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macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2012
Mobile, AL
Okay okay...

I need to decide whether to sell my Nexus 10 and buy the new 7 or wait for the next iPad. I just hate iOS, but the form factor of both Nexus tablets is not ideal for me. That's why maybe the Nexus 7 will be better than the Nexus 10 for me, but still not ideal.

IPad has the best form factor, but iOS is just useless to me.

I find iOS much more bearable on a tablet than a phone. After jumping to Android, and getting heavily interested in custom ROMs and all.. I can't go back.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
The one thing that makes so sense is 256*16 RAM. Why the hell would Google/ASUS stick 4GBs of RAM into such a device?

Battery capacity is also disappointing.

I don't believe it for a second. This is for all intents and purposes a budget tablet. 4GB is overkill - especially on a nexus device (no bloat). It will come with 2GB tops and I'm willing to take bets on that..... :) unless 4.3 is so badly optimised it needs a ****lo4d of ram (which I don't foresee).


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Even in this dark corner of blind Android love people often say how much better the user experience is on the iPad mini over the Nexus 7. Same thing with the Galaxy Note 8 over the Nexus 7.

I wasn't making a comment regarding the user experience. I was making a comment about a number of the things in the Apple comparison which I consider to be pretty misleading. They also omitted plenty of stuff which didn't favour the iPad mini.


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
Selling more doesn't not equal superior. If it did, then clearly Windows is MILES ahead of Mac's.
This was your original point:
it matters what the consumer thinks. $199 has a much sweeter ring to it than $329.

My point towards this was that this "sweet ring" you speak of clearly isn't all that sweet when sales are so low compared to the iPad mini.

If you could go on, then why in the world are you selling your iPad for a Nexus 7?
Customization. Thats about it.

You seem to be biased. I used an iMac, a Retina MBP, an iPad, and a Galaxy S4. I've owned every iPhone as well. I like both iOS and Android.
I sold my iPhone 4S after I got my Nexus 4. I sold my Mac Pro to build a custom Windows-based workstation. And a few months ago I sold my rMBP. Tell me, if I am so Apple biased as you say, why did I do that?

Oh wait, you mean someone who doesn't use a ton of Apple products can say good things about them too? :eek:

I prefer the Nexus 7's plastic rubbery feeling back to the iPad Mini. The Mini feels like it will scratch extremely easy while the Nexus 7 is very comfortable to hold.
Aluminum feels much more durable. The plastic in the current Nexus 7 feels, well plasticy. It feels like it wouldn't take too much for it to crack. I don't know about you, but I would rather have a scratch on the back of my tablet than a crack.

"Better app ecosystem, better support" That either sounds extremely redundant or you are referring to ecosystem as Apple developed apps, and support as 3rd party. In which case, the iPad clearly has better 3rd party support.. but Google's developed apps are all just as good, if not better than Apple's.
Better app ecosystem because of the tablet-focused apps. Better support because if something goes wrong, you can easily take it to an Apple store. Google Play customer support is awful. I am on my 5th Nexus 4, I know how bad they are. And I had to replace an iPad a while ago. It was the easiest thing.

"back-facing camera"

I haven't launched the rear camera on my iPad since the day I bought it.. in March 2012.
Should I pull your subjective argument back out of the box? :rolleyes:

Some people use it, some people don't. I'd much rather have one. Clearly Google agrees or they wouldn't be putting one in the new Nexus 7.

I think you mean "Do you watch movies more than you browse the web."
If you are one of the people that travel weekly, you certainly might.
Your exact words (emphasis added):
I own both the Nexus 7 and an iPad 3. I use the iPad for web browsing but for movies while traveling, the Nexus 7 wins hands down.
You clearly stated that you use your Nexus 7 for movies while traveling. No other usage of your Nexus 7 was mentioned. However, you were very broad when you said web browsing and did not limit it like you did with your statement about Nexus 7 usage. So I stick to my previous statement.

