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macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2012
Southern California
I was hoping it didn't have a back cover. I just want the front smart cover. Not finding anything like that. :T

Also, are you gents using screen protectors?

EDIT: Hm, maybe I want a pouch instead. Like the Kindle Fire pouches.

I use these very well made Greensmart sleeves for my Tablets and MacBook laptops.

The Nexus has very tough Oleophobic coated Gorilla Glass which with a bit of care is very scratch resistant. I never cover it with a screen protector.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
More rumors that the next iPad Mini will be a spec bump and lack retina display:

Maybe there's a slim chance that this is outdated information? Maybe there's an even slimmer chance that this will launch alongside an iPad Mini w/ Retina Display (how much will that be, then)?

I don't know. But once again, "ugh, Apple." Apple doesn't make it easy.

Makes me feel better about my N7 purchase.

Oo, I stand corrected:

WSJ says Apple may have sorted out the issues that were preventing a Retina iPad Mini. The answer turns out to be Samsung displays.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
After 15 minutes at BB yesterday with the SGT3 after I have been using the new N7, I could not even begin to consider it. The 8 incher cannot keep up, plain and simple and it costs more and lacks the specs. I even prefer my 1st gen N7 to it.

Samsung best work on performance and resolution with their small tablets especially now with the new N7 and perhaps even the new Kindle Fire coming shortly.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
Oo, I stand corrected:

WSJ says Apple may have sorted out the issues that were preventing a Retina iPad Mini. The answer turns out to be Samsung displays.

It still will not be for awhile anyway. I have a Mini with cellular, I got a great deal paying below the price of a Mini without it. I am not planning to upgrade.

Ever try a Mini? If not, I encourage you to do so. There are workarounds for the screen resolution. For websites I use a different browser and increase the font size or just use Safari in landscape.


Oct 9, 2005
I have to return my new Nexus 7 to Best Buy.

The LCD backlight seems to be partly defective. The screen will blink off for a fraction of a second every few minutes. It's very annoying and not something I can live with. It does it regardless of auto brightness being on or off. Happens in any app - even while booting - so I'm certain it's a hardware fault. Even did a factory wipe and it still occurs.

Damn shame, too, because Best Buy has no 32GB models to exchange it with, so I have no choice but to get a refund. It'll be going back this afternoon. I've re-ordered from the Google Play store but it'll be well in to next week before it arrives.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
I have to return my new Nexus 7 to Best Buy.

The LCD backlight seems to be partly defective. The screen will blink off for a fraction of a second every few minutes. It's very annoying and not something I can live with. It does it regardless of auto brightness being on or off. Happens in any app - even while booting - so I'm certain it's a hardware fault. Even did a factory wipe and it still occurs.

Damn shame, too, because Best Buy has no 32GB models to exchange it with, so I have no choice but to get a refund. It'll be going back this afternoon. I've re-ordered from the Google Play store but it'll be well in to next week before it arrives.

Is this a reported problem with Best Buy models?

I ordered another one from Best


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
I see they are fetching silly prices on eBay already for those eager to import....

I don't need one, I prefer the iPad Mini and will buy a retina version of that... So why am I scouring eBay ? Can I get a therapist in here......
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2011
I ordered mine from best buy and it has back light bleeding. It also force reboots about twice a day and I have done multiple factory resets. Anybody else have this problem?


macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2009
That sucks - I got a 16GB from BB and I should have got a 32, they said I could have either one!

Mine has been flawless as well.


macrumors 68000
Jul 15, 2005
How does one test back light bleeding?

Eh, I'd say there's no point in testing for it because if you can't notice it in normal usage who cares. However, the way to test is to load a black image in a dark room and you'll see light shining around the edges of the screen. That's light bleed.


macrumors 68040
Jan 28, 2008
Vancouver, BC
I really want one.
but I cant justify it seeing as I have an iPhone and an iPad 4.
Maybe I'm just curious about Android.
Then again I hear Android's at its best on the phone.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
I really want one.
but I cant justify it seeing as I have an iPhone and an iPad 4.
Maybe I'm just curious about Android.
Then again I hear Android's at its best on the phone.

Pick one up. Its the best android device out at the moment IMO. The performance is so smooth and the screen is amazing. Android actually has a lot of benefits as a tablet such as file manager access and many other power user features.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2013
so, can anyone share his experience with the new nexus 7, how does it compare to the ipad mini, battery life, performance?


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
The N7 is really growing on me. Still a few quirks though (like it really sucks in landscape mode. I've just turned off rotating entirely except for games).

Gotta say, the display is amazing. It's just a pleasure to read stuff off this display.
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