Hi, I'm here because lately I found myself coming here often.
I don't know what else to say so hello
I don't know what else to say so hello
What is it about spotlight that annoys you?Hi, I'm new here. I'm running 12.4 on a Macbook Pro M1 Max. I'm very annoyed with Spotlight search but I'm also happy that "Focus" can be set to pretty much eliminate annoying notifications natively.
Hello.This will be a bit of a test... Another of these threads started with good intentions... but was soon taken over by regulars.
if you just joined MacRumors, reply and introduce yourself.
This is only for new Macrumors users... only users who registered within two months of the current date may reply...
All other users posts will be deleted. (moderators, please enforce this). This will be for myself included... only comments by truely "new" users will be allowed in this thread.
Discuss away...
(this could fail miserably if no one replies)
Unless it is really old stock, it will come with the latest OS version.Hello there , new user here , i just ordered a mac mini will it have the latest mac osx or i need to upgrade it ?