You cannot seriously claim size is objective.
When it comes to a .85" difference where the larger screen is lighter, thinner, and offers a huge advantage is total screen surface area and screen real estate that isn't partially taken up by software buttons, it is pretty clear.

Let's not forget, the difference between 7" and 7.85" is minimal. If you are choosing between two exact same tablets with those two screen sizes, it might be hard to choose. But when the 7.85" tablet is lighter, thinner, more durable, and offers a much larger screen surface area, the objectivity for this argument clearly goes up.


They also omitted plenty of stuff which didn't favour the iPad mini.

You mean how Google and Samsung omit stuff that don't favor their products? :eek:


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
7 inch tablets are primarily meant for portrait mode. Also in landscape its perfectly fine, espically now that chrome hides the address and tab bar on the latest version. Saves a ton real estate. Also the much much higher screen resolution means that you won't have to zoom as much. The 2nd gen nexus 7 lot literally 4 times as many pixels and twice the ppi (324).

That your opinion and that's fine. I own a Nexus 7 and don't like the form factor. I find it too narrow in portrait and too short in landscape. And yes, hiding the bars in Chrome helps but the on screen buttons reduce screen real estate even further, especially problematic in landscape.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
Its confirmed to be 324 PPI at 1920x1200. The minis screen is a complete joke compared to it. It already was worse the current nexus 7.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Its confirmed to be 324 PPI at 1920x1200. The minis screen is a complete joke compared to it. It already was worse the current nexus 7.

And when the mini goes Retina the 1920x1200 will seem pitiful...
Seriously this tit for tat **** that goes on here at times is really quite painful....

Just enjoy a device without trying to turn everything into a god damn pi55ing contest folks...

MRU - irritated by folks.


macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2011
And when the mini goes Retina the 1920x1200 will seem pitiful...
Seriously this tit for tat **** that goes on here at times is really quite painful....

Just enjoy a device without trying to turn everything into a god damn pi55ing contest folks...

MRU - irritated by folks.

Why will it seem pitiful?
324ppi is what Apple is calling Retina.
And Retina is no marketing gag, ask Apple ;)


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Why will it seem pitiful?
324ppi is what Apple is calling Retina.
And Retina is no marketing gag, ask Apple ;)


Shows how much you actually know. Retina isn't a specific ppi (like 324, or 326 or even 300).

"Retina" is a term used for the pixel density needed in a display so that at a normal viewing distance, the human eye can't discern pixels. Which is a lot more credible than the term "HD" which is some random resolution that originally applied to TV screens.....

When the iPad mini goes retina, it will likely carry the same screen resolution as the regular iPad (in order to keep devs happy). In case you didn't know, that would give the mini a resolution of 2048 x 1536 - which in the same screen size as the current mini would yield a PPI of double the current - 326 ppi in this case. Given the fact the retina threshold for the iPad (tablets) seems to be the 264 of the regular sized iPad, that would make the mini well above retina.

Like MRU said - its all an unnecessary pissing contest. I've owned both the N7 and the iPad mini - given the quality of both the device and apps, the Mini is FAR superior IMO despite a worse display resolution.


macrumors 68000
Mar 8, 2012
Mobile, AL
This was your original point:

My point towards this was that this "sweet ring" you speak of clearly isn't all that sweet when sales are so low compared to the iPad mini.

Obviously it won't sell as well as the iPad, currently no tablet would.. no matter what OS/Hardware it has. This is because of brand recognition.

Oh wait, you mean someone who doesn't use a ton of Apple products can say good things about them too? :eek:

No, they can. You just seem overly critical of the Nexus line but overly forgiving of the iOS line.

Aluminum feels much more durable. The plastic in the current Nexus 7 feels, well plasticy. It feels like it wouldn't take too much for it to crack. I don't know about you, but I would rather have a scratch on the back of my tablet than a crack.

I'm curious, what's your take on the Galaxy S4 vs. the HTC One? You value that extra screen real estate and lightness, but also value aluminum builds. I've owned both and I can tell you the S4 is lighter, thinner, and has more screen real estate. Yet the HTC One is aluminum, not the plastic that you don't like.

