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macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Good Shot!


I love this one! Raises questions about windmill engineering.:)

Really like this shot - very restful - even though there isn't just one subject to draw the eye. It's the sort of pic that would work in a calendar: ie it would look good on the wall for a month. The only thing that 'jars' is the stones in front. Not the stones themselves, which fit the composition fine, but being out of focus. I feel the shot would benefit from being pin-sharp from front to back. Did you use a tripod?

Many thanks for the comments, everyone. Doylem, it's such a coincidence you should mention those stones. Just this afternoon I was talking about that very shot when explaining to someone why I might benefit from a full-frame camera. I was saying that it bothered me that the foreground stones were not in sharp focus and could only be so with an aperture smaller than my camera can handle (since diffraction sets in after f/11). Even so, I went with f/9 on that shot because I was shooting from a moving boat (!) and needed all the shutter speed I could get. So no tripod on that one, I'm afraid. And really no good argument for a full-frame camera either, since it probably wouldn't have helped one iota in this case. So it goes. :eek:

Here's one from today, hot off the camera:



macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Yeah I just didn't know what I wanted to do with it, so I tried a bunch of things.

Ah... the curse of Photoshop... ;)

I was shooting from a moving boat (!) and needed all the shutter speed I could get.

Shooting from a boat? Then that makes the shot even better...

Beneath the dry stone walls are traces of Iron Age and medieval settlements (and strip field systems)...



macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
One of my first photos I've really ever taken - a total beginner. C&C please.

I'd say you nailed it. :p :D

Seriously, though, you did a good job of using shallow depth of field, getting the subject in sharp focus and well lit. The textures are really nice here, as are the colors (two hues of a split complement). The one thing that falls a bit short is the composition. The nail is almost dead center, making the photo rather static. I think I'd like to see more of the colorful log and less of that blank whitish part.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...

Great location... but I don't know what you've done to the pic... or how... or why. The purple on the mountain (and reflected in the water) is such an unnatural colour, and spoils the pic for me. Did you crank up the colour? Or use more subtle PS trickery. Or what?


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2009
I'd say you nailed it. :p :D

Seriously, though, you did a good job of using shallow depth of field, getting the subject in sharp focus and well lit. The textures are really nice here, as are the colors (two hues of a split complement). The one thing that falls a bit short is the composition. The nail is almost dead center, making the photo rather static. I think I'd like to see more of the colorful log and less of that blank whitish part.

Thank you. It was the first time I took my camera out and about. totally see what you mean about the composition. Thanks again :)


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
Flagstaff, Az

Great location... but I don't know what you've done to the pic... or how... or why. The purple on the mountain (and reflected in the water) is such an unnatural colour, and spoils the pic for me. Did you crank up the colour? Or use more subtle PS trickery. Or what?[/QUOTE]

No trickery, but I did boost the saturation slightly (honestly slightly in Aperture). It was taken with an old Nikon Coolpix 2000 P&S (good for backpacking) so maybe there was a little purple fringing going on with the lens.

Thanks COVEKBEZ, the area is eyepopping. I could take pictures there the rest of my life!


macrumors newbie
May 4, 2009
No trickery, but I did boost the saturation slightly (honestly slightly in Aperture). It was taken with an old Nikon Coolpix 2000 P&S (good for backpacking) so maybe there was a little purple fringing going on with the lens.

Not only saturated with purple, but you have some serious clipping occurring. My guess... trolling or you have issues with the color profile you are using for your monitor.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
Flagstaff, Az
Duck Feet

Not only saturated with purple, but you have some serious clipping occurring. My guess... trolling or you have issues with the color profile you are using for your monitor.

Not trolling. I assume if one boosts the saturation it boost the colors that are already there, not introduce new colors that aren't. I have been thinking about getting a calibrator, especially since I have two different monitors, an old Samsung LCD and a newer 20" ACD, it would help getting the colors to match from one to the other. I did notice that when printing the gamma has to be adjusted about 25% to get them to match the screen. Looks fine on my monitor at work, but I am slightly color blind, my apologies.

Here is another one of the Sierras (Duck Lake) taken with another P&S, a Canon S80, since my nikon had a mishap at Lake Powell.



macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2009
Here's an image I snapped while shooting video on my Canon HF10 and I figured it made a pretty alright picture.
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