computers are lagging in terms of power and cost and so on. The risk Apple runs doing this is those are your bread and butter customers who tend to keep coming back even when the consumer changes. MS is not going to turn its back on enterprise world. Those people will always go back to MS and MS is willing to do a lot to help that group.

Apple has made it pretty clear that they are going all consumer mind site so apple will get screwed when the consumer gets bored and goes to the next thing and since they are doing a great job at pissing off their core group it will really hurt the company.
Remember consumer mind changes. That much we know for a fact. What is hot one day can and will be cold the next. It is just a question of win it will turning cold. At some point Apple will be cold and with no market to fall back on well you get the point.

We've seen this movie before.

Apple is posting record profits in all areas quarter after quarter. Apple isn't losing enough customers to warrant the major changes you'd like to see. The same drivel you're posting, we saw two years ago, with all the "Apple will die in this recession" baloney. They ended up selling *more* Macs, and at higher prices than PCs. So much for the "hot and cold" consumer mind. A greater value proposition is a greater value proposition. Period. As long as consumers perceive Apple offering greater value that is *worth* the cost, all will be well. And by the looks of it, that trend will continue for a long time.

All this "one day Apple will fall" ******** is getting tiresome. OBVIOUSLY one day they probably won't enjoy the same success. That goes with anything. You expect a medal for that prediction?? LOL

As for this particular decade, I hope you're used to record quarters from Apple. Because that's more or less what you're going to see for quite a while. So enjoy.
He's not saying Apple will die. He's saying Apple are shifting markets, resulting in the upset of quite a lot of people/industries. I think OS X has a very limited number of years left. Another 10 years and Apple won't being doing Mac's in my opinion.

Not only is the tone of your reply rather rude and ignorant, but so is your sig. Just because he (and myself) is upset that OS X is not getting enough attention needed to make it as cutting edge as it was compared to Windows/Linux a few years ago and the price doesn't seem worth it anymore, doesn't mean your beloved Apple is going to die.
He's not saying Apple will die. He's saying Apple are shifting markets, resulting in the upset of quite a lot of people/industries. I think OS X has a very limited number of years left. Another 10 years and Apple won't being doing Mac's in my opinion.

Not only is the tone of your reply rather rude and ignorant, but so is your sig. Just because he (and myself) is upset that OS X is not getting enough attention needed to make it as cutting edge as it was compared to Windows/Linux a few years ago and the price doesn't seem worth it anymore, doesn't mean your beloved Apple is going to die.

welcome to *LTD*'s world. He complete missed the point I was making.
Apple has chosen to piss on the market that keep them going in the lean years and focus almost only on the consumer market. While this is very profitable in the short term it also very risky and long term can spell huge problems for a company.
Reason being is the consumer market changes its mind quickly because what was hot one day is cold the next and often it has no logical reason for the change and when that happen the smart companies general have a safe bet to fall back on.

Apple does not have that. They are pissing off the group that kept them afloat during the lean years. That group is leaving and going on to better things and chances are will never return. Apple pro level computers are over priced and often becoming outdated. Their software is badly outdated compared to the other choices. On top of that they struggle with the forced obsolescence apple does before either the OS or hardware is really out dated.

Good for profits but bad for retention. Apple is making it pretty clear they do not care about retaining people at all.
welcome to *LTD*'s world. He complete missed the point I was making.
Apple has chosen to piss on the market that keep them going in the lean years and focus almost only on the consumer market. While this is very profitable in the short term it also very risky and long term can spell huge problems for a company.
Reason being is the consumer market changes its mind quickly because what was hot one day is cold the next and often it has no logical reason for the change and when that happen the smart companies general have a safe bet to fall back on.

Apple does not have that. They are pissing off the group that kept them afloat during the lean years. That group is leaving and going on to better things and chances are will never return. Apple pro level computers are over priced and often becoming outdated. Their software is badly outdated compared to the other choices. On top of that they struggle with the forced obsolescence apple does before either the OS or hardware is really out dated.

Good for profits but bad for retention. Apple is making it pretty clear they do not care about retaining people at all.

You got that right. All it will take is the shine to wear off the Apple and that's it. All it will take is another company to make a better, cooler smart phone, mp3 player or other product, and that will do it. By that time, they will have ignored the needs of the pro market to the point they will not be able to get us back. It's their choice though.
I think there's potentially value in what they're doing for Apple. What if instead of suing them, Apple modified their EULA so that Apple-specified hardware can be used, such as Quo computers. This would still give them the same protection against clones unless they lose to Pystar even with their EULA. And if they do it right, they can have Quo only do lower-end hardware that Apple doesn't want to get into directly. This would increase their user base, which allows them to sell more software.