Better app ecosystem because of the tablet-focused apps. Better support because if something goes wrong, you can easily take it to an Apple store. Google Play customer support is awful. I am on my 5th Nexus 4, I know how bad they are. And I had to replace an iPad a while ago. It was the easiest thing.

I won't argue this point, as I've never has a problem with a Nexus device so I've never worked with Google Play Support. I've always had excellent experiences with Apple Customer Support though.

Some people use it, some people don't. I'd much rather have one. Clearly Google agrees or they wouldn't be putting one in the new Nexus 7.

It was only omitted last time due to budget cuts. Barely anyone uses NFC, but that's still in tons of devices.

You clearly stated that you use your Nexus 7 for movies while traveling. No other usage of your Nexus 7 was mentioned. However, you were very broad when you said web browsing and did not limit it like you did with your statement about Nexus 7 usage. So I stick to my previous statement.

I wasn't broad. I said web browsing, as in.. working within Safari.

When it comes to a .85" difference where the larger screen is lighter, thinner, and offers a huge advantage is total screen surface area and screen real estate that isn't partially taken up by software buttons, it is pretty clear.

Let's not forget, the difference between 7" and 7.85" is minimal. If you are choosing between two exact same tablets with those two screen sizes, it might be hard to choose. But when the 7.85" tablet is lighter, thinner, more durable, and offers a much larger screen surface area, the objectivity for this argument clearly goes up.
And you said I kept repeating myself. Here's the definition of subjective.
Subjective (adjective) - Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

So no, nothing changes.


You mean how Google and Samsung omit stuff that don't favor their products? :eek:

Sigh... my original argument was that EVERY company omits things in ads created by them, including Apple in that iPad Mini comparison.


macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2010
Its confirmed to be 324 PPI at 1920x1200. The minis screen is a complete joke compared to it. It already was worse the current nexus 7.


Can you point me to the link where it is truly confirmed? I'd be genuinely interested. I have only seen the various rumors.

Hopefully next week we will know for sure.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009

Can you point me to the link where it is truly confirmed? I'd be genuinely interested. I have only seen the various rumors.

Hopefully next week we will know for sure.

Its confirmed. The thing has gone through the FCC, pictures of the actually thing have leaked and the specs leaked again from staples.

This is whats confirmed :

Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 APQ8064T
1920x1200 resolution
5mp rear camera
ddr3 ram (either 2 or 4 GB)
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macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
The original Nexus 7 wasn't perfect. It was very good (I love mine, even with the cracked screen and dead zone on the digitizer from me dropping it), but there is certainly room for improvement.

The iPad mini is also a very nice looking tablet. I think most people wish that it had better resolution, but it is a viable alternative if you are looking for a mid-size tablet. I do feel that it is priced a bit too highly for what you are getting (but that is how it usually goes with Apple).

I will be in the market for a replacement for my partially broken Nexus 7. I am hoping for more storage, better resolution and better specs from the Nexus 7.

I actually don't care much about the rear camera. My last tablet had one (Samsung Galaxy Tab), but its a feature I would gladly give up for more storage or a cheaper price.


macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2010
I think he is referring to this. Regardless, nothing can be 100% confirmed until they announce it.

Which says nothing about the resolution, although one reference in one of the Android Central links does mention the possibility of a 1080 screen, not the 1200 that blackhand1001 mentioned which is what I was asking.

I figured it was "spec inflation" which is fairly common in some corners.

In any event, I hope we find out next week.


Its confirmed. The thing has gone through the FCC, pictures of the actually thing have leaked and the specs leaked again from staples.

I've seen those, and nobody but you is saying 1200, seriously. Unless you have some inside source?

Edit: Seems like Android Authority is saying 1200 at this link.

They also say "Of course, with such leaks there’s always a chance that such images and videos are doctored, in which cause the specs list above shouldn’t be trusted. That said, today’s new Nexus 7 leaks look pretty believable, but we’ll be waiting for Google to make it official"
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macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2011

Shows how much you actually know. Retina isn't a specific ppi (like 324, or 326 or even 300).

