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I just wanted to rid myself of the side bar. Looks like it did not work.

Go to the main forum page and click where I marked at the top right.

This will be a bit of a test... Another of these threads started with good intentions... but was soon taken over by regulars.

if you just joined MacRumors, reply and introduce yourself.

This is only for new Macrumors users... only users who registered within two months of the current date may reply...

All other users posts will be deleted. (moderators, please enforce this). This will be for myself included... only comments by truely "new" users will be allowed in this thread.

Discuss away...

(this could fail miserably if no one replies :) )

I’ve been a Mac tinkerer for years and have used Mac rumours for tips and ideas but I’ve only just signed up. My main interest is in keeping older macs going and currently looking at upgrading a mid 2010 I
iMac 27” machine.
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Hello. I may be a newbie to this forum, but I've been an Apple user since the 70s (Apple][). I am a retired graphic artist/designer who has worked with Adobe Creative Suite on Macs (and PCs, but only when forced to). My main interest at the moment is iPhone and I am impatiently awaiting delivery of a 14 Pro Max which I will use to continue my photography and videography interests as well as just about everything else in my life. It's good to be amongst so many like-minded people.
Greetings from a Mac fanboy (Apple fanboy not so much anymore). I've been a Mac user since 1986, when my boss put an SE on my desk and said 'learn this'.

I've owned many macs since, but not a regular MacRumors visitor because I always lag a couple of years behind the bleeding edge and mostly buy used computers. Currently use a late 2014 (metal capable) 27" 5K iMac i5 with 1TB fusion drive and 24 gB DRAM. Sweet machine and so much faster than all I've owned before that I still feel in the sweet spot for my computing needs. I also have a headless Mac mini i7 with 500gB SSD that shares my 27" screen in its own Space, and on which I run all my music software and synthesis engines. I bought the iMac used in 2018 for 1K USD. It is dead silent and has never had a problem, although Apple had some kind of recall and replaced my HD for free. I will use this machine until it croaks. Then, if Apple has regained some moral sensitivity and offers compatible hardware in the same price range with no obvious planned obsolescence baggage, I will buy a more recent model. Else, I will have this one repaired by swapping out the failed component from a used parts supplier, so that my trusted companion will continue to accompany me on my life's journey. Hail Steve Jobs!
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Been reading MR for a few years now. It was most helpful in me deciding to wait for quite some time, to get an M1 iMac to replace my previous set up. something like 18 months from the first rumours of 'new' Apple Silicon machines, to actual delivery of the iMac! I probably would have bought an Intel machine otherwise, and then been annoyed when the newer, better machines were released.

I started using Macs in college in 1992, doing a Photography course. There was a suite of Macs with Adobe Photoshop on them, the first time I'd seen such a thing. I don't think Photoshop was even available on PCs at that stage. Prior to that, my limited experience with computers had led me to see them as pretty boring things; I just wasn't interested in typing out lines of code etc. The Mac GUI etc appealed to me, and I've always much preferred Macs toPCs. I bought my own first Mac in 2000; a G3 iMac. Progressed to a MacPro in 2006, and continued with that right up until Spring 2020, when I finally had to concede it was no longer 'viable' for my needs, and bought a 'stopgap' s/h 2012 MacMini. I'd also owned a couple of Intel iMacs, 2008 or so vintage. Culminating in the new 2021 M1 iMac.

