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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Well, here's the latest leaks as reported over at Android Central.

Two concerns I have with the leaked pics/specs (and I am taking them with a grain of salt as they are only rumors/leaks):

1) While a Snapdragon S4 Pro is certainly not terrible, considering devices are already out using the S600 (and others rumored to be coming shortly with the S800), this is a bit of a letdown. Again, hoping it proves false.

2) Too much damn bezel again. The bezel around the sides is improved but holy crap that thing has a forehead and chin. :eek: Really hope that's a prototype and not the final product.

There is a lot of bezel (especially given Rumors of a mini iPad with no bezel on side) and to me it still looks a little chubby.

S4 chipset wouldn't bother me as much as the fact I'm not sold on 7" 16:9 form factor. For me 4:3 7.9" is just more comfortable, which is a shame as I would buy one if it was priced right.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
Let me go back and look at your comparison supporting your side of the argument, oh wait...

Go back and look at other threads on here. Even in this dark corner of blind Android love people often say how much better the user experience is on the iPad mini over the Nexus 7. Same thing with the Galaxy Note 8 over the Nexus 7.

Well for me the Nexus 7 is a better experience for me purely because it's Android over iOS. I used my friends Mini when I was at it, and yes while the screen is bigger, its such a low res that you have to zoom in to see smaller text that appears everywhere, the increased res in the Nexus 7 allowed me to view things without having to zoom around.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2013
Never getting another gadget made by Asus ever again. They've got terrible quality control. I had to get my defective nexus 7 replaced twice, and the third one still isn't perfect. I doubt the next gen will be any better.


Jun 21, 2010
Never getting another gadget made by Asus ever again. They've got terrible quality control. I had to get my defective nexus 7 replaced twice, and the third one still isn't perfect. I doubt the next gen will be any better.

Same with LG and the Nexus 4

They need to convince more top tier makers to get on the Nexus brand, like Samsung (besides the Nexus 10), Toshiba, Sony, etc


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2012
Mobile, AL
Totally agree.

The full sized iPad has bezels just as big as the Nexus 7. It's not the bezels you want when you compare the two.. it's the 16:10 you prefer over the Nexus 7's 16:9 aspect ratio.

Comparisons done by companies promoting their own product are obviously going to be bias. That video highlights the iPad Mini's advantages but doesn't highlight it's disadvantages.

Where did they mention that the Nexus 7 has considerably higher PPI? Where did they mention watching movies on a 16:10 results in black bars, yet on the Nexus 7's 16:9 it doesn't have them?

Where did they mention the Nexus 7 is almost half the price of the iPad Mini?

Exactly. Btw I am an iPad user, just pointing this out.


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
Where did they mention that the Nexus 7 has considerably higher PPI?
Higher ppi is great except when you lose 30-60% of the total screen real estate.

Where did they mention watching movies on a 16:10 results in black bars, yet on the Nexus 7's 16:9 it doesn't have them?
While true, the majority of one's time spent on a 7-8" tablet is not watching movies, making this a low priority. And compared to the aspect ratio being better on the iPad mini, bringing this up is pointless. Web browsing is more commonly done on tablets of this size than watching movies on these tablets.

Kind of reminds me of this: "My car has better gas mileage with more horsepower."
"Oh ya? Well my car has better cup holders."

Which one is of higher priority? Same kind of thing here.

Where did they mention the Nexus 7 is almost half the price of the iPad Mini?
Apple never tries to be the cheapest.

Exactly. Btw I am an iPad user, just pointing this out.
Funny, I'm looking to sell my iPad 3 to get the new Nexus 7 :)

I just enjoy being critical of things I plan on buying. Helps me get a clear perspective. It also helps me save money sometimes when I realize it isn't a good choice.


Latest leaks:
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macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Well, here's the latest leaks as reported over at Android Central.

Two concerns I have with the leaked pics/specs (and I am taking them with a grain of salt as they are only rumors/leaks):

1) While a Snapdragon S4 Pro is certainly not terrible, considering devices are already out using the S600 (and others rumored to be coming shortly with the S800), this is a bit of a letdown. Again, hoping it proves false.