"Retina" is a term used for the pixel density needed in a display so that at a normal viewing distance, the human eye can't discern pixels. Which is a lot more credible than the term "HD" which is some random resolution that originally applied to TV screens.....

When the iPad mini goes retina, it will likely carry the same screen resolution as the regular iPad (in order to keep devs happy). In case you didn't know, that would give the mini a resolution of 2048 x 1536 - which in the same screen size as the current mini would yield a PPI of double the current - 326 ppi in this case. Given the fact the retina threshold for the iPad (tablets) seems to be the 264 of the regular sized iPad, that would make the mini well above retina.

Like MRU said - its all an unnecessary pissing contest. I've owned both the N7 and the iPad mini - given the quality of both the device and apps, the Mini is FAR superior IMO despite a worse display resolution.

Hmm you didn't get the irony it seems.
I know what retina means , it's ******** made by Apple's marketing.


macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2009
Which says nothing about the resolution, although one reference in one of the Android Central links does mention the possibility of a 1080 screen, not the 1200 that blackhand1001 mentioned which is what I was asking.

I figured it was "spec inflation" which is fairly common in some corners.

In any event, I hope we find out next week.


I've seen those, and nobody but you is saying 1200, seriously. Unless you have some inside source?

Edit: Seems like Android Authority is saying 1200 at this link.

They also say "Of course, with such leaks there’s always a chance that such images and videos are doctored, in which cause the specs list above shouldn’t be trusted. That said, today’s new Nexus 7 leaks look pretty believable, but we’ll be waiting for Google to make it official"

Android tablets have always been 16x10 and not 16x9. It will be 1920x1200. Also the leaked spec sheet stats say wuxga which is 1920x1200.
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macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Hmm you didn't get the irony it seems.
I know what retina means , it's ******** made by Apple's marketing.

Except it's not.

The term "HD" seems to carry so much weight - but what actually decides whether or not a display is "high-definition"?

If I have a 50" LED TV with a 1080p resolution, its considered HD. But an iPhone, with a much higher PPI (sharper picture) isn't simply because it doesn't fit 1080 pixels along with width of the display.

The term "retina", backed by the formula I mentioned actually does more to tell you if the device (whether its a big screen TV or a smartphone) has a high quality display.....


macrumors 68030
Jul 11, 2008
Obviously it won't sell as well as the iPad, currently no tablet would.. no matter what OS/Hardware it has. This is because of brand recognition.
Meaning that sweet spot wasn't so sweet.

No, they can. You just seem overly critical of the Nexus line but overly forgiving of the iOS line.
When a company does something right there isn't anything to forgive...

I'm curious, what's your take on the Galaxy S4 vs. the HTC One? You value that extra screen real estate and lightness, but also value aluminum builds. I've owned both and I can tell you the S4 is lighter, thinner, and has more screen real estate. Yet the HTC One is aluminum, not the plastic that you don't like.
Depends on the person. I'm a Nexus person myself so I wouldn't buy either.

It was only omitted last time due to budget cuts. Barely anyone uses NFC, but that's still in tons of devices.
I have multiple NFC tags in my room and one in my car. I also carry one on my keychain. They all serve different purposes. And with Tasker, it is quite easy and dynamic. I enjoy NFC.

I wasn't broad. I said web browsing, as in.. working within Safari.
Web browsing means... browsing the web. You can browse the web on any web browser. Safari was never mentioned as the only web browser you use. While traveling was the only thing you mentioned in relation to watching movies on the Nexus 7.

And you said I kept repeating myself. Here's the definition of subjective.
Subjective (adjective) - Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

So no, nothing changes.
There comes a point where more people will gravitate towards one position. In the case of the iPad mini and Nexus 7, that gravitation is clear. The extra .85" of screen help.

Sigh... my original argument was that EVERY company omits things in ads created by them, including Apple in that iPad Mini comparison.
In the video posted earlier, Apple had less to hide than Google would have in their Nexus 7 announcement.
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