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Great news! Looks like I finally be able to revive this old macbook 4,1!

EDIT: Taking a second look, it seems I was mistaken. I was thinking that was for Yosemite instead of ML.

try downloading the kext from the last link, the site don't let me confirm my mail

yeah, I've seen it a couple of weeks ago when I did some web digging. It's a few months old message, though.

Anyway that tweet reminded me to ask one thing: is the desktop preference panel managed by Core Image? If so, why in Italian it doesn't work while if I switch to English.. I get all thumbnails (see attached pictures)? o.0

Does it work for you guys?


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Whether ML or otherwise, no, MLForAll has not "made" any 64bit kexts. That "proof of concept" tweet was published last... February! This was still based on the usual 10.6.2 kexts. Hint: what was this followed by?

Your MB4,1 ain't gonna revive this side of Xmas or next or the one after...

honestly, don't know if spamming on this kind of threads is your life-goal or your's only hobby
Whether ML or otherwise, no, MLForAll has not "made" any 64bit kexts. That "proof of concept" tweet was published last... February! This was still based on the usual 10.6.2 kexts. Hint: what was this followed by?

Your MB4,1 ain't gonna revive this side of Xmas or next or the one after...

I seriously wonder why you're wasting your time commenting on here. We're just a group of people who have a hobby. What's your problem with that? If you think we're wasting our time, then that's our problem not yours. But I don't think YOU should be wasting YOUR time by telling us that. I'm not mad at you, I'm just simply advising you that your time could be better spent elsewhere. :(

Btw, I have a number of new Macs around the house, so it's not like I refuse buy new ones. I just like to make use of old devices when I have the opportunity to do it.
Whether ML or otherwise, no, MLForAll has not "made" any 64bit kexts. That "proof of concept" tweet was published last... February! This was still based on the usual 10.6.2 kexts. Hint: what was this followed by?

Your MB4,1 ain't gonna revive this side of Xmas or next or the one after...

I just don't understand why you are wasting your time on this thread. Yes, the hardware is old. Yes, Apple and Intel themselves couldn't work out full 64 bit support on these models.
This is an interest that I and the rest of these people have. I have all sorts of Macs and iOS devices sitting around in my house. PowerPC models, Macbook (early 2008/GMA X3100), Macbook Pro (mid 2010), iPad 2, iPod nano, iPhone 4, and iPhone 6. I use the newest of these for basic tasks but what gives me enjoyment is the push the older models to their limits. I've been doing it for years and love it. What fun is just having the new 5K iMac that you only use for just surfing the web, watch movies, or doing school work?
You're not really pulling anyone away from this issue. I been getting increasing number of calls and emails from people about at least installing newer Operating Systems on their old unsupported Macs. Your time is has been wasted. Sorry :cool:
Attn newbs: There is no real answer coming for graphics

honestly, don't know if spamming on this kind of threads is your life-goal or your's only hobby

Guys, everyone needs to step back and breath.

These threads are loads of fun, I am thrilled to be running Yosemite on a 2006 Mac Pro and a A1186 MacMini. Both have new BT 4.0 /AC WiFi cards in them and have full handoff / continuity support.

That being said, the difference in running them is night and day. The 2006 MP has a AMD 7950 and feels just like my 2010 12 Core for most use.

The Mini on the other hand is dog slow, clunky, and the screen redraws remind me of the Lisa 2.0 I played with in 1998. Double click mouse, move hand to lap, then watch the window expand.

The ease that the MP adapted to new OS in comparison is shocking. (And why I made such a fuss when they eliminated PCIE slots in nMP)

I think your parade rainer has noticed that some parties have been holding a "just about to release software for free that will enable everything" carrot over everyone's head for longer than a year. All he ever did was simple smoke & mirrors magic, nothing of the sort that is needed for unsupported GPUs. He can't (or won't) admit that real answers are beyond his simple hacking skills.

So Jimmy John in Idaho does some googling, finds these threads and BELIEVES that he can put Yosemite/ML/Mav on his 2007 iMac due to the never-ending hype. It is VERY doubtful that there will ever really be an answer. The people that do have the ability are busy doing much more important things. People desperately changing device ids in info plists are NOT going to find a magic answer.