2) Too much damn bezel again. The bezel around the sides is improved but holy crap that thing has a forehead and chin. :eek: Really hope that's a prototype and not the final product.

Woah, great leak.

I agree there's quite a bit of bezel but that's probably there at the top and bottoms for landscape view/usage.

If the Snapdragon S4 turns out to be true, I hope it means insanely good battery life. It should, right?


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
Woah, great leak.

I agree there's quite a bit of bezel but that's probably there at the top and bottoms for landscape view/usage.

If the Snapdragon S4 turns out to be true, I hope it means insanely good battery life. It should, right?

It would definitely be better battery life over a Tegra 3. But wouldn't a Snapdragon 600 be slightly more efficient than an S4 Pro?


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Woah, great leak.

I agree there's quite a bit of bezel but that's probably there at the top and bottoms for landscape view/usage.

If the Snapdragon S4 turns out to be true, I hope it means insanely good battery life. It should, right?

What's the benefit of having all the bezel in landscape? Look at the 6th pic in that article--IMO, way to much bezel.

I also don't like the 16:9 display--too narrow in portrait and too flat for landscape use and made worse by the status bar and on screen buttons. If they wanted to stick with 16:9 they should have at least increased the display size to 8"--probably wouldn't have had to increase the spdevice size if they used some of that bezel.


So what's the cellular price gonna be

Likely a $50 premium over the corresponding wifi model.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
It would definitely be better battery life over a Tegra 3. But wouldn't a Snapdragon 600 be slightly more efficient than an S4 Pro?

I don't know.

I just want this sucker to last. I want the equivalent of 2013 MacBook Air like hours but for tablets. Heh.


What's the benefit of having all the bezel in landscape? Look at the 6th pic in that article--IMO, way to much bezel.

I also don't like the 16:9 display--too narrow in portrait and too flat for landscape use and made worse by the status bar and on screen buttons. If they wanted to stick with 16:9 they should have at least increased the display size to 8"--probably wouldn't have had to increase the spdevice size if they used some of that bezel.


Likely a $50 premium over the corresponding wifi model.

Grip for landscape.

But I have to agree. That picture in particular, the bezels look crazy. It looks like there's actually even more than the 2012 Nexus 7... right?


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
I don't know.

I just want this sucker to last. I want the equivalent of 2013 MacBook Air like hours but for tablets. Heh.


Grip for landscape.

But I have to agree. That picture in particular, the bezels look crazy. It looks like there's actually even more than the 2012 Nexus 7... right?

I was hoping for a form factor similar to the Mini--slightly larger but significantly more screen real estate with less bezel. The resolution on the Mini is definitely a weak point but the form factor is terrific. And while I'm among those waiting for a retina Mini, I think 1080p on 8" would be more than enough.

Really doesn't look like an improvement over the last model. I like having the great versatility offered by Android but the form factor alone of the previous gen was enough to drive me away (my youngest son was certainly happy to take ownership of it though ;)) and this version isn't enticing me back. :(


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2012
Mobile, AL
Higher ppi is great except when you lose 30-60% of the total screen real estate.

Screen sizes are subjective. If bigger was always better, the full sized iPad would be "better" than the Mini.. likewise a 50" iPad would be "better" than the 9.7". Just as basically all Android phones would be "better" than the iPhone.

While true, the majority of one's time spent on a 7-8" tablet is not watching movies, making this a low priority. And compared to the aspect ratio being better on the iPad mini, bringing this up is pointless. Web browsing is more commonly done on tablets of this size than watching movies on these tablets.

Once again, what you do with a tablet might not be what I do. Therefore, subjective again. Also, it's not pointless to people who want tablets to watch movies on trips/flights/etc.

Apple never tries to be the cheapest.

This is true, that being said.. it doesn't matter what Apple thinks.. it matters what the consumer thinks. $199 has a much sweeter ring to it than $329.

Funny, I'm looking to sell my iPad 3 to get the new Nexus 7 :)

I just enjoy being critical of things I plan on buying. Helps me get a clear perspective. It also helps me save money sometimes when I realize it isn't a good choice.

