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I say the Tim Cook quote is BS, Apple never give dates or information regarding future releases.

Also they are supposed to be super-secret these days.
Is that correct? I'm looking at the Dell T7600s and T5600s and they're showing late-July ship dates for E5-2xxx configurations.

Thanks - I stand corrected. They can be purchased now, but won't ship until late July. Well, that could be a good sign for the Mac Pro, then - possibly.
There could be a real reason behind all this, could they be having problems integrating thunderbolt into the mac pros motherboard ? This could have delayed the rollout of the updated mac pros ? I'm not sure if Dell or anybody else is yet to offer this in any of there workstations
There could be a real reason behind all this, could they be having problems integrating thunderbolt into the mac pros motherboard ? This could have delayed the rollout of the updated mac pros ? I'm not sure if Dell or anybody else is yet offering to offer this in any of there workstations

That'd be fine, if THEY'D JUST TELL US!!!!
20 years loyally buying Macs has bought me/us to this.

A back hand to the people who supported the company from the beginning, who helped build it up in the lowly and rough times. The Pro's, the work horses, the poets and the dreamers.

RIP Pro/G5/G4/G3
Could it be Apple is departing from intel in it's next mac pro ? Otherwise the new E5 chips were a given right ?

No, they are departing from the Mac Pro.
They'll continue selling dwindling numbers of units
and at a certain level announce that they aren't selling well
and are discontined because customers don't want them anymore. :apple:
I've calmed down a little and am probably not going to be selling my Mac Pro any time soon. Truth is, the Mac Pro is fine for my real work (where I just need a word processor and a browser) and my main hobbies, photos and video editing. What it is not "fine" for is gaming.

I had an old computer before the Mac Pro and went without PC gaming for a while. Now, I can do some gaming. But it really sucks that I can't do any kind of serious gaming because the graphics card is so ancient.

But yeah, I'd hate to be a professional who needs the ultimate in speed and is given this mediocre update.
I've been waiting for 2 years for a Mac Pro update. I have 2007 and 2009 Mac Pros in a big photo studio - and my checkbook has been open and ready.

But, now it's closed.
I'm stunned - and dismayed today. I've been a power user of "Big" Macs since my first Mac IIfx - that cost $9,000 in 1991 ..... is it over now ?

Why the whining? It is not like you are not going to get your jobs done.

LR,PS 6 and others are running just as fine...oh wait! Even faster than before!!
With the adobes updates recently things actually got pepped up decently.
We have a mismash of old 1.1s, 4.1s +MB(P)s etc, and things are running juuust fine with canon + hasselblad workflows.

But yeah,in all honesty, I am feeling for you though.
apple has pulled the rug under the "future" part, what next?

With the new adobes cloud, the switching platforms thing is getting goddam easy. Like,really,really easy.
After the workmachines start to cräp the bucket, what next? Going windows start to actually be quite an interesting option. With FCP Xs shltshow there is very few reasons to stay OS X native professionally.

Personally it is just to wait until the old machines start show their age, study the options and then decide if to get some refurbs and continue for 2-5 years with them.
The photo department is good in that sense that most of the programs are so poorly optimized, STILL, that you can work fluently even with MP 1.1s atm, let alone with the newer machines. So if the programs will continue to get better with the multithreading, there is still a lot of headroom even in the old machines.

If feel pity for the videoguys though... Not even usb3 / thunderbolt for the
new machines...that if ****ing weaksauce...
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There could be a real reason behind all this, could they be having problems integrating thunderbolt into the mac pros motherboard ? This could have delayed the rollout of the updated mac pros ? I'm not sure if Dell or anybody else is yet to offer this in any of there workstations

PC Thunderbolt motherboards just started rolling out recently since Apple had a one year exclusive on Thunderbolt. So that really can't be a valid excuse right now.
PC Thunderbolt motherboards just started rolling out recently since Apple had a one year exclusive on Thunderbolt. So that really can't be a valid excuse right now.

For the Ivy Bridge chipset. We don't have Ivy Bridge Xeon CPUs.

Edit: but after reading another thread it seems as though Ivy Bridge Xeons wouldn't help with Thunderbolt support anyway so you may disregard my above comment.
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I'm feeling like it's time to pop the old Snow Leopard boot disk back into my MP, ignore all of the new teenybopper-oriented iOS junk and just not worry about it until it's time for a replacement. The next couple of years are going to be totally mall-rat-app focused for both Mac and Windows.

