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Hi All

I have been here before, but its been a little while and I wanted a new here I am again :p
Don't currently own a Mac but working on it soon as Apple lowers PBooks or updates them I'm in

So whats new?
Hey all... been using these forums for quite some time... daily reader of the MacRumors front page. Don't know why I've never signed up til now!

I'm a Bulletin Board junkie and always looking for a new fix... this place seems like a quite friendly hang out. Can't be any worse than MacAddict :eek: Buncha loons over there who aren't very inclusive.

Oh well... hope to get to know everyone... :D

happy herfing,
New to the Mac World

Well I have been reading this site on and off for about a year (I am a PC user flirting with moving to the Mac platform). I know how die hards feel abotu PCs, and I grew up on them so I dont share the same bias. However I really do love the Mac Powerbooks. Although they havent been updated in a while and the smart thing to do seems to be to wait until the expo in January to make a decision on one.

I primarily use my computers for Music, E-mail, the Web, word processing, and burning DVDs - which I think will be the longest part of the learning curve.

I am switching from a full desktop to a laptop within the next 2-3 months (would have preferred xmas but since Macs are going to be upgraded in January and PCs have some new things coming out in Q1 05 as well - I am going to sit tight).
Just wanted to introduce myself. I just got my iBook about a week ago. At first I was a little worried about the move, but now I'm definitely glad I did. I can't see myself going back. I still have the 5 year old compaq computer downstairs, running win 98. My mom mainly uses that now. I bought the iBook mainly for school. It's much easier doing work and being able to bring it around with me.

I'm very new to macs though. Last time I used a mac was about 9 years ago in grade 5. They were much different then haha.

Hmm also wanted to ask, what's the keyboard command for taking screen captures again? :p
I'm an oooooold newbie!

I've been lurking for over two years now. It was Mac Rumors that convinced me to switch (I bought a 12" PB in 2003, and now I've made my dad buy a 12" iBook). I don't remember when I signed up, though :confused:
a long time coming...


I will soon be the proud owner of a new Powerbook, as soon as FedEx puts it in my grubby little hands. This will be my first Apple since I had a IIe as a kid.

Really lookin' forward to it. Now, if they'd only deliver it. Refreshing the FedEx tracking page over and over will not get the truck here any faster.

clair said:

I will soon be the proud owner of a new Powerbook, as soon as FedEx puts it in my grubby little hands. This will be my first Apple since I had a IIe as a kid.

Really lookin' forward to it. Now, if they'd only deliver it. Refreshing the FedEx tracking page over and over will not get the truck here any faster.


Haha, I know how you feel. I was waiting for mine to get shipped by FedEx too. To my surprise though, my iBook came two days early. :D I was very happy that day.
just registered but have been lurking for a year or so. Don't know why I never registered but glad I have now :D
John Jacob said:
I don't remember when I signed up, though :confused:

Find one of your posts, then click on your name and then click on "View Public Profile"
It says more, but here is what you wanted to look for:

Join Date: 02-11-2003

And mods... please don't trash my post. Just enlightening the unenlightened. :)
New member

Hello Group;

I'm a new member who doesn't have a MAC system. I'm forced to be a PC guru because Autodesk doesn't want to go MAC. I detail complex steel stairs using Autocad. I'm a Bill Gates hater and I can't wait for the day when I can switch over and get one of those awesome all aluminum G5 systems with dual 30" monitors. Way to go MAC for making the fastest, biggest and greatest computer system. Keep up the great work!

Nice to meet you all. This is one heck of a forum.

PS: I'm not sure if you guys will be able to check out my web site properly; since Bill didn't make his MS Publisher software that I used for my web site creation MAC compatiable or Browser friendly. It mostly works well with a PC IE browser. Let me know if you have any luck checking it out.

Happy Holidays!