I own both the Nexus 7 and an iPad 3. I use the iPad for web browsing but for movies while traveling, the Nexus 7 wins hands down.


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
Screen sizes are subjective. If bigger was always better, the full sized iPad would be "better" than the Mini.. likewise a 50" iPad would be "better" than the 9.7". Just as basically all Android phones would be "better" than the iPhone.
When a tablet offers 60%+ more screen real estate in landscape without being a 60%+ larger device, my argument is quite relevant. And with a .85" screen size difference than can give 60%+ more screen real estate, the different screen size argument is hardly relevant. Not to mention with so much more screen real estate, the iPad mini is lighter and thinner than the current Nexus 7.

Once again, what you do with a tablet might not be what I do. Therefore, subjective again. Also, it's not pointless to people who want tablets to watch movies on trips/flights/etc.
You're going to say this argument is subject right after pulling a screen size argument? Wow.

This is true, that being said.. it doesn't matter what Apple thinks.. it matters what the consumer thinks. $199 has a much sweeter ring to it than $329.
Is that why Google sold more Nexus 7s than Apple did iPad minis? :rolleyes:

We could mention other things that have a sweet ring to it. Like aluminum instead of plastic, better web browsing experience, better app ecosystem, better support, back-facing camera, lighter, thinner. I could go on :)

I own both the Nexus 7 and an iPad 3. I use the iPad for web browsing but for movies while traveling, the Nexus 7 wins hands down.
Do you travel more than you browse the web? ;)

My argument was never that the Nexus 7 is bad for movies, just that watching movies on a 7 inch screen does not happen more often than browsing the web on a 7 inch screen. Plus when traveling do you take the Nexus 7 and iPad? If so, that seems rather silly if you only use the Nexus 7 for movies. Especially when the full sized iPad, even with black bars, offers a larger movie viewing screen.

With all that being said, I am very excited to see the new Nexus 7. As long as it doesn't have last year's CPU, I will likely buy one.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
It has a snapdragon 600. The s4 pro and the snapdragon 600 have the Same model number. APQ8064. The snapdragon s4 pro did not have ddr3 and used ddr2. The new nexus 7 has ddr3. That means its a snapdragon 600 and not a regular pro. Its also confirmed that this thing has a wuxga (1920x1200 at 324 ppi) screen resolution. Also how many times are people on here gonna incorrectly say the nexus 7 is 16x9. Its 16x10. Both generations are. Also the latest versions of chrome autohide the address/tab bar so the picture that Phil Schiller used is no longer accurate.

Last edited:


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
Higher ppi is great except when you lose 30-60% of the total screen real estate.

While true, the majority of one's time spent on a 7-8" tablet is not watching movies, making this a low priority. And compared to the aspect ratio being better on the iPad mini, bringing this up is pointless. Web browsing is more commonly done on tablets of this size than watching movies on these tablets.

Kind of reminds me of this: "My car has better gas mileage with more horsepower."
"Oh ya? Well my car has better cup holders."

Which one is of higher priority? Same kind of thing here.

Apple never tries to be the cheapest.

Funny, I'm looking to sell my iPad 3 to get the new Nexus 7 :)

I just enjoy being critical of things I plan on buying. Helps me get a clear perspective. It also helps me save money sometimes when I realize it isn't a good choice.


Latest leaks:

Straus, how much are you putting your iPad 3 up for?


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
It has a snapdragon 600. The s4 pro and the snapdragon 600 have the Same model number. APQ8064. The snapdragon s4 pro did not have ddr3 and used ddr2. The new nexus 7 has ddr3. That means its a snapdragon 600 and not a regular pro. Its also confirmed that this thing has a wuxga (1920x1200 at 324 ppi) screen resolution. Also how many times are people on here gonna incorrectly say the nexus 7 is 16x9. Its 16x10. Both generations are. Also the latest versions of chrome autohide the address/tab bar so the picture that Phil Schiller used is no longer accurate.

