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I thought I had an account here 14 years or so ago, but it looks like I was just lurking without one back then, so hi, I’m new, but old 🤔
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Had a Mac decades ago in school. Took a break for a while and now back with a MacBook Pro from work. And a first iPhone. Semi-glad to be back in the community again.
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Hi there everyone 👋🏼 I'm new to the forum but not so new to following MacRumor's, as I've been a follower for quite a few years - (THANK YOU FOR ALL THE AMAZING READING). I've always admired tech but fell into the health care industry, and recently decided to leave after 10 years. . With this recent decision I'm hoping to find something more in tech to actually fulfill a passion of mine, even if it's considered non-essential. On the topic of personal use; I've been fortunate to get the new iPhone every year (iPhone Pro Max, Silver Team). I also utilize a 16" MacBook Pro, and iPad Pro 12.9". My first iPhone was the 4S and praised the welcome of Siri. I'm glad to be here and excited to discover more!
Been a long time iPhone owner. Started with the iPhone 6 as my first. Had the XR for the last few years finally upgraded to the 14 Pro. Wow what a phone.
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Hi everyone! I’m from the U.S., living awhile in the Netherlands. I somehow got onto MacRumors about three years or so ago. I don’t do much social media and for most online forums heed the warning to “never read the comments”. MacRumors is different though- the comments are where I get real ground-based opinions outside of ad hype.

I’m a slow tech adapter, or at least was. My wife and I both surprised ourselves with an iPod Nano Christmas 2008. I broke down and got her our first smart phone in 2013 (4s). I realized my flip phone took terrible pics during grad school later that year, so I invested in my first smart phone (5). It got water damage one year later, so a 5s came in, and so on, leading me to heed friends’ talk about the invincibility of Mac laptops, my wife’s gift to me of the Apple Watch 3, and ultimately my M1 desktop.

So MacRumors is my Consumers Digest for my tech purchases. I wanted to post a suggestion so now I’m here! Don’t expect too much from me. But maybe one day I’ll get 100 in to post in the social and political articles 🤔
Hi all, from the UK. Been browsing the site for the past week and decided to sign up and say hello.
After around 14 years working in the mobile industry and then moving into tech around 9 years ago, I was a huge Android fan but work phone was always an iPhone. Changed that around 2 years ago when my wife bought the 12 Pro and loved it so bought one the next day and now no looking back! MacBook, iPad Air, Watch, AirPods Pro all quickly followed! Waiting for my 14 Pro Max to arrive...after 2 years of 12 Pro ownership the only thing I miss from previous phones is the bigger screen I had on my last Samsungs so now rectifying that! I am still using an iPhone 6s for work and other than the battery it is still going strong..might switch work over to the 12 Pro when my 14 PM arrives next week!
Hi, i am also IT man, admin/sysops with a little devops beginnig, i will focus on security later.
My first apple devices, one year ago macbook air 13 and few days ago iphone. I love macbook the way of ergonomy for working but i think it is not good device to work in MS enviroment, where i still prefer windows.
For private use, m1 is great for me so i decided to buy IP 13 pro. I do not like this phone as much as macbook but after few days it seems it is ok, and i think i will not miss android too much.
Now i just hate the way IP manages ringtones and files between other devices not from apple:)
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Hi. I don't feel like I'm new here; been coming across this site for many years. May have even had an account at some point, who knows.

Not an IT person by trade.

Macbook user, not new to macs but fairly new to playing with terminal commands on a mac, and new to ARM64. Been learning some terminal stuff (using iterm), installing with homebrew and python, using automator and shortcuts app, and basically trying to tweak everything just how I want it. The terminal stuff started after I tried using Linux to repair my broken Windows PC, and then realized a lot of the linux stuff I just learned translates to mac. And down the rabbit hole I went.

Never really had a desktop mac, but I'm on my third macbook pro: 2011, 2015, and 2021 M1. They all still work great.

I've definitely found a lot of answers here over the years. It's one of the better forums for sure.
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Hello! Hope all is well. 14PM has an issue with the brightness going to zero over night while charging...I read where some people think it has to do with the AOD.
Hi everyone, nice to meet you all.
I’ve been an Apple user since 2015 and though I love the ecosystem it’s had its fare share of problems over the years, which is why I frequented the forum often but just now decided to join in the conversation.
My current devices are an Iphone 13 PM, Apple watch 4 and an iPad 9th gen. I am also a tinkerer and have successfully fixed all my old devices like changing batteries and screens, however I can’t use a soldering station to save my life so I leave that to the pros.
Greetings all, I registered today as a new member (though I've been familiar with Macrumors for a while). I've been a Mac user since 1988, when I had a Mac SE and used it to record music on MOTU Performer and later on, to connect with other people on the old America Online. I'm awaiting delivery of my new MB Pro M1 14", which is replacing a mid-2013 MacBook Air. Now that I'm retired I hope to have more time (lol) to make music.
This will be a bit of a test... Another of these threads started with good intentions... but was soon taken over by regulars.

if you just joined MacRumors, reply and introduce yourself.

This is only for new Macrumors users... only users who registered within two months of the current date may reply...

All other users posts will be deleted. (moderators, please enforce this). This will be for myself included... only comments by truely "new" users will be allowed in this thread.

Discuss away...

(this could fail miserably if no one replies :) )

Hi; I've just joined this group recently and have an HP Stream laptop computer.
From theLinux world since 2002. Also few years user of OpenBSD. Unfortunately my laptop was giving up yet wonderfully running OpenBSD. But i decided to give a MacOS a try. Bought a MacMini. Like it, bought a Mac book pro. Like it also. But this is all new and feel comfortable at the console.
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