Apple - SUCK IT.
I'm not buying anything from you again. **** you.
Anyone want to buy a Mac mini, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, iPhone and iPad?
Apple - SUCK IT.
I'm not buying anything from you again. **** you.
Anyone want to buy a Mac mini, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, iPhone and iPad?
Apple - SUCK IT.
I'm not buying anything from you again. **** you.
Anyone want to buy a Mac mini, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, iPhone and iPad?
Time to move on folks. Apple is done with the professional market.
I'm able to access the Apple store and don't see anything "new" but the page styles are missing.
I'm able to access the Apple store and don't see anything "new" but the page styles are missing.
I wish I could....
Its possible since they didn't announce a new iPhone either that they'll have another event in a few months to announce the new iPhone and possibly a new Mac Pro.
They have probably decided that the MacPro doesn't really benefit from anything new in Lion, let alone Mountain Lion, what's the point. If you want a powerful machine you're not going to give a hoot about twitter or Facebook integration via Safari.
We are not Apples intended future market. They want people that will upgrade every 12 to 18 months. Not every 3 or 4 years.
Even though over that period we probably spend the same amount of money.
I was starting to think about putting money aside for an upgrade, guess i'll just keep the 08 going until it dies, then migrate back to windwoes.
I think I might be somewhat satisfied if they heavily discount the current machines.
Then again, this is Apple we are talking about
lol discount.