Thanks for the clarifications. My bad for specifying it's a 16x9 display ratio. However it doesn't change my opinion on it--less than ideal for tablet use, especially in landscape orientation with space being used by status bar and the onscreen buttons. But again, this is just my personal preference.


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
4 GB of RAM? Say wut?!

Yes to dual speakers.


Who's taking bets? I predict this thing is going to sell out and it'll be another mess on the Google Play Store -- crashes galore, mishandling of orders, will say "in stock" when it's really out of stock, backorders, and confused customer service reps that will just tell you inaccurate things due to lack of information and/or miscommunication from Google themselves.

Who's betting against this? :)


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
4 GB of RAM? Say wut?!

Yes to dual speakers.


Who's taking bets? I predict this thing is going to sell out and it'll be another mess on the Google Play Store -- crashes galore, mishandling of orders, will say "in stock" when it's really out of stock, backorders, and confused customer service reps that will just tell you inaccurate things due to lack of information and/or miscommunication from Google themselves.

Who's betting against this? :)

Staples will have it in stores on the 20th. Just buy it there.


Thanks for the clarifications. My bad for specifying it's a 16x9 display ratio. However it doesn't change my opinion on it--less than ideal for tablet use, especially in landscape orientation with space being used by status bar and the onscreen buttons. But again, this is just my personal preference.

7 inch tablets are primarily meant for portrait mode. Also in landscape its perfectly fine, espically now that chrome hides the address and tab bar on the latest version. Saves a ton real estate. Also the much much higher screen resolution means that you won't have to zoom as much. The 2nd gen nexus 7 lot literally 4 times as many pixels and twice the ppi (324).


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
Straus, how much are you putting your iPad 3 up for?

Not sure yet. I'll check SellYourMac and other similar sites to see what they would pay. Then I'll go on craigslist and see what they are going for before I decide on a price.


4 GB of RAM? Say wut?!

Yes to dual speakers.


Who's taking bets? I predict this thing is going to sell out and it'll be another mess on the Google Play Store -- crashes galore, mishandling of orders, will say "in stock" when it's really out of stock, backorders, and confused customer service reps that will just tell you inaccurate things due to lack of information and/or miscommunication from Google themselves.

Who's betting against this? :)

Who knows. It might be going to retail stores right away.


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2012
Mobile, AL
Is that why Google sold more Nexus 7s than Apple did iPad minis? :rolleyes:

Selling more doesn't not equal superior. If it did, then clearly Windows is MILES ahead of Mac's.

We could mention other things that have a sweet ring to it. Like aluminum instead of plastic, better web browsing experience, better app ecosystem, better support, back-facing camera, lighter, thinner. I could go on :)

If you could go on, then why in the world are you selling your iPad for a Nexus 7? I prefer the full sized iPad to the Nexus 7.. but I bought an iPad Mini the same day it was released and I returned it. I did not like it.

You seem to be biased. I used an iMac, a Retina MBP, an iPad, and a Galaxy S4. I've owned every iPhone as well. I like both iOS and Android.

I prefer the Nexus 7's plastic rubbery feeling back to the iPad Mini. The Mini feels like it will scratch extremely easy while the Nexus 7 is very comfortable to hold.

"Better app ecosystem, better support" That either sounds extremely redundant or you are referring to ecosystem as Apple developed apps, and support as 3rd party. In which case, the iPad clearly has better 3rd party support.. but Google's developed apps are all just as good, if not better than Apple's.

"back-facing camera"

I haven't launched the rear camera on my iPad since the day I bought it.. in March 2012.

Do you travel more than you browse the web? ;)

I think you mean "Do you watch movies more than you browse the web."
If you are one of the people that travel weekly, you certainly might.

You cannot seriously claim size is objective.


macrumors 68040
Mar 26, 2010
Okay okay...

I need to decide whether to sell my Nexus 10 and buy the new 7 or wait for the next iPad. I just hate iOS, but the form factor of both Nexus tablets is not ideal for me. That's why maybe the Nexus 7 will be better than the Nexus 10 for me, but still not ideal.

IPad has the best form factor, but iOS is just useless to me.
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