I have dabbled in the PC world, but as I'm not a computer nerd, so getting them to Just Work™ was often fraught with difficulty for me, and very frustrating. Before I bought the G3 iMac, a friend had bought a custom spec PC, to do photography based creative stuff. He spent heavily on flatbed and film scanners, a decent printer etc, but ultimately never really got it all to work. I bought an iMac and was able to just do stuff right out of the box, near enough. That 'Just Works™' mantra appeals to me far more than any npotion of 'expandability' that PCs offered at the time. I'm just not that way inclined, to sit for hours trying to configure things to do what I want. Horses for courses. I've always been perfectly happy with Macs.
Hello. I have been reading Mac Rumors for a while, decided to join and maybe participate in the forums.
I am definitely not an iPad or iPhone nerd, but have learned quite a lot since purchasing my first iMac in 2010. I am always interested in learning about new ways to use my iPad Pro and my iPhone.
Hey, new here. Just inherited an old iMac 2011 27" put an i7 2600 and Flashed k610m video card in it. It's a screammer under Ubuntu 22.04 but kind of a dog using Big Sur looking to the forum for help flashing a boot screen to this, thinning down Big Sur or Monterey, or over clocking the i7 2600 or maybe flashing the Rom to accept a 2600K and over clocking it. If seen interesting conversations here. That's why I joined.
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Long time listener, first time caller.

Believe it or not I’ve essentially been reading this site *daily* since its inception, but I’m just not predisposed to registering.

I’ve been an Apple fanatic since the Apple ][ and have physically touched just about every product they’ve brought to market. I guess the Kool-Aid is just that effective. Any other Apple ][ kids out here?

Appreciate everyone’s thoughtful takes on, and/or witty retorts to, the latest rumors.

I've long been a fan of Apple. I started dabbling in Mac OS X through hackintoshing (that's no typo, I began back in the Leopard days), but I now own several real Macs as well. In fact, I'm currently typing this on my MacBook Pro with an M1 Max chip in. I'm also still holding on to my iPhone 6S, mostly due to my desire for a headphone jack. Now that I want to upgrade to a newer iPhone due to the lack of iOS 16 support, I can't afford to buy one at the moment. Outside of my love for all things Apple, I love creating videos, and I'm also a musician. I'm a very creative person.

Anyway, I'm excited to see what this forum has to offer me! I hope to stick around here for a while.
Officially a newbie yay! Thanks for the invite. My mac is about to be obsolete, (if not already) a search landed me in this site. Always wanted to learn about the intricacies of how may faithful mac pro from 2010 works. By reading this forum I am already learning a lot. Again, thanks a lot for the invite.
As Catalina has reached EOL, I am looking for a Linux Desktop
for my late 2013 iMac, upgraded with a 256GB SSD.
OSX still runs great for my private usage, though.
But the hardware still is too good to be thrown away (for a few bucks).
So I am looking forward to some Linux experience, that I may share.
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Any other Apple ][ kids out here?
Yes, we had one in our family way back when. My first personal Apple product was a Mac SE. Great machine I bought in college and even hauled to Europe when I lived there afterward.

I'm also someone who's read messages in here for years, but decided to register in part to participate in the photography section.
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Hi evrybody, i'm an old french geek, rather experimented in PC's, from 10 years, i learned to repair it, like those I found in the streets of Paris, abandoned after a life of service, and to whom I gave a second life and a second chance to find a warm home for a few more years instead of ending up in the junkyard ... And by dint of it I came to tinker on a few Macs, Imac G4, that we call "Sunflower" here, or old G4, G5....
Today I got back an Imac 21,5 from the end of 2009, that I'm going to upgrade, and I discovered your site at this occasion, so see you soon, and Merry Christmas 2022.
Facebook kicked me out back in March. Their profits have been falling this year.
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!!😂

Anyway, it will be nice to chat with other Mac users/abusers now. I used to post on the Dealmac forum before Zuck took over the world.

The newest Mac I have is a 2012 MBP, and I got that just a month or two ago!
I like Apple less than I did. I liked them the most during the fruity color period. Since then they've become more douchey with every year.

Merry Christmas!
This will be a bit of a test... Another of these threads started with good intentions... but was soon taken over by regulars.

if you just joined MacRumors, reply and introduce yourself.

This is only for new Macrumors users... only users who registered within two months of the current date may reply...

All other users posts will be deleted. (moderators, please enforce this). This will be for myself included... only comments by truely "new" users will be allowed in this thread.

Discuss away...

(this could fail miserably if no one replies :) )

Hello: New user. Just asked a question about what MacBook to get next. Thanks to all here for making this community work.
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