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macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2008
London, UK
Love this, i like the darkness, its quite nice.

Really nice, very dramatic looking.

I love the way this picture has different levels of depth, depending on the shades of colour.

Thanks for your comments

Love the mood in this one, and the way the road leads me into the picture. Did you get a large print, I bet it looks great on the wall.

Thanks - I haven't done a print yet, but yes it might be worth it with this one.

I'm intrigued by this pic. Very atmospheric, as others have said, and I like the subtle gradations in tone as the trees recede into the mist. Is this straight out of the camera, or was any post-production used?

Thanks - I used Camera Raw, but didn't do anything too dramatic with it. Basic tonal adjustments - keeping it low-key, grayscale conversion then a little tweak with some very subtle shadow/highlights split toning - just the smallest hint of green in the shadows and blue in the highlights. The only real colour in the original was in the grass and I thought it worked better without it.

The tonal gradations were already there - straight out of my D200 - that's just down to the light and effects of the mist. I was driving at the time. I saw the scene and leapt out to capture it in the couple of minutes before it started raining again.


macrumors 68000
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.
Chris D pulling into a sweet one!

I'd say that's one of your best srf4real!

Wow I thought that was one wave at very first not two :p, very well done!

Here's a moon shot I took this evening.

Pentax K10D 70-300mm f5.6 ISO 100


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Thanks for the constructive criticism. Something I have a lot of trouble on is focus, I find it hard to see if something is right in the small viewfinder/lcd, as compared to a large computer screen. I also tend to look at something in real life/through my own eye's, thinking it will make for a great photo, then i just can't capture the moment on the camera. For example, at sunset today i was out taking some pictures and noticed the sun behind the clouds was producing a beautiful orange colour, then when i went to take a photo, it was all washed out and ugly. I also seem to be having a bit of trouble with the shutter speed where i will put the shutter speed just a little bit quick (not even in the hundreds) and it will pick up absolutely nothing. Anyway, not to plague this topic with my camera troubles, i will try to keep you're suggestions in my head the next time i go to take some more pics with the camera.

- Jaiden

It's a problem: seeing a great scene with your eyes... only to find that it doesn't translate into an equally great photo. You have to monitor what works - and what doesn't - when reviewing your pix. Try to remember what were the lighting conditions, etc, that produced the best shots. Eventually, you'll be able to 'see' like your camera 'sees'... and then you'll get good pix as a matter of course... :)


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2007
So. Utah
Wow... terrific shot... very powerful...

Thanks, been there several days, and for about 2 minutes the clouds moved around the top for just enough for that shot. Was also there later that night saw lava rolling down the hill, but left tripod at the house. Went back the next night and missed it due to the thick clouds.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 18, 2008
Ok forgive me, but I just love taking pictures. My pictures are nothing compared to the ones posted before, but I take pride in my wimpy pics. :)

I take better pictures of people but I won't post because they are mostly of my nieces and nephews and I haven't asked permission from their parents.


  • bee.jpg
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  • adirondaks.jpg
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macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2006


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I like the composition, with the path in the middle leading me across the mountains. The colour and light doesn't do it for me. The sky looks very blown out ( with a touch of pink, did you try to correct the highlights using some editor?)

I always appreciate your comments. Here's the deal on the path up the mountain; the shot was taken pointing slightly north of the direction of the late afternoon sun, so the sky in that direction was a bit bright and I didn't have a neutral density filter, which would have maybe helped there. The color of the hill, etc, is a result of the low sun angle, and perhaps (?) a slightly off white balance set by the camera auto setting. I only adjusted the contrast and sharpness, but that pink tinge you see in the shot was there, not added. :)

Here's a view of the ocean from a little further up the trail, looking southwest, and I didn't color ajust this other than a slight increase in saturation, but left the balance alone. I never know what colors will come out of my digital compared with film.



macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Los Angeles
Bro, why don't you spend a little time talking to them, and maybe offer him/them some money in exchange for them allowing you to take a few pictures. I've done this in the past, and was able to do some interesting character studies, but always with respect for my subject. Bottom line: ask for their cooperation, deal with them like people, and respect their dignity instead of exploiting their situation. You might be surprised how real they become, and that they can still be holding onto a fair amount of personal pride, despite looking disheveled. Treat your fellow human kindly, and you will reap the rewards in turn. :)

well said.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Los Angeles
Definitely not as good as some of the other ones in here, it wasn't that good of a picture in the first place, and i did a pretty quick photoshop job so yeah. Also, this was the first proper photograph that I've taken (apart from family photos of course). Another problem was that i took it through a fence, and the one big that didn't get taken (because it was so thin and i focused around it) was the bit over the windmill. So yeah, it's not really that good but i think it looks pretty cool. I took it with a Fujifilm S5000 bridge-slr camera.

it looks like a toy model!


macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX
Ok so i saw this model of a cruise ship and a little port, i will share with you these photos haha

This is the port

This is the ship

Ok so they are really just tilt-shift, but whatevs...


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2008
Wow, in the last 15 minutes I have been researching tilt-shift images like a madman. This is exceptional!!! I will definitely go try it out.

For now, check out this video I stumbled across: Not only does it feature one of my favorite artists (Radiohead's Thom Yorke), but it features MOVING FOOTAGE in 'Tilt Shift' perspective!! (Sorry if you have already seen it)..
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