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Hey guys! Glad to finally make the jump to user vs lurker. I've been reading this forum since the launch of the 2011 Macbook Pro. I just recently started working as a software engineer and for the first time in my life absolutely everything I use for work is from Apple. I'll be starting some work in iOS development in the coming months so I figured it was about damn time I became a contributing user.
Hi, I'm new here. I'm running 12.4 on a Macbook Pro M1 Max. I'm very annoyed with Spotlight search but I'm also happy that "Focus" can be set to pretty much eliminate annoying notifications natively.
Use an Iphone 13 pro and Ipad Mini. Wondering if I should get max speced air or wait for M2 macbook pro 14.
How I wish they had a M1 max + 64 gb ram on 13 inch model.
Yes I like power in a smaller factor.
Currently have a Thinkpad X1E gen 1 with 32G ram. If they don't release anything new guess I will replace it with M1 max +64G.
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Hi, I'm new here. I'm running 12.4 on a Macbook Pro M1 Max. I'm very annoyed with Spotlight search but I'm also happy that "Focus" can be set to pretty much eliminate annoying notifications natively.
What is it about spotlight that annoys you?
Hi all, noobie to the MacBook. I’ve ordered a new M2 MacBook Air, and I’m coming from iOS and iPadOS on iPhone and iPad Pro, so Mac software is all new to me. I suspect I’ll be asking plenty of silly noobie questions 😉
Been lurking the past week while trying to bring life back to a rescued 2009 iMac. Screen goes randomly black, starting with an upgraded graphics card. Fingers crossed!

Waiting on a new AMD m6100 card to arrive, along with a mini-DP to HDMI adapter so I can hook up a second monitor. Been trying to isolate which part(s) is causing the blackout to minimize the replacement costs.
Hey everyone! Have been a lurker of these forums for some time now (especially during the new OS "beta seasons"). I enjoy reading the various perspectives of a lot of the members here.
I hope to contribute with whatever little knowledge of the Apple ecosystem that I have!
I've been interested in technology in general since my middle school years; spent a lot of time tinkering with PCs, later on with various Custom ROMs in Android. I first wet my toes in the Apple ecosystem with a Macbook Air in 2015, got my first iphone(iphone 7) in 2016 and since then have gone all in into the ecosystem.
Me - Mac Affectionado and advocate since the Macintosh Classic - literally - I had one with the old style floppy disks used to boot the machine up and load the OS… this model had no internal HDD. From that point on it was all in for me and technology in general, but Apple products and software was my passion. I became a member of a local Macintosh Users Group (MUG) to learn and share with and eventually ended up being their network admin when they invested in a BBS system and software called First Class… this was before wide proliferation of the internet and even before AOL. When I started we had four 14.4k phone modems and that grew to about twenty 56k modems before it got converted over to a ethernet type of network infrastructure where we accessed the BBS over the internet via an ISP instead of direct dial into the modem bank… (several years later) By then Apple had matured and was being run by the sugar water sales people and their product line was a mess, but at that point and time any thing technology wise was interesting and exciting… I had moved through many different Macintosh systems (Macintosh LC, Performa, Quadra, during those early years and by that point had moved into a PowerMac 8500 and then the G3… needless to say i have seen my share of different systems Apple has made over the years, I even had one of the first iMac’s that got produced - waiting like 8 weeks for it to arrive… … and that passion still continues to this day; albeit at much slower pace. During those early years I eventually started a business encompassing my passion and became a part of the Apple Solutions Expert Network and then after several years of that went to work for one of my biggest clients… and you guessed it… supporting PC’s - only 1 Mac in the whole organization - mine - running Windows NT via parallels and it preformed better than the PC’s deployed to everyone else…

I have been around this site for many years and finally decided to join and participate in these forums just recently… One thing i learned - don’t buy something from Apple just because they put their logo on it… you will regret it and find you’ve overpaid in many instances… like with their ridiculous $7000 monitor (including a stand).

I finally found out how I can post at this thread......I have to go to the last / latest page to find this new message bubble. From little red dot Singapore. I love iPad....I believe in iPad whichever generation. Now I have iPad Pro 12.9" 2020 version (no 5G) due to budget! I have a Apple Pencil Gen 2 but honestly hopeless in doing Notes with it (especially when I activate the convert to text feature). Got the pen since around July 2021 and lately battery life is bizzarre with the pencil and so here I am....
Oh I didn’t see this thread before, let me introduce myself a little late.

