OK, I downloaded latest Cinebench.
Talk about confusing results !!!
With the GTX285 as primary card, I got 22.2 FPS. When I moved DVI connnector to 8800GT in a 4x slot, I got 22.2 FPS.(And Cinebench still reported GTX285 as the graphics card)
When I rebooted with JUST the 8800GT in, Cinebench reported 8800GT as the card, and STILL got a 22.2 FPS for the OpenGl test. Something isn't right.
Also, I have no idea where this "MonteCarlo" test is or how to run it.
Hit me with a link and I will do it.
Meanwhile, anybody got an idea why the 8800GT in a 4x lane scores IDENTICALLY to a GTX285 in a 16x lane in CInebench?