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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008


macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
I checked out the castle's website and I see it is now a hotel, so I'm guessing it is indeed an elevator for wheelchairs or others who can't climb the steps.

Ah, that explains it. I wonder how many European castles are accessible to the disabled. Not too many come to mind.

Doesn't get much cuter than that. :)

A tunnel cut thousands of years ago beneath a Greek fortress:


Full of Win

macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2007
Ask Apple

Discovery taking off last night/this morning. 500mm really cheap, crappy lens. Click on it to go to my gallery where there is another shot of Discovery flying through some clouds that also looks pretty cool.

Awesome. But nothing beats being there! I just hope that the program continues in some form so my kids someday can see what I've had the privilege to watch so many times (grew up on Merritt Island)

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
A tunnel cut thousands of years ago beneath a Greek fortress:


Excellent available light shot. Really shows off the effectiveness of a tripod (if you shot this handheld, I'll die on the spot and you can have my computer). I sat and looked at this for minutes getting lost in the visual labyrinth wondering who used this tunnel and how did it look in their time. Must have been fascinating for you, as well. If my memory serves me right, you teach archeology. Wonderful depth of field for f2.8.

Excellent, as usual. You are selling me on the Xsi and a good lens.



macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
Excellent available light shot. Really shows off the effectiveness of a tripod (if you shot this handheld, I'll die on the spot and you can have my computer). I sat and looked at this for minutes getting lost in the visual labyrinth wondering who used this tunnel and how did it look in their time. Must have been fascinating for you, as well. If my memory serves me right, you teach archeology. Wonderful depth of field for f2.8.

Excellent, as usual. You are selling me on the Xsi and a good lens.

I would guess handheld, 1/20 at 17mm with IS engaged sounds doable. The 17-55 is a pretty killer lens. Great shot, Phrasikleia!


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
Thanks for the positive feedback. I like maxxamillian's work too.. always top notch stuff. The washed out area in this pic works well and helps to set the figure as the object of focus. Great stuff!

mcavjame: Thanks!! Your pictures make me want to do two things:
1. Move to Canada
2. Buy an ND Grad and try it out on landscape (this coming from someone who usually isnt even remotely interested in landscape).

I would do it in this order too if I could...but the ND (and holder) will happen on Monday :D

Always, always...well done.


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”

Discovery taking off last night/this morning. 500mm really cheap, crappy lens. Click on it to go to my gallery where there is another shot of Discovery flying through some clouds that also looks pretty cool.

That's cool - thanks for sharing it!

Any lens for this pic is better than none!

Heck, speaking of "no lens", there's some cool pics here with people who took a body cap, poked a pinhole, and took pics... :eek:


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
phased to this universe

Canon 5D
Focal Length:19mm
Exposure: 1/100 f13 ISO 200
Lens: 17-40L
ND Grad 6

Your pictures make me want to do two things:
1. Move to Canada
2. Buy an ND Grad

Wait... I haven't posted any pics from winter yet.:D
Thanks for the comment. I wish I had the means to visit some of the places people post here. I think it's one of the reasons I love dropping in. It's like virtual travel sometimes.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2009
Not much of a photographer, but I thought I'd share...


  • IMG_0008.jpg
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macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
the shot i was after when my son took a bath tonight.....shot with a 70-200mm SIGMA lens
Love this shot. You nailed it! I couldn't help staring at the full-sized shot for a bit, lost in this kid's pure joy... thanks for sharing this one! :)

Some abstraction for today... my old apartment building in Barcelona hand built by Gaudi himself... ;) <jk>



macrumors 601
Original poster
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Excellent available light shot. Really shows off the effectiveness of a tripod (if you shot this handheld, I'll die on the spot and you can have my computer). I sat and looked at this for minutes getting lost in the visual labyrinth wondering who used this tunnel and how did it look in their time. Must have been fascinating for you, as well. If my memory serves me right, you teach archeology. Wonderful depth of field for f2.8.

Excellent, as usual. You are selling me on the Xsi and a good lens.


I would guess handheld, 1/20 at 17mm with IS engaged sounds doable. The 17-55 is a pretty killer lens. Great shot, Phrasikleia!

Thanks for the comments. :)

Designer Dale, I guess you owe me a computer. ;) Yes, I'm an archaeologist, which means (unfortunately) that many of my subjects are in sites and museums where tripods are forbidden. :( That's why having a fast, stabilized lens is so important for me. Shooting with the lens wide open produced a minor amount of corner softness in that shot, but there is no evident camera shake.

Even though the 17-55 is such a capable lens, I still try to use a tripod whenever possible. The tunnel shot turned out very well, but it would have been even better if I had been able to use a tripod.

And as for the XSi: it's a great little camera that has performed like a champ though some pretty tough shooting conditions. I have some issues with it, but I feel as though I made the right decision when I bought it.


macrumors newbie
Apr 17, 2009
One of my first tries at Macro on insects.

Taken at Isle of Wight Zoo (Got bored of taking photos of the tigers!)


  • DSC_01401.jpg
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
I think the uniform blur flattens the car hood. Cool experimentation though.

How so? I blurred everything but the Benz. I dont particularly like the background. It was just a random shot i took of my bosses car. She just got it washed and it was so damn shiny, but she caught me taking the picture, so she said she wanted to see it. So I wanted to try and at least make it something semi nice to look at. I kinda wanted it to be like bokeh around the car, but i dont know how to do bokeh. So I just used Photoshop blur. I then used Topaz Adjust on the car twice. Perhaps i should have only gave it the once over. Either way I personally like it, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. :)


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT

Discovery taking off last night/this morning. 500mm really cheap, crappy lens. Click on it to go to my gallery where there is another shot of Discovery flying through some clouds that also looks pretty cool.

You just gave me something to add to my bucket list. That is awesome, despite the 'really cheap, crappy lens.'.


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
phased to this universe
How so? I blurred everything but the Benz. ... Either way I personally like it, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. :)

The flattening occurs because your brain picks up that the hood and some surrounding pavement should be in focus. You need to be stopped down at least a little to have such sharp focus from grill to roof. Because there is no pavement in focus, it reads as being a very shallow depth on the car. It's not so much a criticism as an observation... something to be aware of.
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