Hey there guys.
After much sweat, tears, and even a little bit of blood (nicked my knuckle on inner casing), I have come to a very frustrated dead end. Sadly, I am more noobish than experienced on these things, so have not been able to sort my configuration out, although some of the info on here goes over my head, so anyone helping out would be great.
I have a 4,1, 2009 mac pro. I also bought an EVGA GTX295. I thought I had all the info needed to install it but I was wrong. I attempted mroy's setup which hasn't worked due to me using Snow Leopard (6.2) rather than Leopard.
When I install using the GT120 as my helper in slot 3, I have no boot whatsoever. Black screen. I actually presumed that even though it might not boot into OSX, Windows would work under Boot Camp. So very wrong.
I have also attempted a Hackintosh method of installation involving what seems to amount to me as getting a HEX device name for the GTX295 to put into the boot.plist. Sadly, unlike the Hackintosh, I cannot even get into OSX to work this. I have attempted booting from the GT120 with the GTX295 also in place to get the hardware code as it were. This also didn't work.
My apologies if this has been figured out and posted, I've read the whole of this post and many others! I think I just don't have the technical knowledge to extrapolate the info I need.
Mac Pro 2009, Quad Core Nehelam.
EVGA GTX295 Co-op.
Snow Leopard 10.6.1
If anyone could help me I would be so happy cos I'm ready to hang up my spurs after having spent a massive chunk of my life attempting this!
Cheers guys.