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Will Apple bring iOS 7 design to OS X

  • Yes, I think it will look good on a Mac

    Votes: 84 49.1%
  • Yes, But I think it won't look good on a Mac

    Votes: 38 22.2%
  • No, I think iOS 7 design looks bad on a Mac

    Votes: 39 22.8%
  • No, But I want iOS 7 design on Mac.

    Votes: 10 5.8%

  • Total voters
Here's how I imagined it. I think the icons will have a similar iOS 7 look, but no way will they be rounded rects, they have no way to enforce that others will follow. The app concepts are right from, so I'm just assuming will follow from there. I expect a different dock and menu bar, but didn't bother thinking of it. And maybe even change the system font to Helvetica from Lucida.


Although since I made that, I made more changes to the dock icons. Just guesses, but I do think the iTunes icon will look exactly like it is here, since it shows up in iOS 7.

Yes, I quite like that.

I honestly don't think the icons will change that much, look at the iBooks/ilife/iwork icons in mavericks and iOS 7. They have a related look but the OS X icons aren't too different from the other icons.

I think Safari will look like Safari on iPad. A screenshot i grabbed from google:


If you imagine the traffic light window buttons in the top left where the wifi signal is, and full screen button where the battery is.
Im very curious to see how much the new interface will change. Im sure it will be a lot flatter. It will be interesting to see whether it will be as colourful as iOS 7 is.

I woud like to see some color added back to the Finder sidebar, the current gray color is not very exciting... Just like what Steve Jobs said about the design of the Aqua interface, my MacBook pro (still running Snow Leopard!) makes me want to just lick the screen, it looks so tasty! :p
OS X.X "Syrah" is coming, but when is OS XI coming and predictions?

I'm pretty sure we know about the upcoming OS 10.10/X.X? Syrah. But what about OS 11? When will that come? What will it be like?

I think it comes in 2015 when Apple decides to launch touch screen Macs. OS 11 will be the touch-friendly Mac OS. With an iOS-like interface for touch Macs and classic for others as well as touch Macs operated by peripherals, Siri for Mac, and VanPlay with MacBooks and MacPads? in specially-equipped-to-be-mobile-offices/conferencerooms Mercedes Sprinter vans and European-market Mercedes V-Class minivans.

What are your predictions?

Thanks for merge; there were several threads out there on Syrah and I'm not sure which to post in. Glad that everything is now in one organized thread.
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honestly I don't think there will be a OS 11

there might be in the future a common OS for the current iOS and the OS X which might have a unified name, but not the OS 11.
why ? because OS 1-9 were old legacy things, OS X was a way to rebrand 10, when the iOS came around they decided to renumber and rebrand (iOS)

so perhaps just "OS" or "She" "One" something weird non-versioned named.
or perhaps it'll be OS X 11..

The X might just serve dual meaning, Mac OS 1-9 were not Unix based X can be both 10 and X for Unix.
For Feck's sake!

I saw pictures of this new continuation of FLAT styling.

IN the late 90's early 00's I use to think of MAC as fisher price back in the days of bubble iMacs (Johnny) and I got over that as their look and GUI improved to something very enjoyable that I actually came to love (Snow Leopard was my stepping on the Apple train). Now I see Johnny is back at it again but now on the interface.

ID people should not be allowed to close to GUI design and I don't want to wait around while Johhny learns by trail and error via the userbase, in a very public and global way.

The natural inclination is to make things flat and slim in the 3D world, this is the challenge but in the 2D world you can't loose another dimension and reducing one over another is not going to work either but that is what you are seeing, the same motivation in ignorance of it's constraints.

In fact you have to add dimension with visual tricks. This is the art of design.

I have one iOS device, it's my least favourite platform, iPad. I upgraded to iOS 7 and realized almost instantly how much I preferred the older look, but it took me to lose it to fully realise it's clarity.

FLAT is not clarity. It's not even minalmisim in truth. It's brutalisim.

As a designer, someone who paints, someone who has an eye for detail this fetish for flat is a disaster to my mind.

The japanese know how to do this design because they come form a culture of ZEN Buddhist influence and have an aesthetic, since Jobs is gone I worry where that influence will come from.

