i am unsure whether i am able tp update or not, i am using an o2 contract saim in an unlocked uk iphone, its not an itariff its a bog standard contract,i obv dont want to brick my phone, any ideas? if so instructions?
I have an original, UK, iPhone purchased earlier this year from CPW. I used to have to hacktivate it but since upgrading to firmware 2.0 I now no longer need to do anything like that - I just upgrade, plug into iTunes, enter my iTunes Store username and password and it works. I
choose to still jailbreak it though.
As for instructions, it's just like a normal firmware upgrade,
1. Plug in the iPhone
2. Sync the handset
3. Agree to the upgrade (or click the upgrade button if you've previously declined it)
4. Wait for about 10 minutes while it does its work (longer if you have to download the firmware first)
5. Your iPhone will reboot, upon reconnection you can enter your iTunes username and password (when and if prompted), agree to the EULAs and it should work.
6. If you want to have it set up EXACTLY like your previous phone then choose to restore from the backup it will offer you. The best advice is to set it up as a new iPhone but this will mean that existing SMSs, photos in the Camera Roll, Notes, Settings and other odds and sods like that will not be there anymore. Obviously anything that is sync'ed (Contacts, Calendar, Music etc.) will be restored on the first sync.
7. Enjoy the new firmware (though it is a fair bit slower, clunkier and Safari is more crashy in my experience).