I use the Mac Mini to test the WIFi cards I sell for Mac Pros, it is much easier to test cards there. But anyone calling that machine "useable"....has a very different definition than I.

It is important that people stumbling onto these threads understand that fancy install Logos and never ending tweets hinting at great things to come, are NOT GOING TO LEAD ANYWHERE.

Most importantly, until such time as someone makes the miracle happen, the vast majority of people coming here need to know that seeing that majestic Yosemite desktop isn't going to be a whole lot of fun when everything runs like it is in molasses. Be honest with yourselves, many of the "newbs" coming here are going to spend hours and hours jacking around, and finally go back to 10.7.5 when they realize that Yose runs like CRAP.

The iMacs that can take MXM cards may be different but most of these machines need acceleration to remain useable. For geeks and nerds who enjoy hacking and cracking (that would be me), fine, while away a few days playing with a spare machine to see how it runs.

But the average Joes who only have one machine and are misled into believing that a real answer is coming VERY SOON are being lied to. I write roms that interact with graphics cards. That is what I do. And I can tell you that what you are hoping for is the proverbial "Waiting for Godot". Godot needs to admit that he doesn't have any answers for the unsupported cards. When Apple writes stuff, it is a TEAM of people who all have access to loads of info, the very info they never release and that you desperately need.

The endless bandaids on the ML DP1 kernel are the epitome of the word "kludge". Maybe for folks desperate for 10.8 they work. But that way lies madness if you think they are going to produce answers for Mav and Yose.

Again, for nerds and geeks, playing around with old stuff is fun. But the good normal folks who come here thinking that they can enable fun features in their 2006-8 machines are for the most part going to end up wasting a LOT of time. Worst case scenario they will lose a bunch of Data when they crash a system drive without proper backup.

The Tiamo/PIKE BOOT.EFI IS THE CLOSEST THING TO "REAL" THAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET. But GPUs unsupported in Yose are going to remain exactly that.

For some, this is a fun hobby, let them have their fun. But for the BULK of the (cheapskate) average Joes, this is a complete and total waste of time.
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The Mini on the other hand is dog slow, clunky, and the screen redraws remind me of the Lisa 2.0 I played with in 1998. Double click mouse, move hand to lap, then watch the window expand.

Which Mini? With which GPU? I just did a test to double check, but with the GMA 950 and all its 10.6.2 kexts installed the animation of minimizing a window is as fast as in any other OS.

The people that do have the ability are busy doing much more important things. People desperately changing device ids in info plists are NOT going to find a magic answer.

Since you were obviously referring to me I wrote already that there isn't any magic answer. if you noticed my personal goal was/would be simply to enable the Backlight settings. The code is there in the kext, I just don't know why it fails. For what regards the full HW acceleration I made it clear that it is most likely impossible to achieve it with what it is available now.

Then obviously you're right when saying that the Senior developers sure don't waste time on writing kexts for old Macs. But you never know, an IT student could write from scratch the Frame buffer kext as a project for a class at University. A chance over a million, sure, but it's a possibility. What I did has been to put my little, very little if you like, findings on the internet, so that Google will bring them up in case anyone will look for some ideas. Also debunking some misconceptions because you're right on saying that far too many have been showing a magical carrot that doesn't exist.

Most importantly, until such time as someone makes the miracle happen, the vast majority of people coming here need to know that seeing that majestic Yosemite desktop isn't going to be a whole lot of fun when everything runs like it is in molasses. Be honest with yourselves, many of the "newbs" coming here are going to spend hours and hours jacking around, and finally go back to 10.7.5 when they realize that Yose runs like CRAP.

Again, what runs like CRAP? I really want to understand why some of you say that the 64 bits kexts aren't working at all. At least for what concern the GMA 950. I get that behavior in Yosemite only if I boot it in Safe Mode, otherwise on my GMA 950 MacBook it runs fine, it lags only when Vibrancy is involved. A workaround is to disable the animations (only) in Mission Control and Launchpad. It doesn't get ideal, but it isn't painfully slow either. Oh, and since I like to be honest I have to admit that the Dock's stacks are slow in Grid and Fan view. But not so in List view. But yet again, it looks like they have something to do with Vibrancy.