However it ties in with a dum-ification of the process apple seems to hell bent on implementing.

The human eye has the ability to enjoy detail beyond the resolution of retina, the human mind by default. The world is made of things small than atoms and the most of it in truth is 99.9999999 empty space.

It's out minds that fill it all in.

Texture is one of those things, colour another.

The two can interact to achieve a synergised experience but all of this is actually happening within what we might call the mind or your brian.

I never saw the term used before, skeuomorpisim, until they wanted to demonize it so to be rid of it and those who worked by it.

Classic propaganda.

They might as well appoint Crayola to design the next GUI.
People need to take a chill pill until June when we see what it looks like.

I installed iOS 7... it was amazingly boring.

I've been waiting for tablet and touchscreen tech since my mid teens, that's going back early 90's and so far I'm fairly underwhelmed by the physical experience.

The only touch tech that really got me excited was the Iliad ereader in 2006 that showed such promise. I think I've turned off now from looking at so many screen that are light emitting. It's not natural in anyway. I had/have high hopes for the Qualcom Mirasol screen tech. They look to be amazing but only avialble in Korea last time i checked. Something like that on a Apple device would be amazing.

iPad with a ZAG, now that betters combo... you have more than sight as a sensory, touch, tactile touch. You brian can remember where things are spatially, you develop muscle memory. We are very equipped to work with undulating surfaces, look at the planet. There is very little need to flatify everything unles you want to drive a car on it efficiently. Yep I suppose there is a push to concrete over that.

ONe thing that really made me enjoy Leopard and Snow leopard was the attention to high res in the smallest o places, icons. That the system was fluid with such a GUI overhead compared to anything up to that point was a real treat. Now everyone wants and things seem to be going to no detail, it's as I said, brutalisim and Johnny is making the same mistakes that where made in the past, you only have to look at the architectural menace and inhumanity of brutalisim.

Just look at musical instruments.I wonder what a guitar desinged by apple woudl look like... let me guess an AIRguitar. :)

In the future computers or at least interactive spaces and things will simply be surfaces, palces and most probably grown and so forth.

I'm pretty chilled and look forward to computing in the iForest and not the cloud. :D
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For * sake!

I saw pictures of this new continuation of FLAT styling.

IN the late 90's early 00's I use to think of MAC as fisher price back in the days of bubble iMacs (Johnny) and I got over that as their look and GUI improved to something very enjoyable that I actually came to love (Snow Leopard was my stepping on the Apple train). Now I see Johnny is back at it again but now on the interface.

ID people should not be allowed to close to GUI design and I don't want to wait around while Johhny learns by trail and error via the userbase, in a very public and global way.

The natural inclination is to make things flat and slim in the 3D world, this is the challenge but in the 2D world you can't loose another dimension and reducing one over another is not going to work either but that is what you are seeing, the same motivation in ignorance of it's constraints.

In fact you have to add dimension with visual tricks. This is the art of design.

I have one iOS device, it's my least favourite platform, iPad. I upgraded to iOS 7 and realized almost instantly how much I preferred the older look, but it took me to lose it to fully realise it's clarity.

FLAT is not clarity. It's not even minalmisim in truth. It's brutalisim.

As a designer, someone who paints, someone who has an eye for detail this fetish for flat is a disaster to my mind.

The japanese know how to do this design because they come form a culture of ZEN Buddhist influence and have an aesthetic, since Jobs is gone I worry where that influence will come from.

However it ties in with a dum-ification of the process apple seems to hell bent on implementing.

The human eye has the ability to enjoy detail beyond the resolution of retina, the human mind by default. The world is made of things small than atoms and the most of it in truth is 99.9999999 empty space.

It's out minds that fill it all in.

Texture is one of those things, colour another.

The two can interact to achieve a synergised experience but all of this is actually happening within what we might call the mind or your brian.

I never saw the term used before, skeuomorpisim, until they wanted to demonize it so to be rid of it and those who worked by it.

Classic propaganda.

They might as well appoint Crayola to design the next GUI.
Couldn't agree more (except for "bubble iMacs" which I consider to be a daring design for the time).

