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Hmmm. So there are no real event dates in the near future right? Silent update would be it.

Can someone tell me, if there were actually new part numbers, etc floating around, and they were real, would Apple have any reason to NOT use this big event to announce the line? Would there be a real benefit to forego this event and just silently update a week later??


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    Screen Shot 2012-06-11 at Jun 11 | 3.08.53 PM.png
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Wow, definitely the biggest let down from Apple in my opinion. I guess those rumors were all steam.

After nearly 2 years, they just bump the CPU frequency? Pretty pathetic.
No thunderbolt either as default. Strange considering the ACD's


No project is too massive.
With Thunderbolt, you’re just as likely to build a professional video setup around your MacBook Pro or iMac as your Mac Pro.

Prices look different for 12-core right?

Quad-core starting at $2499.

12-core starting at $3799.


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    Screen Shot 2012-06-11 at 12.07.44 PM.png
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the 12 core being cheaper is all well and good usb3? no thunderbolt? Comeon. I would of been fine with the older processors but no thunderbolt and no USB 3 is ridiculous.
I would never buy that config. It's the same we already have more or less. What could they possibly be thinking? I don't get any of this. Is this just a layover to sell out before a real update, or the beginning of the end drawn out?
the 12 core being cheaper is all well and good usb3? no thunderbolt? Comeon. I would of been fine with the older processors but no thunderbolt and no USB 3 is ridiculous.

old ram too


I would never buy that config. It's the same we already have more or less. What could they possibly be thinking? I don't get any of this. Is this just a layover to sell out before a real update, or the begining of the end drawn out?

i'm so butt hurt over this : (
My Mac Pro is 4 years old, I was hoping something new was coming, I guess I will have to start looking into the windows world.
Too bad Apple doesn't want my money. FU Apple!
Then you have a cache of the website or viewing your local language.

apple US store is the one to follow, and it's still down.

The product pages have been updated though

Dual-processor systems

2.4GHz, 2.66GHz, and 3.06GHz systems: 1333MHz DDR3 ECC SDRAM
Eight memory slots (four per processor) supporting up to 64GB of main memory using 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB DIMMs

Single-processor systems
3.2GHz system: 1066MHz DDR3 ECC SDRAM
3.33GHz system: 1333MHz DDR3 ECC SDRAM
Four memory slots supporting up to 32GB of main memory using 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB DIMMs

The 2.4 is gone. Nothing else changed. Wow. xxxx me.
if that's it it sucks but 12 core from 5200$ to 3799$ will get me to buy one. That will be it for the next 10 years. it shows it's on its last leg tho.
old graphics, slow ram, pcie/sata 2, usb2?

No way in hell I'd buy that crap at this date.
wait until it's officially online. Makes no sense to update the final product line with no thunderbolt, usb 3, 3 year old graphics, etc...
I can't believe there stillinst USB3 or TB on the Mac Pro.
I really wan't to buy a "baller" computer for my home setup. However Apple seems to be more interested in making us all use laptops or IOS devices.
Which may suit a lot of consumers just fine. However in professional environments we need "big iron" that wont fit into a laptop.
The exclusion of ethernet on the retina MBP is a shame. I would have loved buying those for the web dept at work, but no data port nixes that.
Time to move on folks. Apple is done with the professional market.

They just released an exceptional new MacBook Pro. The consumer market doesn't need 16GB RAM etc., etc.

It would have been decidedly un-Apple for them to release more hardware than they did today. The keynote was jam-packed.

Did people really expect Apple to announce a new MBP, spec updates to the existing MBP and MBA lines, a new iMac and a new Mac Pro, all on the same day? Was never going to happen.

The rumors about a new Mac Pro have been very strong. I fully expect a new MP with state-of-the-art specs and a new case at some point over the next few months.

Apple do not announce a product just because a certain market segment is clamoring for it. They follow their own schedule, and if you don't like it, well, but something else, I guess. But don't assume this means the Mac Pro is dead.
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