For * sake!
I saw pictures of this new continuation of FLAT styling.
IN the late 90's early 00's I use to think of MAC as fisher price back in the days of bubble iMacs (Johnny) and I got over that as their look and GUI improved to something very enjoyable that I actually came to love (Snow Leopard was my stepping on the Apple train). Now I see Johnny is back at it again but now on the interface.
ID people should not be allowed to close to GUI design and I don't want to wait around while Johhny learns by trail and error via the userbase, in a very public and global way.
The natural inclination is to make things flat and slim in the 3D world, this is the challenge but in the 2D world you can't loose another dimension and reducing one over another is not going to work either but that is what you are seeing, the same motivation in ignorance of it's constraints.
In fact you have to add dimension with visual tricks. This is the art of design.
I have one iOS device, it's my least favourite platform, iPad. I upgraded to iOS 7 and realized almost instantly how much I preferred the older look, but it took me to lose it to fully realise it's clarity.
FLAT is not clarity. It's not even minalmisim in truth. It's brutalisim.
As a designer, someone who paints, someone who has an eye for detail this fetish for flat is a disaster to my mind.
The japanese know how to do this design because they come form a culture of ZEN Buddhist influence and have an aesthetic, since Jobs is gone I worry where that influence will come from.
However it ties in with a dum-ification of the process apple seems to hell bent on implementing.
The human eye has the ability to enjoy detail beyond the resolution of retina, the human mind by default. The world is made of things small than atoms and the most of it in truth is 99.9999999 empty space.
It's out minds that fill it all in.
Texture is one of those things, colour another.
The two can interact to achieve a synergised experience but all of this is actually happening within what we might call the mind or your brian.
I never saw the term used before, skeuomorpisim, until they wanted to demonize it so to be rid of it and those who worked by it.
Classic propaganda.
They might as well appoint Crayola to design the next GUI.