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Can't switch graphics cards

Retina MacBook Pro (11,3). Unable to switch to dGPU in any app...

Edit: Nevermind; a PRAM reset fixes this...
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So the bugs Ive seen so far in my run thru the system..

1) Safari seems very slow. The webpage loads are generally much slower than Mavericks.

2) iTunes icon has not changed over to the new icon.

3) PhotoBooth is removed? Not Sure? Icon is there but not on the HD?

4) Scrolling has seen a regression from the snappier scrolling in Mavericks. QuartzDebug was 60 FPS on Mavericks now its about 30-40 on Yosemite.

Thats my take on the bugs so far. Other than that, not any issues I've seen. Pretty good honestly for a round 1 of the 1st beta.
- with Yosemite you cannot temporarily disable notifications like Mavericks (from the Notification panel & swipe down).

- searching for Godzilla (like they did, only displayed 1 item which was the dictionnary)

- iMovie doesn't work anymore.
- Feedback assistant doesn't work

- iBook, some books were impossible to purchase from the main page. Mouse clicks were not triggering anything.

- in the Notification area, clicking left of Yahoo revealed two hidden hyperlinks and did graphical glitch
Some people need to read the user agreements that they agreed to.


Is the pre-release software I am installing confidential?

Yes, the pre-release software is Apple confidential information. For example, don’t install the pre-release Apple software on any systems you don't directly control or that you share with others, don’t blog, post screen shots, tweet or publicly post information about the pre-release Apple software, and don't discuss the pre-release Apple software with or demonstrate it to others who are not in the OS X Beta Program. For clarity, if Apple has publicly disclosed technical information about the pre-release software then it is no longer considered confidential.
Works fine for me.

Works fine for me.
Very odd. They work for me now too. Maybe something related to fixing core audio sorted it out?


Where did Full Screen go? I was actually using that! EDIT: It's now the expand button. Option-click reverts to old behaviour. This makes sense I guess.
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I almost got locked out of my other partition. Restarted and held down Opt and it only had "OS X Installer" and "Yosemite" available. (Awesome black start screen, by the way.)

However, when I went into settings it still had Mavericks as a start up disk. Picked that, restarted, and now I'm back home. PHEW! But seriously, that shook me up.

Not sure what went wrong, but at least I found a fix. (I can try to get more info later, but I need to go to bed now.)
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Some people need to read the user agreements that they agreed to.


Is the pre-release software I am installing confidential?

Yes, the pre-release software is Apple confidential information. For example, don’t install the pre-release Apple software on any systems you don't directly control or that you share with others, don’t blog, post screen shots, tweet or publicly post information about the pre-release Apple software, and don't discuss the pre-release Apple software with or demonstrate it to others who are not in the OS X Beta Program. For clarity, if Apple has publicly disclosed technical information about the pre-release software then it is no longer considered confidential.

Read the last sentence of that text you pasted.
I'd argue that the GUI is the most beta part of DP1. It definitely needs some refinement (bad font smoothing/spacing, etc). And of course, some features are not yet implemented. But this is a surprisingly stable first release, IMO.

EDIT (more bugs):

1) Time Machine backups are incredibly slow and energy intensive.

2) And this is most likely a design flaw rather than a bug, but Reminders STILL completely closes when you click the red button. This is a different behavior from every other stock app, in which the app remains open but not visible unless you actually quit it. It's annoying because there is a noticeable delay when you have to reopen Reminders each time, and I don't like having to cmd+h it.

3) Safari blanks when you are scrolling fast

4) Messages is not syncing properly at all, and keeps loading ancient messages instead of my new ones. It is essentially unusable for me. You also cannot load earlier messages like you could in 10.9.

5) Battery meter and life estimates are wildly inaccurate. Stayed at 100% for nearly 30 minutes and then dropped instantly to ~95%.

6) Translucency seems to be extremely broken, and is often not present in Finder.

7) choppy/glitchy spaces transitions when swiping.

8) general choppiness in Safari and Calendar.

9) lots of different scrolling glitches— it just doesn't feel smooth or natural like it did in 10.9.
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You use MRD on Mavericks on two screens? I have been trying to get that to work in ML for ages. Guess i should stop being so lazy and update to Mavericks then. Although I like being one of the 49% who haven't upgraded. You know, think different and all that:D

Yeah, using the version from the Mac App Store, there's an option to use all available monitors. This puts them on independent desktops, so I can leave the primary one up on my remote machine, and flip back to my Mac desktop on the other side.
Buttons are pretty hideous.
Helvetica Neue is a terrible screen font on non retina displays
The folders are VERY blue (ok, so not a bug, but definitely something to get used to)

Helvetica sucks as a the new font even on Retina displays. It's so ugly used everywhere. Lucida Grande was better.

The buttons are ugly, too.

And all the icons suck compared to Mavericks icons. Not just the folders.