Then the WindowServer/Core Graphics crashing is very very limited. Actually I noticed that it happens mostly if not only when there is the System Preferences app involved. Like "open System Preferences. Go to Accessibility. Access Mission Control: crash". And even doing so it isn't always reproducible. Still, unlike with MLPf (broken WiFi/BlueTooth and probably other things) and Mavericks (WS crashing) I don't ever go back to Lion. The few times I do it feels painful. It does't just feel slower, the fan often runs at full RPM. As well as Safari in Lion is junk. Try to open Google Play with it and show all apps downloaded. CPU at 100%, it takes years to scroll. Never an issue with Yosemite.

So please, I'd really would like to know why it is running like CRAP in your Mini. My experience with Yosemite in terms of performances is in general above acceptable.
I wondered for a moment whether the orange text on a grey background might look stunning with Yosemite on a Retina display. Then I checked the subject line ;)
As said, we have just a bunch of ways to run to the goal line, we just have to choose wich one is our way to go
Just to let you know that I installed the beta update 14B17. I decided to go brave, I installed it straight from the Mac App Store :D (I belong to AppleSeed so I get the betas. I don't know if they are available elsewhere). I previously checked the AppleSeed forum to see if there were any major issues, nothing to worry about.

It installs (after shutting down) and reboots just fine. No messing up with boot.efi and plist files then. Just keep your USB Yosemite installation disk ready anyway. If anything goes wrong just reinstall 10.10 over it.

Edit: The audio kexts need to be reinstalled.

And don't forget to run "Repair Disk Permissions" after everything has been installed like I did. :)
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No, I still not dead. Working on new project, Windows 8 (64 bit) BootCamp on Unsupported Macs. Should have Additional instructions for enabling AirDrop in OS X Yosemite coming later.

Pictures below show where the fun happens in development :D


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No, I still not dead. Working on new project, Windows 8 (64 bit) BootCamp on Unsupported Macs. Should have Additional instructions for enabling AirDrop in OS X Yosemite coming later.

Pictures below show where the fun happens in development :D

I got Win 8 64 bit on a 1,1 after finding a tutorial on how to re-burn the DVD without the EFI on it.

Or is there another way?

Getting the Bootcamp drivers to install required opening each one individually instead of in master program, there was some other PITA thing I had to do.

Will be great if you get it all collected in one place
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I got Win 8 64 bit on a 1,1 after finding a tutorial on how to re-burn the DVD without the EFI on it.

Or is there another way?

Getting the Bootcamp drivers to install required opening each one individually instead of in master program, there was some other PITA thing I had to do.

Will be great if you get it all collected in one place

Cool, let's exchange methods. I am looking at ways to bypassing the Bootcamp driver restrictions without having to open every single driver. Or at least make an separate app that installs them all from version 4 and 5.
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The second 10.10.1 beta update 14B23 is installing fine as well.

Again, after rebooting one needs to reinstall the working Audio kexts and run "Repair Disk Permissions" just in case
I am trying to install Yosemite back on my macbook 4,1 after a hard drive upgrade. When I boot to install it says that it is already installed on my mac. I have mavericks installed and that's it. How can I fix this error?
Hey guys,
At my work, we have about 4 mac mini 2,1's lying around, and they're willing to sell one of them to me for around $75.

My question is, is it worth it? If I do get it, I plan on putting OS X 10.10 on it, but with the performance of 10.10 on my Macbook 4,1, I'm not too sure it'll be worth the $75. How does 10.10 work on your Mac Mini's? Do you think it's worth the price?

EDIT: I plan on connecting it to my TV, but without QE/CI, I'm guessing it wouldn't make too great a media center.
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Hey guys,
At my work, we have about 4 mac mini 2,1's lying around, and they're willing to sell one of them to me for around $75.

My question is, is it worth it? If I do get it, I plan on putting OS X 10.10 on it, but with the performance of 10.10 on my Macbook 4,1, I'm not too sure it'll be worth the $75. How does 10.10 work on your Mac Mini's? Do you think it's worth the price?

EDIT: I plan on connecting it to my TV, but without QE/CI, I'm guessing it wouldn't make too great a media center.

just for media player snow leopard would do the job fine with xbmc
Installed the Yosemite on my macbook 4,1, but now its unable to boot.