Edward Borg
well since i just joined up i might as well say hello :)

i am Kieran, aka mainframe or module. 20, male and from sydney,australia.
and saying i am obsessed with technology/futurism is a far understatement.
needless to say, i adore apple and love the whole new product hype and rumors about upcoming items.

ive been reading this site for ages but have never joined up to the forums...until today

so umm "hello" :eek:
Hi, I am a newbie to the forum, but have been a Mac user for over 20 years. I came to get some informational help, and found a lot of interesting topics to explore.

I am originally from Vancouver BC, but now live in Central Texas, near Austin. I own a digital graphics company and we use 18 Macs, including 7 G5's. My first apple computer was a "Lisa", anyone remember those?

Look forward to contributing as time permits.


Have had macrumors in my bookmarks bar for last 2+ years. Just recently signed up for message boards though. Am actively seeking satelite coordinates for keynote if anyone has them...
Rumor Refuge

Hi all,
I've been "spanked" and "de-pointed" so many times with posting in MacSupport Discussions, (last one, briefly alluded to 10.3.7 update two days before it came out...that's a "no no"...wham, minus 25 points); So, I thought I'd happily bring my speculatory itch in here, where it seems to be welcomed.

Just got my first Mac a week ago. I had been using a PC for past 12 years but had gotten sick of dealing with all the viruses and the horrible Windows OS. But I'm not new to Apple computers. I had a IIGS and a IIC before switching to PC. I wished that I hadn't switched back then, but, everything is better now with my new iMac G5. :)
Hi :)

I've been a Mac user since 2004, when I purchased the G4 iBook, and subsequently the dual-processor PowerMac G5, which is currently my main machine :)

I am a programmer, and despite my young age (15), rather experienced. I code for generic UNIX operating systems (the BSD subsystem in OS X :)), and my feats up to now have been:

- a complete document language with viewers, translators [[Z]]
- a complete programming language [[Psilo]]
- several smaller applications, libraries

I used to code for Windows/i386, and my main application, TuneXP has currently been downloaded about 2 million times :)

Besides programming, creating music (primarily with synthesizers) and graphics are my main hobbies.

I'm a general friendly guy, even though I might be slightly odd at times ;)

Best wishes & hi there ;)
David :)
Hello, new member here... I've been a poster at Spymac for the last two years, but I've decided to call it quits there now...

I'm looking forward to getting to know the community here :)
G'Day, I love kangaroos


Merlot here, and I love kangaroos. If anyone is heading down under I will hook you up with a great 'roo recipe. In my spare time I enjoy bareback seal riding and have worked for years as a professional mushroom sampler. In my spare time I enjoy long walks by the sea and watching videos at




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i'm new. thats all there is to it :-D. Unfortunely, I do not own a mac .... yet. I have always love macs but the price has always been an issue. Now, that mac mini is here ... im looking forward to having it as my new computer to replace this headache filled windows. hmm, im rambling now .... i should be quiet :-D.
greetings from sydney


hello folks,
just this second signed up as I am the proud owner of a shiny new 12" PB!

It's my first mac and I'm lovin' it

I'm starting an audio engineering course this year and the college is mac based, which is why I bought the PB.

(although I,m typing this on my pc {gulp!} :eek: )
Hey everybody, awesome site you have here.
I may be a newbie to this site, but I'm a mac vet that has been using macs for about twelve years. That twelve years being all but the first four years of my life.:cool:

The single most awesome thing about this site ... you don't have to put up with the naieve PC users that have built up glowing monstrosities of "computers" and call it beatiful or cool or whatever. I love being among my own kind - mac users that know better.

Thanks for creating an awesome site. I hope I can contribute.

Edit: Oh yeah, I'm running a mirror drive door G4, 1.25 GHz, 512 ram, and Panther, with iLife '05 and iWork on the way. :D
just signed up

i just signed up and so far love the forums!!!!

as long as the ANTI AMERICA post dont start here like on the GENTOO forums it seems like i will be coming back daily!

i am looking @ buying my first MAC. i was going to go with the mini but think i might just get a DUAL G5 instead.
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