I was thinking....If Apple phase out the Mac Pro and funnel existing pro users into a high end iMac, after a couple of years they will be able to argue that the new iMacs are the fastest and most powerful Macs they've produced and nobody will be able to say otherwise.
The problem I have with the iMac design is that it doesn't allow for upgrades of a GPU at all and changing the hard drive is rather awkward at best. Typically, I'd like to get 2 or 3 GPU upgrades into a pro machine's life cycle given the cost outlay.
Apple are all about the bottom line these days. You can't blame them I guess, it's just business. It's a bit painful for pro users who have a genuine fondness for the values Apple used to have and which they still like to trade on. Seems the pendulum has swung the other way and they're on a search and destroy mission for new revenue streams.
Problem is, OS X is just too good a platform for me to drop. Even if I end up having to use a PC workstation again for rendering, I imagine it will just be a rendering box and the bulk of the creative and setup work will still be done on a Mac.