I knew there was a reason I kept that SL drive up to date. It will fit nicely into my ancient MP with its non-soldiered drives, upgradable memory and latest (apparently) HD 5870 GPU.

Thanks for your email. Our Pro customers like you are really important to us. Although we didn't have a chance to talk about a new Mac Pro at today's event, don't worry as we're working on something really great for later next year. We also updated the current model today.

We've been continuing to update Final Cut Pro X with revolutionary pro features like industry leading multi-cam support and we just updated Aperture with incredible new image adjustment features.

We also announced a MacBook Pro with a Retina Display that is a great solution for many pros.


Too little, too late Timmy! He suggests we get a MacBook Pro???? Is he kidding? Later next year? Guess what... the trust bank is empty Tim. I don't even feel bad bailing with that crummy corporate shill attitude of his.

Looking at BOXX now. Also at ProMax, also at HP Z800 workstation. Have to see how to hackintosh these into macs for the time being.

Tim is a stooge. He was a good subordinate to Steve, which is why he is where he is - but he ain't Steve. He is Gil Amelio, or Sculley. Another Steve would not have gotten along with the real Steve - it would be like a matter/anti-matter reaction. So we have a flunkie. Schiller was/is a flunkie as well.

I mean even the IOS has no innovation... what maps? I already had maps and they worked fine, also have TomTom or Garmin GPS.

Facebook integration? For what? So I can post narcissistic nonsense about myself that no one wants to read (like all the other lonely ShameBook posters - trying to promote their non-lives to the other zombie "undead" non-livers). No wonder the stock fell today.

It's a microcosm of America - we used to make actual things, build cars, machines, tools, dams, bridges, etc. Now we are just spinning in on our selves like neurotic teenagers. Chatting like old ladies at a nail salon. Sheeesh!

Why the whining? It is not like you are not going to get your jobs done.

LR,PS 6 and others are running just as fine...oh wait! Even faster than before!!

I have 48GB of RAM installed in my 6 core and I could actually do with more. All new hardware is going or gone USB3, thunderbolt. Even Apple has discontinued Firewire.

Seriously, you're telling me everything's cool?
There is are some very important reasons I need a mac pro and I am not a professional movie maker just a tech savy home user who programs for a living on windows.

I have all the apple laptops. I have the 17" quad 2.2, the 15" quad 2.2, the 1.7ghz 13" macbook air, the quad mac mini, the older dual mac mini and I have the Mac Pro 3.1 8 core 2.8ghz. I still need a mac pro and here is why.

Mac notebooks can't handle extreme tasks very well. When they are pushed ever so slightly such as ichat or flash or handbrake the fans spin up super loud, everything gets really hot and its anoying. My mac pro handles all this without the fans even increasing. Its a fantastic computer. BUT, its starting to show its age with slow memory, sata 2, no usb 3 etc. I can't use the latest hard drives and get the performance I am paying for.

I have TONS of data. Thousands of pics, slews of Parallels drives that take up tons of space. My Mac pro currently has 12TB of space in it and half of that is used for backup for the other half so 6TB. Not enough. I regularly rip movies and record full 1080P videos and store them, space is never enough. What am I going to do, spend thousands on some raid drive that is too loud? I have tried them all and sent them back. My mac pro is silent. Any external drive solution is louder, been down that road. The drives alone are the reason I want a mac pro.

Ripping handbrake from a dvd is slow on a laptop drive. I also put a blu-ray drive in my mac pro for a backup and it works great so I can archive 50gb discs at a time. My mac laptop can't do that. My thinkpad can though.

If the xeon is not ivy bridge yet why not just abandon xeon all together and produce a cheaper desktop tower with a 6core chip. That would allow faster speeds, usb 3, thunderbolt and plenty of drive space. Win win.

It makes no sense for this mac pro to be so stagnant when there are other tech options available. I can't believe apple has become only laptops, phones and tablets. I stare at my old Powermac 8500 in the garage and remember the glory days of owning the best desktop ever and wish that time would come again but I see now that is done. I am slowly migrating over to windows 7 and have been for the past few months, I also abondoned my iphone 4s in favor of a galaxy nexus and I must say it has been working out very well so far.