OS X Yosemite is a cross between Linux 2004 with the flatness and Vista with the blurred translucency. Ive has ****ed this up royally.
Time Capsule doesn't mount or show up anywhere. Somehow still on WiFi, though. Also, no error reported by Time Machine. Any ideas?

EDIT: Can't drag images from spotlight into Safari.

Something flickers beneath this checkbox.

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i can't connect my iPhone to my mac via bluetooth

When i try to pair my iPhone and mac via bluetooth so i can use the Handoff features it fails and says that my devices bluetooth needs to be on and within range even though they are a foot from each other.
Not a bug in Yosemite itself, but I didn't want to start another topic: Java won't install. The latest stable build, 8 update 8, gives an OSVERSION_ERROR message. The latest beta, 8 update 20 states:

"Java from Oracle requires Mac OX X 10.7.3 or later. Your system has Mac OS X Version 10.10."

It seems that a programmer at Oracle doesn't know how to properly compare version numbers. I wonder if we'll see more apps refusing to install because the installers think 10.10 < 10.9.
Not a bug in Yosemite itself, but I didn't want to start another topic: Java won't install. The latest stable build, 8 update 8, gives an OSVERSION_ERROR message. The latest beta, 8 update 20 states:

"Java from Oracle requires Mac OX X 10.7.3 or later. Your system has Mac OS X Version 10.10."

It seems that a programmer at Oracle doesn't know how to properly compare version numbers. I wonder if we'll see more apps refusing to install because the installers think 10.10 < 10.9.
Interesting variant of the Y2K bug: reading version numbers as decimals.
I'd argue that the GUI is the most beta part of DP1. It definitely needs some refinement (bad font smoothing/spacing, etc). And of course, some features are not yet implemented. But this is a surprisingly stable first release, IMO.

EDIT (more bugs):

1) Time Machine backups are incredibly slow and energy intensive.

2) And this is most likely a design flaw rather than a bug, but Reminders STILL completely closes when you click the red button. This is a different behavior from every other stock app, in which the app remains open but not visible unless you actually quit it. It's annoying because there is a noticeable delay when you have to reopen Reminders each time, and I don't like having to cmd+h it.

3) Safari blanks when you are scrolling fast

4) Messages is not syncing properly at all, and keeps loading ancient messages instead of my new ones. It is essentially unusable for me. You also cannot load earlier messages like you could in 10.9.

5) Battery meter and life estimates are wildly inaccurate. Stayed at 100% for nearly 30 minutes and then dropped instantly to ~95%.

6) Translucency seems to be extremely broken, and is often not present in Finder.

7) choppy/glitchy spaces transitions when swiping.

8) general choppiness in Safari and Calendar.

9) lots of different scrolling glitches— it just doesn't feel smooth or natural like it did in 10.9.

Far as scrolling everything has been fine for me, especially since I tend to scroll fast when I'm searching

Translucency is present in my finder as well. It seems that you'll find translucency in apps that have been updated to support it i.e. Safari, Calendar, and etc. but iTunes it currently isn't present
Previewing a file using QuickLook in full screen (opt-space on a file and it'll go full screen) - when exiting full screen, Finder crashes.
Few things I've noticed:

**Trying to enable TRIM for non-Apple SSDs, causes unrecoverable boot failure, requiring a rollback if you had Time Machine active, prior to enabling TRIM!!**

*FaceTime Audio doesn't work, when calling iPhone numbers. You get the translucent popup window, and it starts ringing, but nothing appears in the window, it doesn't actually place the call, and it doesn't stop ringing until you force FaceTime to quit.

*As someone mentioned above, Bluetooth is on the fritz: You can pair devices, but when you actually try to connect to them after pairing, it fails every time, with the connection unsuccessful message.

*The iCloud system preference frequently causes System Preferences to stop responding, requiring a force quit.

*Safari will white out webpages, if you have 3 or more tabs open, and switch between them quickly, requiring you to quit and relaunch safari.

*As also mentioned, Text boxes often require clicking on them, typing, and then clicking on them again, in order to get what was typed, to appear.

*The Add contact popup in FaceTime, doesn't work properly. You can bring the contacts list up, but you can not actually click on any of the contacts to add them.

*May or may not be a bug: Laptops will not charge past 99%. Battery menu states that the battery is charged, but it only displays 99%*

*When switching between tabs in the 'About This Mac' window, the animation causes a flicker until it's complete.*

That's all I've come across so far. will not retain the window sized when resized/made larger. When reopening, it will pop back to its' default setting. Annoying, and this issue existed in Mavericks as well.


*May or may not be a bug: Laptops will not charge past 99%. Battery menu states that the battery is charged, but it only displays 99%*

iOS 7 does not show the 'plugged' icon when charging is complete. I noticed that, too, on my test Yosemite install. I hope Apple didn't carry that feature over, I hate seeing the 'thunderbolt' icon on my iPhone, because it seems like it's never fully charged.
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