Apple is a hardware company. They want you to spend the money on a Mac. If you spend money on a Quo clone, Apple might still make a few bucks on the OS X license, but it's nothing like the hundreds of dollars of margin they get when you buy a proper Mac.
You got that right. All it will take is the shine to wear off the Apple and that's it. All it will take is another company to make a better, cooler smart phone, mp3 player or other product, and that will do it. By that time, they will have ignored the needs of the pro market to the point they will not be able to get us back. It's their choice though.

Won't happen anytime soon. Behind Apple's products is a particular philosophy about how people should interact with tech. NO ONE today espouses that the same way Apple does. Bet your next hackintosh that what goes on at roundtable discussions in Cupertino is about a world apart from what goes on elsewhere. That's why Apple has, and continues to, make the hottest products in tech. Even Acer's CEO admitted as much, but not in so many words. It all comes down to the *culture* at Apple. It's all about the intangibles that create the tangibles. This is why no one succeeds like Apple because . . . they're not Apple.
Won't happen anytime soon. Behind Apple's products is a particular philosophy about how people should interact with tech. NO ONE today espouses that the same way Apple does. Bet your next hackintosh that what goes on at roundtable discussions in Cupertino is about a world apart from what goes on elsewhere. That's why Apple has, and continues to, make the hottest products in tech. Even Acer's CEO admitted as much, but not in so many words. It all comes down to the *culture* at Apple. It's all about the intangibles that create the tangibles. This is why no one succeeds like Apple because . . . they're not Apple.

And YOU STILL missing the point by several miles.
Won't happen anytime soon. Behind Apple's products is a particular philosophy about how people should interact with tech. NO ONE today espouses that the same way Apple does. Bet your next hackintosh that what goes on at roundtable discussions in Cupertino is about a world apart from what goes on elsewhere. That's why Apple has, and continues to, make the hottest products in tech. Even Acer's CEO admitted as much, but not in so many words. It all comes down to the *culture* at Apple. It's all about the intangibles that create the tangibles. This is why no one succeeds like Apple because . . . they're not Apple.

Once Steve is gone, you'll see some very big changes. Steve is what makes Apple what it is. And even he has screwed up before. Once he's gone, the bean counters will take over and most likely come close to ruining it. If you think that any company is invincible, you're kidding yourself.
Once Steve is gone, you'll see some very big changes. Steve is what makes Apple what it is. And even he has screwed up before. Once he's gone, the bean counters will take over and most likely come close to ruining it. If you think that any company is invincible, you're kidding yourself.

or it could be the other way around. Steve was kick out before because he almost killed the company with all the internal BS.

Once SJ is gone it could be Apple will once again focus resources back on its core and try to recover the art people it losing left and right.
Once Steve is gone, you'll see some very big changes. Steve is what makes Apple what it is. And even he has screwed up before. Once he's gone, the bean counters will take over and most likely come close to ruining it. If you think that any company is invincible, you're kidding yourself.

Agreed. A great deal of Apple's success is because of Steve Jobs. Doesn't make him perfect, but it will be difficult if not impossible to replace him.

I think Apple made a fundamental shift back in 2007 when they dropped the word "Computer" from it's name. Clearly since then, their focus has been on the consumer market (iPhones, iPods, iTMS, etc.) and less on their Mac lines. While it has been very successful so far, it remains to be seen if it will be a long-term success.
or it could be the other way around. Steve was kick out before because he almost killed the company with all the internal BS.

And if you recall, Apple nearly went straight down the toilet after he left. It wasn't until he came back that it thrived again.

Agreed. A great deal of Apple's success is because of Steve Jobs. Doesn't make him perfect, but it will be difficult if not impossible to replace him.

I think Apple made a fundamental shift back in 2007 when they dropped the word "Computer" from it's name. Clearly since then, their focus has been on the consumer market (iPhones, iPods, iTMS, etc.) and less on their Mac lines. While it has been very successful so far, it remains to be seen if it will be a long-term success.

Yep- this is very risky. Given how this has worked in the past, Apple will have their time in the sun and then fade like every other company. If this happens (and it will), and their most loyal customers aren't around any longer to keep them afloat, they'll be in trouble.
And if you recall, Apple nearly went straight down the toilet after he left. It wasn't until he came back that it thrived again.

It was heading that way before SJ left. I have read that even SJ agreed that if he was not fired he would of killed the company.

He helped when he came back and did some other things right but at the same time he is part of the problem at Apple as it stands.

SJ is the reason that Apple is pissing on the people who kept them going. SJ is the reason the pro line of computers are over priced.
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