It really doesn't matter about OS X. Its turning into a teeny bopper OS anyways. Lion killed tons of pro features that I relied on and I am stretching the miles on Snow Leopard daily. Windows 7 is still crap and 8 isnt any better but it does the job alot faster with better cheaper hardware.
At some point tech has to move on, and Apple generally leads the way.

You're going to buy inferior laptops because of that one port? Buy a few Ethernet adapters, for crying out loud.

the mac people at my job cant hold on to their fricking iphone chargers and displayport-VGA adapters.
This means I would have to stock our helpdesk with enough adapters to fit all our notebooks, plus 10% extra to cover the lost ones.
It isn't so much the port adapter itself that annoys me. It's that I am having to accommodate Apples consumer driven design by spending an extra $30 on an already very expensive laptop.
Are you just trolling here? Doing a custom build of a new DP system spec'd out for video editing work (daily work, not as a hobby) with top-notch components runs up easily over $5k. Sure I could buy cheap components and shave up to a grand off of that, but in our industry, the computer is your revenue generating hardware. Buying the best means spending the money rather than cutting corners.

No. The people complaining about the Mac Pro are the ones trolling. This whole thread is a collection of trolls.

If your particular case is an exception, then it is clearly covered by what I wrote. You're special.
Why the whining? It is not like you are not going to get your jobs done.


If feel pity for the videoguys though... Not even usb3 / thunderbolt for the
new machines...that if ****ing weaksauce...

Looks like you answered your own question.
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20 years loyally buying Macs has bought me/us to this.

A back hand to the people who supported the company from the beginning, who helped build it up in the lowly and rough times. The Pro's, the work horses, the poets and the dreamers.

RIP Pro/G5/G4/G3

See, this is the attitude I was talking about. You supported the company from the beginning? What does that even mean? You're supposed to get an award for buying a product when it was not all that great and now that it's popular... what? They're supposed to do what?

If Apple is wrong and the "pro" market is really hurtful to them, they will be hurt. But it won't be because a bunch of forum posters are butthurt.
IB is available in the consumer socket (LGA1155), but the enthusiast/Xeon socket (LGA2011) based SB's are just beginning to show up in any numbers (announced back in March of 2012). IB enthusiast/Xeons aren't even in production yet, so there will be a considerable delay before they're announced, let alone in the wild (figure on ~ year or so, as Intel wants to get profit out of the SB parts first).
See, this is the attitude I was talking about. You supported the company from the beginning? What does that even mean? You're supposed to get an award for buying a product when it was not all that great and now that it's popular... what? They're supposed to do what?

If Apple is wrong and the "pro" market is really hurtful to them, they will be hurt. But it won't be because a bunch of forum posters are butthurt.

I'm with you stormj. I am part of that Pro market and I'm not raging about "no real new MacPro". I'M WORKING! On my two-year-old MacPro that is still getting the job done.

Too many people frustrated by the carrot that is Apple and Intel are dangling out in front of them. They are just tools people. USE THEM, DON'T CHASE THEM...

Although the uproar is funny enough to hold me over until the next new episode of Big Bang Theory! :D
IB is available in the consumer socket (LGA1155), but the enthusiast/Xeon socket (LGA2011) based SB's are just beginning to show up in any numbers (announced back in March of 2012). IB enthusiast/Xeons aren't even in production yet, so there will be a considerable delay before they're announced, let alone in the wild (figure on ~ year or so, as Intel wants to get profit out of the SB parts first).

THIS. This was the problem I saw months and months ago. Even with "New" Xeon's, they were still based on old tech. Intel (and, well, everyone really) is pushing mobile/low power etc etc so much these days that the big iron machines are suffering. With AMD all but giving up the competition, Intel really has no reason to pump out the extreme high end first. I don't see a change for this anytime soon. The only Ivy Bridge Xeon's out at this point are not suitable for MacPro's anyway.
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See, this is the attitude I was talking about. You supported the company from the beginning? What does that even mean? You're supposed to get an award for buying a product when it was not all that great and now that it's popular... what? They're supposed to do what?

If Apple is wrong and the "pro" market is really hurtful to them, they will be hurt. But it won't be because a bunch of forum posters are butthurt.

You work at Apple don't you?
F my life... I wait like 3 years to get a better vid card, then Apple decides to just keep the old vid cards in, AGAIN. :mad:
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