I would really like the new Mac OS to look like that... Simple and modern...
Try Windows 8.
Software versioning works somehow like this:
OS X 10.X.Y

OS X 10 is product name, both referring to UNIX and number 10. It WILL stay UNchanged.

X - Major version. For devs: "Hooray, we got these new features working... (well, at least the software doesn't crash immediately after we open it ... :D) "
Y - Minor version. For devs: "Damn, another bug we have to fix ..." Bug is fixed: "Hooray, it works! Let's hope we won't have to fix another bug and that we may start doing another X version... "
What would you like to see in 10.10 and what do you expect?

I'd like to see 0 new features and a lot of bug fixing and improvements to performance. Let's look at WebKit, for example, and start removing code that doesn't need to be in there anymore. Google was able to remove around millions of lines of code, and their fork still seems to be working correctly. Maybe they can work toward making it more standards compliant, instead of being quirky.

I'd like for them to fix the memory compression, I'd like for them to help to ensure that the SSD spins down whenever possible. I still occasionally, get problems with sleep taking forever to set in. The app store sometimes shows an update twice, only when it is a system update and I choose to let it download without restarting then. Fix that.

I expect to get a new, buggy, UI that will get somewhat fixed over smaller updates and then getting mostly fixed in OS X 10.11.
I just want it to work properly. I want to be able to send emails when I press send, and receive emails on a daily basis. I'd like an OS that doesn't require an SSD to function, and I wouldn't mind if it was a little lighter, everything about it just feels not-quite-right, even with an SSD.
I just want it to work properly. I want to be able to send emails when I press send, and receive emails on a daily basis. I'd like an OS that doesn't require an SSD to function, and I wouldn't mind if it was a little lighter, everything about it just feels not-quite-right, even with an SSD.

Those are huge wishes these days. ;)
I hope for further optimisation, as well as a UI iOS7 redesign (i.e so it functions the same as Mavericks, but has the look of iOS 7's UI).
  • New interface
    I love the interface of iOS 7, and while I also really like the way OS X looks and feels, I would much more prefer a unified look.​
  • Meta editing in iBooks
  • AirDrop between OS X and iOS
  • Change dashboard
    It's been the same forever. I actually use it from time to time, but it has to change; it's been the same forever, and I feel like they could come up with something better.​
  • Siri – in Swedish
    It's been three years since the introduction of Siri, and it still can't speak and understand most languages. It's a shame, really.​
  • Newsstand
    The fact that you've got to have iPhoto - an app that isn't free, and too complex - to receive your Photostream pictures is a mystery for me. Just give me a like the one on iOS.​
  • Control Center
    A Control Center that let's me control iTunes, audio, AirPlay, AirDrop, etc.​
  • Better iCloud keychain
    This is also a iOS 8 want. Why can't I easily have more accounts than one on a website, and why is it so awful to view the passwords in iOS; it's easier on OS X with the Keychain​
I just want it to work properly. I want to be able to send emails when I press send, and receive emails on a daily basis. I'd like an OS that doesn't require an SSD to function, and I wouldn't mind if it was a little lighter, everything about it just feels not-quite-right, even with an SSD.

That, and bug fixes and Siri. Thanks.
  • New interface
    I love the interface of iOS 7, and while I also really like the way OS X looks and feels, I would much more prefer a unified look.​
  • Meta editing in iBooks
  • AirDrop between OS X and iOS
  • Change dashboard
    It's been the same forever. I actually use it from time to time, but it has to change; it's been the same forever, and I feel like they could come up with something better.​
  • Siri – in Swedish
    It's been three years since the introduction of Siri, and it still can't speak and understand most languages. It's a shame, really.​
  • Newsstand
    The fact that you've got to have iPhoto - an app that isn't free, and too complex - to receive your Photostream pictures is a mystery for me. Just give me a like the one on iOS.​
  • Control Center
    A Control Center that let's me control iTunes, audio, AirPlay, AirDrop, etc.​
  • Better iCloud keychain
    This is also a iOS 8 want. Why can't I easily have more accounts than one on a website, and why is it so awful to view the passwords in iOS; it's easier on OS X with the Keychain​

My wish list exactly ;)
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