The level of detail this lens captures is ridiculous. You can see every freckle on the kid's face at 100%. Totally worth the (very expensive) price.
the hidden beauty of an oil terminal
I've uploaded the pic to my online agency. Of course, when buyers do a search for 'chicken & chips', this may not be the shot they have in mind.
It is Cathedral Gorge State Park in Nevada - about three hours north of Las Vegas.Where is it out of interest?
First Almond blossoms for the season at our place.
Another Balloon one. I promise to get out in the next few days and take some more. I have next week off work, so I'm trying to decide where to take myself for the day shooting. Possibly Wales coast or maybe up north.
You've reminded me how long it's been since I went to Wales. I'd love to go to Fairy Glen again and take some photos. Haven't been since I changed to digital! Have fun!!
Simple, and beautiful shot.
Beautiful shot John.Well islolated and the water drop reflections make this image shine. Nice to see the blossoms from two different angles in one shot.
One very small nit...there is tiny intrusion into the frame (left side ¼ from bottom) that is a bit distracting. This is only noticeable because of the outstanding quality of the shot.