Hi MacRumors, you all seem like cool knowledgeable people and I enjoy reading your insights as I familiarize myself with Apple stuff a bit more. As for me, I recently did something a little crazy: I sold my gaming computer and replaced it with an iPad! The stress of dealing with Windows, drivers and components was more trouble than it was worth for me with my mental disability, so I decided I needed a simpler device. Best decision I’ve made in a long time. Threw in the USB adapter that lets me plug in my flash drives and keyboard when I need them, and it does everything I was doing on my PC without the drama. I’ll keep buying iPads as long as Apple makes them.
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This will be a bit of a test... Another of these threads started with good intentions... but was soon taken over by regulars.

if you just joined MacRumors, reply and introduce yourself.

This is only for new Macrumors users... only users who registered within two months of the current date may reply...

All other users posts will be deleted. (moderators, please enforce this). This will be for myself included... only comments by truely "new" users will be allowed in this thread.

Discuss away...

(this could fail miserably if no one replies :) )

Hello all! I'm glad to now be part of the MacRumors community as I have found these forums to be a treasure trove of knowledge. I have been a computer and electronics enthusiast since my youth and even turned it into a career at one point in my life. I dip my toes into a bit of everything but I'm back on a Mac kick right now. I hope to see you around! :)
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Hi all. Long time Windows user that made the jump to Mac iOS. I've used iPhones for a long time so that's going to help the transition. I'm here to find answers/work-arounds/tweaks and ask questions...some might sound stupid but remember I'm recovering Windows addict. Cheers 🍺

Edited to add: Where is the best place on this forum to ask the stupid questions that will get an answer about making this transition a little less frustrating that it has been? ie, best place for someone switching over from Windows and others that can speak Window and or understand someone that speaks it without jumping to speaking Mac (which I'm trying to learn).
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Hi everyone

New member here who has a MacBook (early 2015, 12 inch) and it's great but not without its challenged and issues notably battery (probably needs replacing.... he says!), and a few other minor glitches. I'm looking to keep track of whether to / when to update and ask questions when I run into issues.

Also have a new iPhone 13 and an iPad 2nd gen.
Personally I am new to Apple, bought a 13PM last Sept and a Watch SE (7 were seriously out of stock) immediately after. I moved my wife to a 6 in 2016 and upgraded her to an 11 Dec 2019 and added a Watch SE in 2020.

I have worked in tech for 30 years, it was my third career move and the one that has stuck the longest. Although I work in many technologies as an architect, the voice channel has been my main focus over the years, adding mobile about 20 years ago. Speech technologies (recognition, TTS, vioce biometrics, etc.) somehow became my specialty over the years, so that's where I spend much of my time. Linux is my primary OS, I started using it in 1993, and went full 100% Linux across our home in 1999. Almost all of my laptops/desktops run Mint and servers RHEL.

My first mobile phone was a Nortel subsidiary "bag phone" in 1986, eventually transitioning through several candy bar phones including going digital in 1995. Until mobile towers were ubiquitous around 2003, I preferred the old analog mobile in Arizona's mountains. Absolutely loved the Motorola StarTac shirt pocket phone for voice. Sometimes think I'd still like to have one. Went wireless internet with Palm VII, and eventually the Treo 650 2004-2009. I flashed custom ROMs, replaced the case several times, the screen twice and it was quite the soldier.

First Android phone was 2009 HTC Magic. I went through two other phones before landing on the Motorola Nexus 6 in 2014. I had three of them over the next 7 years, all still running, all with custom ROMs and all with new batts.

Things I miss from them on the 13 is ability to stop charging at a given charge level (or heat, or rate - but I did 80% cutoff), auto shutdown at a given charge % (set mine at 20%) custom notification sounds for every app and ease of adding a custom sound to contacts, customization of home screens is another big miss. There are a few others, but are minor enough that I don't remember them off of the top of my head.

So far the 13PM has been good to me, the batt life throughout the day is excellent and the one thing that sticks out as a major selling point for me, with camera quality next.

I look forward to reading your posts, and hope that I can be of assistance at some point.
Hi - newish Mac user here with a lovely second hand iMac from 2012. Even with an SSD upgrade, the whole thing cost <£300 and has run smoothly for over a year now.

Love reading the how to's and other things on this very helpful site.
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