Hey, I installed the Yosemite on my macbook 4,1 with these steps, but now its unable to boot. Please suggest me what to do now?
If I try to boot in verbose mode then it displays a message that this version of mac os is not supported on this platform.

Secondly, the bood.efi patches which are suggested in other posts, can you please tell me how to apply those patches as system is not booting up.

The steps as described below can now also be done automatically with the SFOTT App-Script.

A Guide for the creating of a patched OS X 10.10 Yosemite Installer for unsupported older Macs:


- get the 'Install OS X' from Apple's App-Store ('OS X Yosemite Installation' in Mac 'Applications' folder)

- make a BACKUP of your System if possible

- get a USB-Flashdrive (8 GB or more) or use a external Hard Disk Drive

- if there's still content on the USB-Flashdrive or external HDD, make a BACKUP first

- with Disk Utility create a GUID-Partition with Mac OS Extended Filesystem on the USB-Flashdrive / external HDD

Creating the patched Yosemite Installer:

- let Finder show hidden files on your Mac via Terminal: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder

- right-click on the downloaded 'OS X Yosemite Installation' and click 'Show Package contents'

- go into the folder /Contents/SharedSupport/

- mount the InstallESD.dmg with double-click

- with Disk Utility restore the BaseSystem.dmg to the USB-Flashdrive / external HDD, rename it to Installer

- replace the Alias in /System/Installation/ with the Packages folder from InstallESD.dmg

- determine the Board-ID of your Mac via Terminal: ioreg -lp IOService | grep board-id

- add the Board-ID to System/Installation/Packages/InstallableMachines.plist

- identify your Mac-Model (x,x) with the System-Profiler-App in Utilities

- add the Board-ID and the Mac-Model to /System/Library/CoreServices/PlatformSupport.plist

- add the Board-ID to the Distribution file in /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg (see below for details)

- copy BaseSystem.dmg and BaseSystem.chunklist into the root folder of the USB-Flashdrive or external HDD

- extract the Kernel with Pacifist from InstallESD.dmg -> Packages -> Essentials.pkg -> /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

- create a folder named "Kernels" in System/Library/

- add the extracted kernel file to /System/Library/Kernels/

- if your older Mac has a 32bit EFI (EFI32) replace the Boot.efi in /System/Library/CoreServices/ as well as /usr/standalone/i386 with the version in the attachment.

Install Yosemite:

Restart your Mac, immediately press and hold the Option (alt) Key. After the Mac startup sound, the Startup Manager should appear. Select the patched Installer on the USB-Flashdrive / external HDD and follow the normal OS X install process.

For graphics acceleration and translucent menus you will need appropriate 64bit Kernel Extension files (Kexts) for your GPU as well as the appropriate OpenCL/GL Frameworks.

To hide in Finder the hidden files again, use the Terminal command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE; killall Finder

Intermediate step - editing of the OSInstall.mpkg:

- make a copy of the /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg into a temporary folder for editing

- extract the OSInstall.mpkg via Terminal: xar -x -f OSInstall.mpkg

- get your Board-ID via Terminal: ioreg -lp IOService | grep board-id

- add the Board-ID to the 'Distribution' file in the line 'var platformSupportValues=[" ... "];' with a simple Plain-Text-Editor in the same manner as the already existing ID's

- delete the old OSInstall.mpkg in the temporary folder

- pack the files in the temporary folder into a new OSInstall.mpkg via Terminal: xar -c -f OSInstall.mpkg *

- replace the original OSInstall.mpkg in the Installer with the edited one.

Check of the EFI version (32 or 64 bit):

Terminal command: ioreg -p IODeviceTree -b -n efi | grep firmware-abi

If you like that Yosemite is now running on your older Mac, please make a Donation to Pike for the Boot.efi, thanks.
Hey, I installed the Yosemite on my macbook 4,1 with these steps, but now its unable to boot. Please suggest me what to do now?

Try to delete the PlatformSupport.plist, see Post #44.

If your EFI is already 64bit, your MB4,1 should boot with the stock Boot.efi from Apple, the 32bit Boot.efi from Pike is not needed then.
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